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UFOs and Aliens   



The purpose of this text is to enlighten the several doubts about the subject UFOs, ETs and Flying Saucers.


When you enter in a discussion about the existence of “flying saucers” and ETs, you should firstly to elucidate if they are speaking about PHYSICAL plane or SPIRITUAL plane because this certainly will avoid wide and hot discussions. 

If somebody affirms that the spirits are ETs, (or something like that), he want “to be fool” or want “to make the others of fool”. 

It’s sure that the spirits are of others planes, from others planets and can to shape the appearance, the shape of objects… therefore, inside that aspect, the discussion would be innocuous, unimportant and no sense. 

Alias, for what they affirm that SPIRITS ARE ETs? 

Will it be to continue to feed illusions, fantasies and believes in respect to ETs? 

Or will it be only to continue to sell books, speeches, courses about?



UFOs – Unidentified Flying Objects and ET – Extra Terrestrial

I have observed that a lot of people are dreaming with an ET story, because of that I will tell my experiences, studies and observation about this subject.

 I was fascinated about UFOs, and in 1970 years I took several nights in sleeplessness under “mariquinha hill” that it was theater of flying saucers apparitions; police cars persecuting brilliant and colorful points and UFOs. Persons like me by car or run on foot (some crashes, stumbles, fall down) persecuting ETs and flying saucers; and everything by transmitting of Radio Capital, all people  astonished and amazed with the idea of the planet to be invaded by aliens.

Well, a little throughout years, I was observing during projection and verifying that such Flying Objects are only vehicles of spiritual colonies that attend the transport of spirits that didn’t get move by themselves among the spiritual colonies; that vehicles have several forms, but mainly “cigar” or cylinder form, like an airplane without wings; I already took a ride in some of them.  

When somebody projected inside room, goes out and takes a view at the sky and could see many flying objects, there is in the sky a busy traffic. Many of them landing in places near neighborhoods, in empty places, square garden etc ( in general bringing spirits that come to visit relatives); clairvoyants or projected would see them until in bus stop place, sometimes parking as a common bus. They are not under physics law, because they are vehicles from spiritual world and moves in very high speed. 

I have walking everywhere projected, including other planets and I didn’t saw ETs yet, only persons (spirit) like us; the only difference that I notice is that them are happy, smiling, they irradiate peace, light and love. Therefore, I believe that ETs apparitions , greens, grays, tall, short, with three or four fingers, with little antennas in the head, etc., they are mind creations (remember that our mind deceived us) probably stimulated by spirits from dark astral.

For the supposed abductions, the nape region is used by dark-spirits (ovoid forms) to influence and dominated embodied, creating in their minds metallic object forms and etc. I don’t believe that in future the man became a big head man, because the intelligence doesn’t depend of physical size or people so intelligent should be have a large head than simple and unlearned people ( the intelligence come from spirit, from soul, from conscience, from divine essence).

I don’t also believe in evil aliens, because the evolution technologic is intrinsically tied to the moral and spiritual evolution of the planet; beings more developed technologically than us of the Earth, certainly will already be in harmony (our children do already show that). The aspect, human image, certainly should be an universal image, because, could anybody to imagine, for example, Jesus, the spirit more developed and perfect that we know, to have an ET appearance?

I am projector and as such I can Project myself in whole Universe, I don’t depend of my astral vehicle (astral body), or any other name that you want to use. My conscience can act freely, moving at thought speed. The spirit, astral body or others names for the same thing, it just serves only as reference to the minds that do not conceive yet his individuality without astral body. I’ve already reported here in Exo-projection: “…in one occasion I was with my spiritual mentor in the space and I manifested my wish of to go to “other side of Universe”, “How so, other side? He said” 

“At the end o Universe” I affirmed. “Then, here we go”. After some time we arrived there. That I saw there it was only many colored points of forming systems, that do me understand that the Universe is in continue and infinite expansion. If my “silver cord” could break, how I had gone there?” Oh, could say that it was my imagination, a dream? How I could have imagined an indescribable and magnificent spectacle of enlargement of Universe without parameters in Earth knowledge?

 Well now, our mind doesn’t create what she doesn’t know. Our mind creates things based in that she knows such and supposed ETs needs of spatial ships with technologic paraphernalia to move through Universe…well now, than am I superior then ETs due to I don’t need little spatial ships?

What benefit this will carry to me? Will be I retroact in the evolutionary scale? Oh, could say that in others atmospheres I should need have appropriated body? Well now, don’t you know that the spirit doesn’t need of atmosphere? That the fire doesn’t damage him, which the spirit can pass through big stones/rocks as they don’t exist? Oh, but doesn’t need the spirit to embodies yet to developing? Everything wells, why not to live in an environmental of spiritual colonies? By chance, don’t they know that the spiritual body already is a type of incarnation? And that have spiritual mentors that already no need of incarnation on Hearth?

  I already was at “levels” of supreme happiness and welfare, where the people had a normal appearance. I had only saw ETs in dense level places, sometimes in the periphery of São Paulo city, only in the dark-spirit form, besieging a girl, accompanied by a scrap of spatial ship specially to impress incautious ones. The poor girl probably after this she will seek an evangelical church to get a exorcist session, thing like that, telling them had been abducted by terrible ETs. Is it those ETs that you are speaking? Somebody already wrote that ETs would be in multi-universes ... what multi-universes?

What for? Are they to develop clandestine brains to creation? Or are they subjects to sell piles of books to ingenious and credulous people that few or nothing knows about Universe? Readers, we are projectors, we have this blessed and in of certain way “privileged” condition to develop ourselves in direction to the Father and not to stay with imaginative mental lucubration that make us to lose a precious time of ours lives.

I know that many authors writes or they wrote books involving the various subjects above; we won’t condemn them, I respect them because maybe they are living a “medium” experiences, where a entity or spirit influences their thoughts making them to write things judging they are real ( to spirit of few knowledge), or then they write things judging that they are being dictated by a spirit, when in fact they just leave from their imagination.  

Recently when I assist familiar quarrels, I made a long incursion of studies about the psychic state of close relatives and I verified, among others things, that the people creates fantastic e instantaneous images in their minds, due to there are peoples that could swear  that they “saw” things that in fact didn’t see. Then you imagine the difficulties of a projector that don’t get leaving yet from his mental creations from the others and from died people.

 When we reading a book, or receiving a “spirit message” or having a projection, we ought accept ingenuously as true the things that we have “in front of our eyes”, we have to do the basic questions: What for this message come to me?  Has it any logic?. Spirits don’t leave sublime levels to tell us the obvious. In projection occur the same; we don’t have projections at random, they generally serves to instruct us or to test our evolutionary levels or of understanding. There are many authors that only “compiles” others books (I already saw many technical books being compiled) or they write only for the “massage” that a book make in the proud “ego” or because the financial return. Many authors writing their books, they have by side dense spirits smiling or laughing with sarcasm.

Remember: cautious knowledge preserving the lucidity.

I want let so clear that exist life in others planets and plenty life, however, the planets that are in the same level of Earth, the people there have human appearance like us.

 In planets with superior level than us, their inhabitants have too human appearance, however in refined state, and some of them presented bodies made of light and energy.

I didn’t visit yet, planets of inferior level than Earth, because they don’t attract me to visit, I think that should have a lot of ugly things there.

Therefore, when I affirm that I don’t believe in ETs, I’m referring to being of bizarre or frightening appearance… so different of human appearance.

I will try to explain also, why I understand that the existence of ETs is irrational and illogical.

 If we understand that ETs have a body like us in our Earth...

If we observe a newborn, we will see that he “learn” to breathe rapidly and instantaneously, to cry and scream, to blink, to suck, to swallow, etc  

“Things of Nature” would say someone.

“Instinct” would say others.

“Divine Mysteries” would say those that only believe, without ratiocinate, without thinking.

Will it be? 

I guess not, and then see:

Won’t it be that he breathes because he already “breathed” million times in animal world?

Won’t it be that he “cries and screams” because he already cried and screamed millions times in animal world?

Won’t it be that he blinks because he already “blinked” millions times in animal world?

Won’t it be that he sucks because he already “sucked” millions times in animal world?

Won’t it be that he swallow because he already “swallowed” million times in animal world?

Well now, the mind, the thoughts, the feelings, the instincts don’t appear from nothing… they have a foundation, an origin, a beginning, a historical.  

Could somebody believe that our mind easily assimilated the movements of our physical bodies from nothing, without an origin, without a habit?

The formation of our Self, of our conscience, it delays millions years and extending to infinite

It is in that liberty of our individuality and personality formation that live the biggest beauty of creation; each being will be unmatched, a preciosity, a own universe , a god for whole eternity.

 Thinking a little... so much work used, so much planning to do the man.

If we admit, by hypothesis, the ETs existence, with different physical formation… then would be necessary a new creating process, with all necessity, its implications, own creative universe… and what for?

If we are at one pass of spiritualization?

Do you realize that this reasoning about ET became short and narrow?

We need to develop our reasoning with all these implications, foundations, consequences, collective vision… of great groups, do you understand?  

  If we understanding that ETs living in spiritual or astral world...

The thing complicate more to the ETs side…

The technological paraphernalia don’t make sense in the astral… ought I to explain why?

It seems that somebody already wrote more or less that following… “what import I travel throughout the whole universe, if I can’t press nave buttons, or touch in objects, for example?

Do you realize as a materialist vision preponderate?

 Would it be the same as to take the effect for cause?

Would it be the same that change a situation of a god for the one slave?

The peoples always confuse the effect for the cause, they give more importance to material, when should be the contrary… the material is the effect not the cause.

The material serves only as learning and assimilation of spiritual…

The majority people of our planet have basic and material necessity… would it an advise form to we reduce our material needs, our whims, as to show that the real life it isn’t material but spiritual? And the important not is To Have (material) but To Feel (spiritual)?  

We can’t fall in abstract and to say things like that: “divine secret”, “in the infinite universe should have”, and other things proper of persons that don’t have what to say.

Then I ask again, why I don’t perceive ETs when I’m projected in stratosphere or in other planets? (I only perceive beings with human appearance ).

Will it be that they hide of me?

Will it be that exist a great comic deal to “hiding” all ETs of me? (sorry, I won’t appear self-important, but…)  

If we analyze the reports and messages whose origin was supposed from ETs, only we see on them obvious things, proper of human knowledge. Well now, if an Ets come at me to say the obvious, I should say him “go to plant potatoes”.

 In the dense astral and it depending also of syntonize, it is easy to a projector deceived itself or deceived by dense spirits.

Perhaps for that, some projectors report sighting and contacts with aliens ( ETs with appearance different of human), probably they are deceived by own mental instantaneous creations (creating even dialogues) or by dense spirits that make a equal shape and even the spatial space-ships (see also my report with ETs in the link “Projecting and Learning / Mental Creations)

In the high places of astral in the spiritual colonies, the deceived situation don’t occur, there the things are more stables.

When projected in astral high regions we percept that the cycle man-spirit-light-energy complete themselves, don’t having “necessity” of existence of reptile shapes, for example. 

In other hand, I have been trying to discover, through my projections, how it will be the technology in others planets and I didn’t have finding planets that has a highest technology.

I have been finding worlds each time more spiritualized, with a society more equanimous and in large syntonization with The Creator.  

Their inhabitants, all with human appearance, let to manifest the delicateness of their feelings. Their bodies are more refined. The locomotion is easy, they don’t need of any type of vehicles; they wish to go and simply they go.

Barrier to communications don’t exist; the thoughts and feelings are apparent and perceptibles. They show natural and espontaneously  the respect and love for everything around them. They privilege gardens, flowers and wide places.

I haven’t been seeing anything similar to sun, however, the clarity seems to be perennial and the environmental always agreeable.

I didn’t see crowd people in the streets, nor vehicles, space-ships flying over heads, nothing of this.

I believe that it lacks so little to we can affirm categorically that ETs (with different shape of human being) don’t exist and that the information transmitted thereabout are fruits of superstitious imaginations, based in mistakes, errors and mainly due to ignorance of causes and consequences.

Don’t waste your time looking for aliens in the space… seek the God that you are, inside yourself.  


For what, we have to reincarnate as a being of appearance different of human beings? 

What it would add to our spirit development, to our astral body, to our conscious, to our I superior (Self)? 

Would we returning to animal world? 

Are we developing all kinds of physical senses in the worlds mineral, vegetal, animal and human? 

Are we now developing our perceptions extra-physical trough our projections? 

It is necessary understand that our development, from here, won’t be physical, but, consciously, perceptive, vibratory…  

We are now living a moment of evolution of conscious, that the humanity have never reached.



There is even a n other aspect that I am investigating trough my projections:

I already observed in some experiences, that underground of the Earth, in deepness, there are signs of old civilizations, buildings and constructions. 

I had an experience where I find a fossil of giant spider that ought to exist in a remote time. 

See my report called “GIANT SPIDER” in the link:

Where come from the soil that covering such civilizations?  

Would be occurred big earthquakes covering such cities?  

Would be volcanic eruptions? 

Seems to me that they aren’t, because they aren’t signs (my theory) of the humanity developed by subtle layers, it means, in a measure that the humanity goes developing, during centuries and millenniums, the humanity would passing imperceptive and gradually to a layer or subtle plane. 

It’s sure that in a first moment, our physical and limited minds to some conditionings, some times, would be difficulty to assimilate that is possible the existence in wide regions, colonies, cities and buildings out of Earth. 

Even inside that theory; imagine for example that inhabitants of others planets could come to Earth with their physical bodies… 

If we consider that they have the shape a little bit more dense than our shape, maybe they don’t see a blue planet and inhabited, but could see only the interior of our planet that could seems to them a desert. It means maybe they see a rocky planet, or of magma, equal is the inner of our planet. 

Because, the more subtle see the denser, however, the denser generally can’t see the more subtle. 

Will it be that this more or less that occurred observing the planets of Sun system? 

Will it be that we percept them inhospitable, uninhabitable, due to we see only his plane more dense, it means the interior of such planets? 

I already went to, during some experiences in planets that seems to me so close, belong maybe at our solar system and all densely inhabited and with beings of human appearance. 

In experiences projected in space, out off Earth, I already observed that if we subtle even more our state, we can observe that the Universe is dense and compactly inhabited, with beings that interact among themselves as they constitute a giant universal fraternity. 

This indicates perhaps, that the subtle layers that surround the planets in determinate moment should interact or interlink among them. 

From that I conclude that there aren’t uninhabited planets; by contrary, they are inhabited as all Universes, where it seems that there aren’t empty and inutile spaces. 

By that I have percept all that beings interact among themselves with the human appearance. 

In other hand, seems to me deliberate the enormous distance among systems and galaxies (measured by years-light of distance) in order, only get reaches them, the incarnates, trough a state subtle which certainly would implicate in their spiritual development (read: ethic development, moral, perceptive, conscious, etc, etc.) 

By the same reason, perhaps deliberate that no one technology get transport a dense body to high distances through suppose spaceships or “flying saucers”.




The Human Knowledge moves forward.

Nowadays, for example, anyone or at least a lot of them knows that in the seas and oceans don’t are marine monsters, giant octopus, etc.

We don’t need “filter each water liter from ocean” to know that.

Previously it isn’t in this way…

Many navigators had fear to sail in unknown waters because they believe that the ocean was immense and that would have contain, according “rumors” and” I have heard somebody said”, a lot of monsters and dangers.

There was even “fanciful reports” of sighting and encounters with those monsters.

Luckily, that some navigators went a few exposing themselves and discovering.

Who leave more, more see, more discover and percept.

It isn’t easy change deep-rooted ideas.

See for example that happened in Internet:

Many (colleagues) projectors and searchers do not indicate my site in their pages and links… nevertheless they indicate since several years, sites without actualization and with so few information.

Luckily, the things ever CHANGES.




I will try rejoining below all MY EXPERIENCES WITH ETs AND “FLYING SAUCERS”



I have understand through my experiences in Astral that the subject ETs and “flying saucers” it isn’t something inoffensive, because I have observed and witness that a lot of incarnates are suffering in Astral in The hands of “umbraliners” that take advantages of their UFO believe, to several purposes, as such: they funny with incarnates, deceived them, dominate them, slave them, vampire them, etc, etc. 

Recently (November/2004) at percept a “staging” of ETs in Astral, I pretend that I also was being “abducted” and I enter in a middle of incarnates to see what the “umbraliners” (ETs) was doing… 

Such “umbraliners” had taken a shape or appearance of ETs and they bring the “abducted” incarnates to a place with several devices, apparatus, shaped by their minds where they are “vampirized”. 

Revolted with that, I bluster, I cry out to people alert them that it was only a “staging”. 

The emotion of the moment makes me come back instantaneously to my physical body, but I could percept an immediate incarnates reaction




In August/2004, I have had an experience who demonstrates, what is possible to encounter in Astral.

Other day at night, I was projected and crossing an uninhabited region

Suddenly passed above me, some meters high a yellowish and brilliant flying saucer.

Irritated with that (because I don’t believe more in an existence of flying saucers in physical) I leave following it and I passed trough the fuselage of that saucer almost no percept it.

I stopped inside flying saucer and I saw two persons with the face without expression and from their head there was a kind of soft cone.

I percept instantaneously that was only people with appearance shaped by thought.

I stared to the command panel and it seems plenty of control buttons.

I questioned them:

“Why do you doing this?”

“To have fun”… answered one of them.

“Yes… it’s funny!!! Complete the other.

In spite of their appearance, I felt that they would be adolescents in physical or they act like one.

I didn’t want lose more time with that… I leave from there and observe that they landing more ahead in a place where there was other two flying saucers with shapes so different.

One that saucers was dark and have inside more people of shaped appearance.

They fraternize happily, have funning with the kidding.

It seems a innocent meeting of automobile club or similar interests like there are in physical plane.

I let them there with their kidding and bullshits...

In the Astral the spirits can shape easily (after get the know-how) the appearance, shapes and objects… and many of them doing this only by experience, kidding or have fun, etc.





Probably " induced " by that I read about ETs, I surprised " myself " dreaming that four short ETs of approximately 1,20 m (4 feet), they took me through the space, I could see the Earth with a size of a street block. I used a spherical helmet of glass or similar material, through which I breathed in the space.

My mind reacted against the absurdity of the situation, BECAUSE I firmly don't BELIEVE in ETs, and I woke up conscious and with rage inside of the dream.

With an abrupt movement I instantaneously made the such helmet disappear, therefore I know by my own experience that my spirit or astral body doesn't need to breathe in the space, and with my mind I “disintegrated” such short ETs that were just mental creations, and which I could interact and talking with them, because the mental creations react instantaneously.  

If my mind accepted the existence of ETs, I couldn’t, in good faith, to be taken to believe that contact was true; clear, because our mind can create dialogues with mental creations, sometimes in the telepathic way, or with metallic voice, or in any way that our mind creates.

The existence of the same ones would be irrational, illogical; the nature doesn't give jumps; God doesn't create monsters; superior beings would never appear to the men, attacking and violating their minds, with bizarre or inhuman forms.

God only allows the technological and scientific development linked to a moral and spiritual evolution of the beings; see for example, the extinct Soviet Union (take care USA!)

In the planets in that I went projected I only saw human forms.

To get us scared, to impressed, to magnetized, to dominated, they are JUST the wish of densest spirits.

When we are projected and some dense spirit appear in front us with the inhuman shape, whether we have a strong will, we can with our minds to disintegrate that built shaped, making that spirit take the shape of the last incarnation, because the references to him are much stronger.

 Whether they were only mental creations ( a thought shape), they will also disintegrate.    




This night (18/10/2003) we were in Astral bringing convalescent people to a beech, because it seems to me that the sea have properties invigorating. 

Suddenly we have saw in the sky several shapes of colored energy so similar to spaceships or flying saucers, making a beautiful spectacle. 

It seems that they have own movements by random and fast. 

They move in groups as it was a kind of magnetism among them, however, they move in independent way. 

To an inattentive projector it could seem easily a fleet of alien spaceships that would invade our planet.




The perception and the knowledge of the things arrive to us slowly and in the measure in that we are enlarging our according our assimilation capacity.

Much it is spoken, and much it is written, much is thought about technological development... but what will come in the future?

How will be the man?

How will be the science?

How will be the religions in the future?

How will be the technology?

Thinking about this and through my projections, I come trying to discover...

I haven’t been seeing planets that possess a higher technology.

But I have been seeing world that are more and more spiritualized, with a more impartial society and in larger tuning with the Creator.

Their inhabitants, whole with human appearance, reveal the delicacy of their feelings. Their bodies are refined. Their locomotion is easy, they don't need any kind of vehicles; they manifest the will of to go and they are going. Barriers don't exist in the communication; the thoughts and feelings are perceptible to everyone. They demonstrate in spontaneous and natural way, the respect and love for all the things around. They privilege gardens, flowers and wide spaces. I haven’t been seeing anything similar to the Sun, but, the clarity seems to be perennial and the ambient always pleasant.

I don't see streets crowded of people; I don't see vehicles, spaceships over flying our heads, or anything like this.

Will it be that in the future the technology will be substituted by the will? Or will I be by the reason?  Or will it be by the understanding?

Could be the simple manifestation of the will act on materials, molding it and modifying it according with the needs?

The feelings and thoughts widely exposed and perceptible, without fears, without dreads, without lies, will dominate the social relations?

Won’t have more: judges, lawyers, prosecutors, prisons, police, armies, physicians, hospitals, diseases, injustices, hunger, thirst, etc, etc?

What about Religions? The tendency is disappearance of the religions, which will be at few substituted by a unique understanding, centered in God?

Will the ambient in the spiritual colonies a kind of preparation for we live in these worlds?

I will continue investigating...




This night (29/03/2005) I’ve brought a group of discarnate people to another planet. 

I’m accustomed to help people in Astral and in Lower Regions in Astral, newly discarnate or not, and bring them to several places, rescue posts, colonies, superior planes, etc, etc. 

Nevertheless, it was the first time at least that I remember, to bring people to another planet. 

In the Astral the understandings are instantaneous, so fast and by tuning. 

As it was a big group of people and to avoid dispersion in the way I transported them inside a bubble totally transparent and brilliant. 

It is interesting to observe that isn’t necessary a transport vehicle, a command of control, nothing of this. 

Simply a bubble that involved us works only of reference to keep the people in group during the way and it could be easily shaped by thought.

By tuning, in few instants we are in front of a planet that seems to gigantic.

I imagine that the Earth compared to him would be similar a soccer ball in relation to a big house.

I felt a intense vibration from that planet and I percept way I was in charge of that mission… 

That intense and strong vibration didn’t make any effect over me, nevertheless the people that I transported to there absorbed instantaneously that energy, as that incorporate over them became them fellow creatures.  

Task accomplished, I come back fast to Earth where even in Astral I’ve done others tasks less interesting.




This experience reflects well the idea about what generally occur in transportation of beings from a planet to another.

Beings more enlighten already no more use devices to make the transportation between planets, they only “manifest” in our planet to learn, to observe, to remember… and probably do not interfere on the things here.

Others have a perception so developed that no need moving… simply explore the planet with their minds or conscious.

In other hand, it seems me of purpose the enormous distance (physical) between a planetary system and other difficult and became impossible the physical locomotion among them, because trough the conscious evolution (spiritual evolution, growing de perception/understanding or any names that you chose to give) this would be possible.


Already had who wrote to me saying that this subject is polemic and that I would “fundament more my theories and discovers”

“Fundament more my theories and discovers” in WHAT or in WHOM?

Over blinds that nothing see, nothing percept and nothing know?

It wasn’t by chance that I’ve wrote in the initial page of this site the phrase:


I wrote this phrase basing in what I see, percept and discover through my experiences, because I’ve percept there are a lot to discover, to learn, to percept, etc, etc, that all human knowledge that there are in this planet seems to me very simple, small, ridiculous and fool.

Classifying, in certain way, all human knowledge in this disparaging way, can seem a hard affirmation, arrogant and even despotic.

However, it is enough to think that many of our “scientists” thinking that all our Self is only a content of our cranial box.

It is enough think also about how many people follow and believe, worship venerate religious mistakes concepts and ideas.

Do you think that I didn’t read and search a lot?

Do you think that a guy like me, that project with extreme frequency and “walk everywhere”, already do not had percept and had seen such “flying saucers” and “aliens” case they really exist?

I “already was aficionado by this subject”, due this I study this deeply and also because that I always persecute when I have percept something strange in Astral or in physical…

To those that even unknown or not percept:

The called projection, that I consider only as a take of conscious out of our physical body, in spite of to be a mechanism subtle and delicate should be face with serenity and respectful, because in its due time (for me it is now) goes transforming itself in the most fantastic, marvelous and value instrument of searches and discover that the humanity will have.


About the questions to the “spiritual guides” (helpers) if exist or not, ETs and “Flying Saucers”:

It would be good (ANDS PREJUDICE), if we could while projected, to stay many hours “chatting” wit a “guide” that patiently answer all our questions…

However, this not occurs, it isn’t viable, it isn’t good sense…

If asked, my “guides” or spiritual friends, probably answer:

“Observe… percept… analyze… learn… by yourself”.

And it is that I have done