Welcome to the home page of the Brazilian Students in Nagoya!

(a Japanese version of this page will be provided as soon as possible)

Para a versão em Português

This is page is rather unpretensious. It has mainly two big goals: first, to be a source of information for students who are considering to come to Nagoya area to pursue their studies, and second, to introduce the Brazilian students already conducting their research and studies here. 

About Nagoya:

Nagoya is the 4th largest city in Japan (after Tokyo, Yokohama and Osaka), capital of the Province of Aichi. It is located in the central region of Japan, between the Kanto Area (Tokyo) and the Kansai Area (Osaka). It is well known for the several industries that concentrate their headquarters around the city, as the auto company Toyota.

The main sightseeing spots are the Castle of Nagoya (reconstructed after the Second World War), and the Nagoya Port Aquarium. Although Nagoya is not in the standard suggested circuit for tourists, it is conveniently located two hours far from Tokyo (by shinkansen, the super express train) and one hour from Osaka-Kyoto-Nara, being a possible destination for those with not so tight schedules. For those planning to spend longer times, it should be said that life cost in Nagoya is considerably cheaper than other major cities, the urban stress is lower, and at the same time one may be able to enjoy all the benefits and attractions of a big city.

Nagoya area concentrates a large number of universities and colleges, some of them known all over the world. Below, you can find a list of links to the home pages of some of the institutions:

You can find more information about Nagoya city here. Also, the site of the Nagoya International Center has a lot of useful information for foreigners residing in Nagoya area. If you want to learn a bit about the local dialect (though few people use it nowadays), Nagoya ben, take a look in this site

Brazilian Students in Nagoya:

Click here for a (incomplete) list of Brazilian students currently living in Nagoya, with some information about their works, research interests and contacts (Last update: May 20, 2000). 

Related links (some of them may not have English versions):

Associações de Brasileiros no Exterior , kept by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (List of some associations of Brazilian students abroad, maintained by the CNPq, which is the Brazilian agency for the progress of science and technology)
Brazilian Students Forum in USA
Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) (CAPES is the agency that supports, supervises, and evaluates graduate studies and research in Brazil).
Associação Brasileira de Ex-Bolsistas no Japão (Alumni association of Brazilians that have studied or conducted research in Japan)
Association of International Education, Japan
Nagoya University Foreign Students Association
Other students associations (found by Yahoo):
Brazilian Students Association at Florida Institute of Technology
Brazilian Students Association at Indiana University
Brazilian Students Association at MIT
Brazilian Students Association at Purdue University
Estudantes Brasileiros na Alemanha (Brazilian students in Germany)
Estudantes Brasileiros na Região de Tokyo (Brazilian students in Tokyo, but this site is currently closed)
Grupo de Estudos dos Estudantes Latino-Americanos at Tsukuba University (Group of Latin-American Studies in Tsukuba University )

Japanese Language CAI System, mantained by Rafael Santos, at the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (UniVap). In this site, there is a Japanese <-> English dictionary on-line, which has very useful hypertext features (e.g. allowing you to go from the kanji to the related words, or look for words that contain the referred kanji, etc.).

A Practical Guide to Working as a Scientist in Japan.

Comments, suggestions, English corrections, send a note to:



Last update: Jan 30, 2002.