Igreja do Racionalismo Cristão

798, Minas Gerais Street
(37) 3222-9633
Interior da Igreja do Racionalismo Cristão

Interior da Igreja do Racionalismo Cristão
Tradução feita pelo Prof.Evanio Geraldo de Almeida Viana. The Christian Rationalism Church Tradução feita pelo Prof.Evanio Geraldo de Almeida Viana.

   Its foundation is due to the fact of that Mrs. Francisca Teodora Gontijo dos Santos, Captain Silva's wife ( Sinfrônio Gontijo da Silva ) became very ill and searched resources from several doctors without results. Both started to watch the Psychic Cleaning Sessions and six months later came the cure, coming against all the hope and medical expectations.
They moved to Divinópolis in 1928 intending to found a Redeemer Spirit Centre and yet in 19/12/1928 they realized the first Psychic Cleaning Session meeting at Captain Silva's house.
The construction was concluded and inaugurated in 16/05/1937.

See also: Maps « » Bibliographical References

Foto de uma das fotos constantes do documento de tombamento da Igreja do Racionalismo Cristão