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The website "Agapornis World" belongs to Curval Aviaries.

Curval Aviaries, whose owner is José Guilherme Curval Rocha, is located in Vila Nova de Gaia – Portugal.

Guilherme started breeding lovebirds in his apartment in the year 1999, and he quickly realised that this apartment was then small because of the increasing number of breeding pairs. In the year 2000, thanks to the kindness of a friend, who transferred him a court, it was possible to build installations to house and keep a great number of lovebirds.

Having started breeding roseicollis, he also chose to breed fischer. Quickly he got enthusiastic with this species of lovebird and nowadays is his great passion.

In the year 2001, he acquired breeding pairs of fischer from the best world breeders, having a collection where are all the mutations of this species and whose results are visible, seeing the quality of the chicks born in these installations.

In his curriculum as a breeder, he owns a prize of the national championship, won with roseicollis in the year 2001, and he is also the equivalent in Portugal to the magazine of the Belgian Lovebird Society (BVA).

The elaboration of this website is a new step forward in his path as a lovebird breeder, since his objective is let everyone get the necessary knowledge as a way of promoting the breeding of these birds


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Copyright © 2003 Viveiro Curval.
Actualizado: 08/16/03