

Dex: 12    Str: 18    Body: 15

Int: 5    Will: 25    Mind: 10

Infl: 2    Aura: 3    Spirit: 10

Initiative: 44 [44]    Hero Points: 175

Adaptation: 40, Animal Control: 15, Animal Summoning: 12, Chameleon: 10, Dispersal: 12, Flight: 13, Invisibility: 10, Mind Probe: 6, Sonic Beam: 8, Speak With Animals: 8, Stretching: 8, Super Breath: 10, Superspeed: 25, Swimming: 7, Telepathy: 6, Telescopic Vision: 8, Water Freedom: 12, X-Ray Vision: 8

Acrobatics: 6, Detective: 6, Vehicles: 10

Amazo can use Adaptation to adapt Attributes and Skills.

Animal Powers only work on marine life.

  1. Power Ring - [BODY: 25, INT: 10, Comprehend Languages: 20, Flight: 40, Force Manipulation: 25, Recall: 20, Sealed System: 16, Invulnerability: 18, Life Sense: 40, Omni-Power: 12, Regeneration: 4, Skin Armor: 4, Spirit Travel: 50] - Limitations: The Power Ring's BODY is only 6 when it is not being worn; the Skin Armor Power does not have to activated at its full AP value: Amazo loses one AP of Force Manipulation and Omni-Power for each AP of Skin Armor in use; Life Sense can only detect members of the Green Lantern Corps.