

Dex: 10    Str: 8    Body: 8

Int: 8    Will: 8    Mind: 7

Infl: 6    Aura: 6    Spirit: 6

Initiative: 26 [28]    Hero Points: 100

Animal Control: 15, Animal Summoning: 12, Control: 4, Empathy: 6, Speak With Animals: 12, Swimming: 7, Telepaphy: 4, Ultra Vision: 7, Water Freedom: 12

Vehicles: 6

Power Restrictions: Animal Control, Animal Summoning and Speak With Animals work only on marine forms.

Connections: Atlantis (High), Justice League International (High); Leadership; Lightning Reflexes

Authority Figure (Atlantis, later in career only), Married (separeted), Public Identity, Fatal Vulnerability to lack of contact with water, Exile (forced)