
Versão  - Batman RPG (1989)

Dex: 10    Str: 5    Body: 6

Int: 12    Will: 12    Mind: 12

Infl: 10    Aura: 8    Spirit: 10

Initiative: 34    Hero Points: 150

Actor: 8, Charisma: 12, Detective: 12, Gadgetry: 12, Martial Artist: 10, Military Science: 12, Thief: 10, Vehicles: 10, Weaponry: 10

City Knowledge; Connections: Arkahan Asylum (High); Gothan State Prison (High); Gothan City Police Department (High); Street (High); Genius; Iron Nerves; Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Sharp Eye

Irrational Attraction to Seeking Justice; Mistrust (during the first year of his career); Secret Identity; Traumatic Flashbacks

  1. Batarang - [BODY: 7, Gliding: 2]

  2. Infrared Flashlight and Goggles - [BODY: 1, Thermal Vision: 12]

  3. Microcassete Recorder - [BODY: 1, Recall: 12, R#: 3] -  Miscellaneous Drawback: can only Recall audio information.

  4. Miniature Camera - [BODY: 1, Recall: 12, R#: 2] - Miscellaneous Drawback: can only Recall visual information.

  5. Plastic Explosives - [BODY: 1, Bomb: 7]

  6. Rebreather - [BODY: 1, Sealed System: 12, R#: 2]

  7. Bat-Shuriken (aka Razor Wings) - [BODY: 6, EV: 2]

  8. Batcall - [BODY: 4, Animal Summoning: 13, R#: 3] - Miscellaneous Drawback: Animal Summoning only works on bats.

  9. The Batmobile - [STR: 7, BODY: 9, Running: 8, Fog: 7, Energy Blast: 7, R#: 2]


Versão DC Heroes 3nd Edition (1993)

Dex: 9    Str: 5    Body: 6

Int: 12    Will: 12    Mind: 10

Infl: 10    Aura: 8    Spirit: 10

Initiative: 35    Hero Points: 150

Acrobatics: 9*, Artist (Actor): 8, Charisma: 12, Detective: 12*, Gadgetry: 12*, Martial Artist: 9*, Military Science: 12*, Scientist: 12*,  Thief: 9*, Vehicles: 9*, Weaponry: 9*

Area Knowledge (Gotham City); Buddy (Alfred Pennyworth); Connections: Arkahan Asylum (High); Gothan State Prison (High); Gothan City Police Department (High), Gotham State University (High), Justice League International (High), Street (High); Connoisseur; Expansive Headquarters (Batcave); Intensive Training; Iron Nerves; Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Sharp Eye

Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to Seeking Justice; Mistrust (1st year of career only); Secret Identity; Traumatic Flashbacks: Batman relieves the deaths of his parents while he is within Crime Alley, and relieves the death of Jason Todd when he sees Robin take damage in Killing Combat.

  1. Batarang w/ Line- [STR: 7, BODY: 8, EV: 3, Gliding: 2] - The line is 4 APs long.

  2. COWL - [BODY: 4, Thermal Vision: 8, Artist (Actor): 16] - Batman's cowl features a built-in infrared/night vision apparatus and a built-in throat mike/broadcaster unit that scrambles and augments his voice. The OV/RV of the Perception Check to recgnize Batman's voice as that of Bruce Wayne are both equal to the cowl's APs of Artist (Actor).

  3. Smoke Pellets (x6) - [BODY:1, Fog: 10]

  4. 10 AP ABCD Omni-Gadgets (x2) - For more of Batman's equipment, see his Who's Who page at the back of this book.