

Dex: 8    Str: 5    Body: 7

Int: 9   Will: 8    Mind: 8

Infl: 5    Aura: 6    Spirit: 6

Initiative: 24    Hero Points: 100

Charisma: 7, Detective: 7, Gadgetry: 7, Martial Artist: 8, Medicine: 7, Military Science: 7, Scientist: 7, Vehicles: 5, Weaponry: 10

Area Knowleadge (Downside, Thanagar); Connections: Justice League International (Low), Thanagar (High), Hawkwoman (High); Scholar (Earth law enforcement history)

  1. Anti-Grav Belt - [BODY: 9, Gravity Decrease: 7] - Limitation: Gravity Decrease only allows the wearer to hover in place and lift great weights.

  2. Pistol - [BODY: 5, EV: 6, Range: 6, Amno: 8, R#: 2]

  3. Battle Armor - [BODY: 9]

  4. Helmet - [BODY: 9, Thermal Vision: 13]

  5. Mace - [BODY: 9, EV: 5]

  6. Wings - [STR: 6, BODY: 10, Flight: 8] - Limitation: The Wings will not function unless used with an Anti-Grav Belt.