

Dex: 10    Str: 16    Body: 15

Int: 2    Will: 9    Mind: 9

Infl: 9    Aura: 3    Spirit: 10

Initiative: 23    Hero Points: 60

Invulnerability: 24, Jumping: 5, Life Sense: 40, Regeneration: 3, Running: 6, Sealed Systems: 20

Charisma (Intimidation): 11, Military Science (Tracking): 7, Vehicles (Space Craft): 10, Weaponry: 10

Miscellaneous: Lobo's Life Sense can only be used for tracking his "target"; Sealed System is ineffective against gas attacks.

Iron Nerves; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (Biology);Sharp Eye

Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to fighting; Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to keeping his promises; Catastrophic Rage; Serious Psychological Instability

  1. Hook and Chain - [STR: 8, BODY: 10, Claws: 8, Stretching: 1]

  2. Space Harley (Custom "SpazFrag 666") - [STR: 7, BODY: 7, Flight: 39, Project Weapons: 9, Radar Sense: 15, R#: 4] - Drawback: Unluck