The Joker


Versão Batman RPG (1989)

Dex: 4    Str: 4    Body: 3

Int: 9    Will: 12    Mind: 5

Infl: 10    Aura: 7    Spirit: 7

Initiative: 23    Hero Points: 95

Actor: 5, Charisma: 10, Martial Artist: 7, Gadgetry: 11, Vehicles: 4, Weaponry: 4

Connections: Arkham Asylum (Low), Underworld (Low)

Irrational Attraction to practical jokes; Psychological Instability

  1. Acid Flower - [BODY: 2, Acid: 8, R#: 2]

  2. Electric Joy Buzzer - [BODY: 4, Lightning: 9, R#: 2] - Miscellaneous Drawback: Lightning has a range of touch

  3. Joker Venon Ring - [BODY: 5, Poison Touch: 8, R#: 2] - The poison on the ring leaves its victim's face twisted in a macabre smile.


Versão DC Super Heroes RPG 3rd Edition (1993)

Dex: 4    Str: 4 (5)    Body: 3 (6)

Int: 9    Will: 12    Mind: 5

Infl: 10    Aura: 7    Spirit: 7

Initiative: 24    Hero Points: 120

Artist (Actor): 5, Charisma: 10, Gadgetry: 11, Vehicles: 5, Weaponry: 7

Maniacal Strength: The Joker gains the STR and BODY listed in parentheses while he is under the effects of his Psychological Instability Drawback. 

Connections: Arkham Asylum (Low), Underworld (High)

Serious Irrational Attraction to practical jokes; Catastrophic Psychological Instability

  1. Acid Flower - [BODY: 2, Acid: 8, R#: 2] - Limitation: Acid has a range of 0 APs.

  2. Electric Joy Buzzer - [BODY: 4, Lightning: 9, R#: 2] - Limitation: Lightning has No range.

  3. Joker Venon Ring - [BODY: 5, Poison Touch: 8, R#: 2] - Limitation: Lethal. Bonus: When the Joker Venon kills, it leaves the victim's lips pulled back in twisted smile.