Recognition policy

The Republic of Orange follows the requiremments of the Interamerican Convention about Rights and Duties from the States from 1933, interpreted to micronationalism. So, Orange recognizes as a micronation the communities that have:

1) Population.
It's needed to exist a community, as well as a certain number of people considered as citizens of the micronation.

2) Defined territory.
Most micronations claims to themselves the territory belonged to a macronational country. However, it isn't that counts to recognition by Orange. A micronation's territory is represented by its site and other media that aims to integrate its population, like lists, message boards and other channels recognized as official.

3) Government.
It's not enough that a people's community meets in an internet list and has a webpage to be considered as a micronation. It's important it have a mode of state organization.

4) Capability to have relations with other States.
Third and fourth attributes are complementary. It's needed this government to be self-governing and sovereign. So, Oranger province of Utrecht must fit three previous requirements, but it haven't the capability to have relations with other states, because this province is subordinated to government and sovereignty of Republic of Orange.

Orange diplomatic relationships are directed by the principles of absolute respect to the human rights, the national independence, the self-determination of all people, the equality between States, the pacific solution to the conflicts, the non-intervention and the repudiation to racism and terrorism.
