
Guilty as Charged - 1996 - Lost & Found Records

Our pride / Better times / All time loser / Standing in line / Get outta my way / War among brothers / Too many times /Goodbye / Frontline Skins

1. Our pride

Today a lot of people, try to fuck us up
Bring our efforts down, try to make us stop
Well, I've got news for you, you can't break us with the words you say
We just don't take part, in the games you play

I won't get rid of my own me
Just to belong to your stupid group
I won't get accepted anyway
So why should I stop?

Outside appearance, is what counts for you
You don't even know me, but that doesn't bother you
So many of you have tried, none of you did succeed
We fought you all, and you all got beat!

I am proud of who I am
It doesn't matter what you think, 'cause I don't give a damn
I've got my own way of life
With my brothers at my side

Pride - It means a lot to me
And to my brothers - DSC
Standin' tall with our heads up high
Untouchable, we'll always have our pride

You're not worth talkin' about
Just a sorry person with a big mouth
Talkin' shit behind our backs
Your so called friends, you're trying to impress!

We'll keep on fighting - For our pride
We'll keep on fighting - For our lives
We'll keep on fighting - For what we believe in
No matter what - We'll never give in
We'll never, we'll never, we'll never give in

2. Better times

[My life is a mess, but I don't less, fuck all you losers who live in the past!!!]
I feel like shit, I'm lonely and down
Like I'm pushed way back to the ground
Sometimes life is easy, life is hard
I've gotta get rid of the past and make a new start

I've always been a winner
I will never stop
I wont quit fighting
Untill I drop!

Better times are commin'
better times are here
Better in the end
they're oh so near

I've cleared my mind, I've set my goals
I can do anything I want, I'm gonna tear down those walls
The world is mine, I can do it all
I'm gonna grab society by the balls

Better times are commin'
better times are here
Better in the end
they're oh so near

3. All time loser

Everywhere I go, I see 'em on the streets
Searching the trashcans for something to eat
But I don't feel sorry for a bit
'Cause they got theirselves into this shit

You started stickin' needles in your veins
Takin' pills and messin' up your brains
You started throwing your live away
You do it all yourselves, so we're not to blame!

You do it all yourselves, so we're not the ones to blame

Why should I give money to some addict program
It's your mistake and I don't give a damn
You used to take drugs, 'cause you thought it was cool
Now your an addict and the drugs have taken you!

The drugs have taken you, and there's nuttin' you can do

You're startin' to shake, so you need more
But you ain't got the cash for the drugs you wanna score
So you pick an old lady, who you're startin' to beat
Steal her money, so you can forfill your greed!

Enough is enough, this is gonna end
But I'm a nice guy, so you get a last chance
Get off your drugs and start a new life
Or buy a cheap coffin and fuckin' die!

All time loser - Loser
All time - Loser
All time - Loser

4. Standing in line

You're livin' off my back, why don't you get a job
You refuse to work, 'cause you like what you've got
I work off my ass, all goddamn day
For all the fuckin' bills, I've gotta pay

At the same time, you're standing inline
To collect a copple of G's, you get everything for free
You're livin' from taxmoney, that I paid
From the few sorry dollars that I made

The people who work are the ones who get fucked
WE are the ones who always get robbed
By a couple of scumbags, feeling sorry for themselves
Why don't you fuck off and go to hell

You've never worked a day in your life
Public assistance should be a privilege and not a right
You've never worked a day in your life
Public assistance should be a privilege and not a right

5. Get outta my way

I don't understand the way you live
But I don't say it's wrong
I just don't give a shit
'Cause you used me way too long

You only turned to me, when you were in need
So I could forfill your fuckin' greed
Now when I look deep in your eyes
I can only see pathetic, selfish lies

Get outta my way - I don't wanna hear what you've gotta say
Get outta my way - I've done with those days
Get outta my way - I don't wanna hear what you've gotta say
Get outta my way - I've done with those days

Attention is the only thing that you need
That's the motive behind your deeds
I've forgotten about us, it was a mistake
Never will I think back of those days!

I was a victim so easy to find
How could I be so foolish and blind?
Now that I've finally made a new start
Never again will you tear me apart

6. War among brothers / DSC anthem

I speak for myself, I'm not afraid
I choose my own, it's the choice I made
You live your life, I live mine
According to the way I feel it's right
Who the fuck are you to decide
Whatever is wrong up my mind
Open your eyes, are you blind?

You're startin' a war among brothers that can't be won
So tell me now, who's smart and who's dumn
You're priciples are good, that's a fact
For them you get my full respect
But you don't know what they're all about
According to the way you carry them out
Just because I'm not straight edge
That's for you a good reason to hate!

How can something be so misunderstood
Where did they go, the times of brotherhood?
Are you tryin' to tear our scene apart?
For you I've got no respect, 'cause you've got no heart
But let me finish with an old expression
To be or not to be, that's the question

7. Too many times

You've been dissin' me way too long
I never paid any attention, that was wrong
Week after week, time after time
You're trying to take, what's mine

You think that you're so tough, that you're a man?
Well, just give me your best shot, show me all you can
I've had enough of you and your kind
Pushin' me around, time after time

I've tried to stay calm, but you know your patience is lost
You'll pay the price, i'll tell you what it costs
Forgiving doesn't exist in my head
I won't rest untill you're dead

Too many times - You've pushed me too far
Too many times - Now you've got a war
Too many times - It's time to settle the score
Too many times - You won't bother me no more

I've tried to stay calm, but you know you patience is lost
You'll pay the price, I'll tell you what it costs
Forgiving doesn't exist in my head
I won't rest untill you're dead!

Too many times - You've pushed me too far
Too many times - Now you've got a war
Too many times - It's time to settle the score
Too many times - You won't bother me no more

8. Goodbye

Here we are, once again
The Stompin' Crew and all our friends
Time's almost up, we're runnin' late
So we came to set the record straight

According to you we're not Hardcore
But up 'till now I've never seen you before

You're standing there with yout agnostic shirt
Listening to songs you've never heard
You talk about unity in the scene
But you don't even know what the word means!

You just bought your first Punkrock cd
And you're already criticizing me

I don't give a damn about what you say
'Cause you change your style everyday!

I've seen it in the past, I know how it goes
You guys don't even last as long as your clothes
I'll see it next week, I'll see it next year
Before you've heard one song you'll be outta here

9. Frontline Skins

Frontline skins
We won't give in
We like to fight
We'll never give in