Accidentially In Love Chapter 5
~*~~*~ “Finally you two made it”laughed as we joined them at the breakfast table “you know I don’t like getting up early after a night out”moaned making us laugh “Can I just have some toast” I said as I looked at everyone else who were ordering full English breakfasts “No my dear a full English breakfast is what you need to cure a hangover” Johnny said ordering for me I groaned slightly “I don’t think I could stomach one” I said “Nonsense everyone says that” Johnny replied as the hotel waiter walked off “Ok” I said finally giving in… “So what shall us girls do today?”asked as we walked back to our hotel rooms “Shopping” we replied in unison we had today off and would resume tomorrow morning rehearsing at a different venue before putting on a show “Great idea”said as went into our room “Ready yet?”asked as I brushed through my hair a couple more times “Can I meet you in the foyer?” I asked her and she nodded as I still had to sort out my eye-liner. I grabbed my bag from the side and left the hotel room locking the door behind me as I turned around to walk away I bumped straight into “Look we need to talk” he said “Not nowI’ve got to meet the girls” I said and tried to walk away I didn’t want to discus what happened last night I just want to treasure it in my mind I smiled to myself beforegrabbed my hand and backed me against the wall “Please just give me 5 minutes to explain” he said “I can’t there waiting for me it isn’t fair I’ll catch you up later ok” I said and walked away quickly getting in the liftcame to follow me and just managed to slip through the doors “don’t you understand the term I’ll catch you up later” I said throwing him a look “I can’t let you do that” he replied a little breathlessly “Why” I replied as he came closer to me “Because” he started to say his breathe sweeping across my face as he was that close “move” I said as the lift got to ground floor and opened I ran over to the girls “I’m sorry for holding you up” I said to the girls “That’s okonly just got here as well”smiled asrolled her eyes “So where to first?” I asked as we got into the city centre… “Wow too much shopping” we laughed as we got back to the hotel “Ahh well it was well worth it”said and we agreed “Enjoy yourself girls?” Saz asked as we passed her in the foyer “Lots”said with a beaming smile “Great well would you like to join me for a drink in the bar I’m a bit bored on my own” Saz asked “Sure” we replied “I’ll go take the bags up” I said aslooked at me with a sweet smile “Ok can you take ours too?”asked and I laughed “Yes I can try” I replied taking there’s to “Meet you in a minute” I replied and walked off I got to my room “How long have you been sat there?” I asked looking atwho was sat on the floor in front of my door “Since you left” he replied “Why?” I asked opening the door and walking in I heard it shut behind me “Because I have to do this”said and grabbed hold of my waist pulling me towards him and kissing me passionately I kissed him back knowing it was wrong “” I said pushing him away slightly “I know it’s wrong I’m married and you have a boyfriend but I can’t control myself you make me feel so different” he said and went to kiss me again I turned my head so he kissed my cheek “we can’t do this” I replied “Tell me you don’t feel it to” he said “I…I…I can’t” I said and looked down “Let it be our little secret then” he replied and kissed me one last time before leaving the room. I went back down to the girls “What you drinking?” Saz asked “Double Vodka and Red Bull please” I replied sitting in a seat “Something wrong” she asked I nodded “Just all that shopping and getting all the bags up to our room” I said looking at,andwho laughed “Oh ok” Saz said laughing with them... To Be Continued...