I Don't Care Who You Are As Long As You Love Me Chapter 1
~*~~*~ “I love you”said as he wrapped his arms around me I smiled at him “I love you two” I replied and kissed him goodnight “See you soon babe” he said and walked away I got in and shut the door behind me I leant back against it and sighed as a tear trickled down my cheek the lie I had to say every single day I loveas a friend not a boyfriend but he loved me and every day he said it and I had to say it back just to keep him happy it hurt to say this but it would probably hurt him more if I didn’t “Heymy house mate said coming out from the living room “Heywhat you doing up?” I asked her “I was waiting for you I’ve got to ask you something” she said “And this couldn’t wait to the morning?” I asked her “Well it could of but I might as well as now” she said “Go on then ask me while I make a cup of tea” I said and walked past into the kitchen I put the kettle on and turned round to face “Well you know how much I love Blue” she said “Ahem?” I replied “And you how could I forget” she said laughing “Well what about it?” I asked her “Well I bumped intoat a photo shoot that I was doing” was a professional photographer and took pictures of celebrities for various magazines “And?” I asked turning back round and making the cup of teas hadn’t said anything I handed her, her cup “And what?” I asked again “Well he invited me to this launch party next Friday and I asked if I could bring a friend and he said yes it would be company forsaid I raised my eyebrow I loved Lee “I’ll come” I said quickly “But what about?”asked “Who cares” I said “said shocked “What?” I asked “I thought you loved him” she said “No he loves me but I don’t love him I’m only with him because I don’t want to hurt him” I replied “That’s wrong” she said “I know but maybe it’s just a phase I might be going through it’ll all work out don’t worry about it” I replied “Ok well it better be” she said “Anyway I’m off to bed night” I said putting my cup in the sink and heading upstairs… T.B.C.