Confessions Chapter 1
sat thinking more and more about how he was going to tell her,the woman he loved and cherished most. How was he to tell her, he was having a baby by a woman he barely even knew...? ~*~FLASHBACK~*~** I slammed the front door and walked up the garden path. I had just had a row with about the fact she had bumped into and ex-boyfriend and he, had told her, he still loved her. I knew she would never go behind my back but I still told her to stay away from him. I walked for a while until I stopped outside a building music was blaring loudly making the windows rattle. I looked up and noticed it was a club I walked in and ordered a strong stiff drink then another and another until I was hammered the next thing I knew I woke up in a strange bed I looked over to my left and instead of seeing long blonde hair sprawled across the pillow I saw brown hair, the girls eyes flickered open and brown eyes looked up at me instead of bright blue ones shocked I looked under the covers and saw that I was naked please tell me I didn't do what I think I’ve done, cheat on. "I didn't sleep with you did I?" I asked the girl. "yes you did" she replied. "but I have a girlfriend" I replied. "I know that" she replied like she didn't care. "I have to go" I said getting up and throwing my clothes on quickly I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I got back to my house and quietly crept in, I went up stairs into the bedroom butwasn't asleep in the bed. "nice to see you've come home's voice was heard from behind me making me jump and turn around. "where have you been I haven't seen you since you stormed out after our row said in a worried tone I went up to her and hugged her tightly "I’m sorry babe I shouldn't of shouted at you, and I shouldn't of stormed out like I did sorry for staying out all night as well I just had to clear the jealous monster out of my head" I said and kissed the top of her head she giggled lightly "well I forgive you but it was cold and lonely last night" she said with puppy dog eyes "awww" I said and kissed her passionately... ~*~END OF FLASHBACK~*~ Ever since that night I’ve felt guilty. How could I cheat on my precious angel? I had hoped it was all a nightmare that I didn't have that argument with,that I didn't storm out and that I didn't go in that cursed club get hammered and have a one night stand. But unfortunately for me it was reality "Hey babe"said coming through the door and sitting down on the sofa opposite me "?"I said she looked up and smiled sweetly how was I to break her heart that was full of love and kindness "yeah" she said still smiling. I took a long deep breath "you know when we had that argument 3 months ago and I stormed out and didn't come back till the next morning" I saidnodded not really getting my point I could tell by the expression upon her face. "well I stopped at a club and got really hammered..." I paused and took another deep breath "well the next thing I knew I woke up in a strange woman’s bed and I don't know when but I had given her my number and two days ago she rang and said she's pregnant and its mine" I finished what I had to say looking atthe whole time, her eye's saddened, her smile faded and tears brimmed her under eyelids the salty clear tears rolled slowly down her cheeks, she blinked and wiped them away without saying a single word she got up and left the room but I could tell from the look on her face I’d just broken her heart because of one stupid mistake. I slowly got up and followed to wherehad gone I climbed the stairs slowly and with every step I took I got more and more nervous, more nervous then I had done in my entire life... To Be Continued...