Confessions Chapter 24
~*~~*~ The last couple of months just flew past I was at’s house sorting out my tie my fingers trembling “come here”laughed and walked over to me helping my with my tie I was so nervous “Why are you so nervous”asked “I don’t know because today is the day it will be an official statement thatand I will spend the rest of our lives together” I said “But it’s what you want” he replied “More then anything” I said smiling “The cars here”shouted up the stairs “Ready”asked me and I nodded as we walked downstairs “Look at you man” said waiting by the front door… ~*~~*~ “Nervous?”asked as she fixed the veil in place “Not in the slightest” I replied proudly “There’s nothing to be worried about though is there”said “Exactly thanks Hun” I said hugging her “No problem you look gorgeous” she replied “Awwwww” I said aswalked in within her arms she was in her flower girl dress “She looks so cute”and I chorused as I went over to cuddle her “Cars here”shouted up the stairs “I bet you’re nervous now”teased as we went down the stairs… We got to the church and got out of the car “I’m nervous now can I go home?” I asked the girls and they laughed “No, of course not”replied hugging me “Rightis going down the isle first withand” I said and bent down to her level “You know what you’ve got sweetheart” I said handing her the small basket full of red, pink and white rose petals she put her hand in the basket and threw some in the air to show me “Good girl” I said and kissed her forehead as the famous tune played and they girls walked down I had at my side as she was my maid of honour “Ready” she said to me “As I’ll ever be” I said and placed my hand on my stomach and winced slightly “Is everything ok?”asked me “Just a pain” I said breathing in and out before I started to walk down the isle I had to get this over with I thought we got down to,walked off to the left astook my hands and looked into my eyes “You look gorgeous” he said before the vicar started to speak. The ceremony was beautiful even if I was in a little pain I tried my hardest not to let it show. We were at the reception now and I was in the middle of dancing withfor the Bride and Grooms first dance “Babe are you ok”asked as I tightened my grip on his shoulders “To be honest no” I said breaking away a bit “What’s the matter?” he asked “I, I think I’m having contractions” I said to him and he yelled forin panic “Phone an ambulance for me” he said towho looked at me and knew what was going on I sat down on the floor unable to stand up with the paincame over andtold him to let the other guests know we were leaving earlier then planned and wished for them to keep on enjoying themselves. An ambulance soon came and I was helped into it and whisked off to the hospital “who’s looking after?” I asked him as I was wheel chaired into a delivery room “Your mum is sweetheart don’t worry” he said kissing my forehead… To Be Continued...