Exchanging Favors Chapter 1
In a beautiful Sunday morning in Lexington, a quite city in Kentucky USA is where’s story begins. _did you see what time you got in the house daughter? If your father listens to you he will… Before Mrs.could finish reprehending her daughter for arriving home at 6am her father, Mr., got in the living room. _Where have you been ‘till this time? _live the girl alone… _Shut Upit’s your faultdoing whatever she wants, if she at least was like her brothers and helped in the farm, but no, the only thing she wants is to go to the best “Parties” in town and have lots of fun with those drunks without family. _I wasn’t born to be milking cows or settling horses; I’m urban, born to live in town not to be drowned inside of a farm that smells like animal poop everyday. When the girl finished her sentence her father slapped her face. _If you aren’t happy here you can pack your stuff and leave. You were warned one, two, tree, several timesbut you didn’t listen, this is your last chance girl and this is not for me is for your mother. You stay and help in the farm or you can leave this house and forget about your family! looked to her mother who was crying, looked to her father, went up to her bedroom packed all the things she could put in a trunk and in 3 bags and asked her brotherto help her to put the bags in her car. When she got in the living room, she saw her father sat on the couch staring outside the house; she went to her mom and said. _Mommy one day I’ll come back, but not to stay, I know that you are suffering a lot now but it will be better this way. _Dad you won’t letgo, right? –her younger brother said holding his fathers legs. _You don’t have a sister anymore, just brothersand. _Honey please don’t do this!!! _Mom it will be better this way; I’ll call soon as got a new place, okay? – kissed her mother and her brothersandand went out of the house. _Now you are a free girl, what you intend to do? –said leaning on her car. _I don’t know yet, but here in Kentucky I can’t live anymore. _You’re my only sister and I won’t let you leave without money, in this envelope has 5.000 dollars for you ‘till you find a job. _this is your economies, I can’t… _Yes you can, what worth a big brother if he can’t help his own sister? _Well…thank youand take care of mom and the brats for me and tell that I’ll never forget him. _I will sis, I will. left and after 1 week living in a cheap motel in Lexington the girl decided what she would do. She would sell her truck, 2 white gold rings and a bracelet that her father gave her when she turned 16 years old, with this money and the money that her brother gave to her she would leave the country. After trying hard she could sell her things and bought her plane ticket (only to go) to London, why she picked this place? Nether she knows why. Whenarrived in London everything was new, she wanted to know all the important points in there and all the hot night clubs. In 2 weeks she already knew how to walk alone without asking for help, she made some friends who didn’t be in her life for more than 3 days because she was moving from motel to motel, and on her 3rd week in Londonnoticed that her money was finishing and she didn’t have a house or a job yet. So she decided to enjoy a last night in a club and then she’d look for a job and a place to live. _Do you wanna dance? – A guy said getting close to her. _Can you give me a job? _You never know… _Forget it, let’s dance. –said not looking in the guys face and went to dance floor. _My name is! _What? – She yelled. - I can’t hear you! To Be Continued...