The Hardest Thing Chapter 2
~*~~*~ I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the room as the sunlight crept through the gap in the curtains I sat up and stretched I looked to the side of me and saw lying beside me “Hey, you wake up” I said shaking him slightly he stirred and blinked a few times before sitting up himself “Morning” I said with a smile “Morning what time is it” he replied smiling back at me “About 10” I answered him “Oh right well I’m going back to sleep then” he said lying back down “, no don’t do that” I said stopping him he laughed “I was joking I won’t really” he said “Good, so what are we going to do today?” I asked him “What we do every summer when we meet back up again” he said “Go for a picnic on the hill” I said smiling “Exactly that” he replied “Right well I’m going to go home and change and make some food and I suggest you do the same” I told him “Who’s doing what food?” he asked me “You should know that by now” I said and he nodded “I do know” he said “Oh ok then see you in a bit” I replied kissing his cheek before leaving I got home and went upstairs for a quick shower I came out and went into my room with a towel wrapped around me I opened my wardrobe and looked for what to wear it was quite warm out so I decided on a white short skirt and cerise pink bikini top I changed into them after I’d dried my hair. I did my make up and put my hair up before going downstairs to the kitchen to prepare the food for the picnic “Picnic day” my younger sister said as she came into the kitchen and got the cereals down from the cupboard “Sure is you coming?” I asked her as I buttered some bread “Nah its ok I’m off to the beach later and you andcan enjoy it alone” she giggled I rolled my eyes “For the last time Mia I don’t fancy him he’s just my best friend” I said as she held a cheeky grin on her face “Yeah ok but I don’t understand why you don’t he’s cute” she replied and walked off with her bowl ‘sisters’ I thought nodding my head as I put things into the basket the doorbell rang “Mia can you get there” I said loud enough for her to hear me “I got the rest of it”said walking into the kitchen with a few food boxes and the blanket I took them from him and put them in the basket before he picked it up “Ready?” he asked staring at me “Yeah” I replied as we walked out “See you later Mia” I said as I shut the door “Didn’t she wanna come?” he asked me “I asked her but she said she had plans” I told him as we made our journey in the car we parked in the usual spot at the bottom of the hill and started to walk it not stopping until we got to the top I got the blanket out and spread it out on the grass “I love it up here” I said as I sat down on the blanket you could see for miles of what was going on beneath us as the day went by the peaceful fields with cows, sheep and horses grazing as well as the busy highway roads “Yeah me two” he replied getting some food out and sitting next to me again we chatted for ages about everything it’s a wonder we don’t run out of things to say well we do eventually when the sun starts to go down and all the food has been eaten I pack away our things in the basket and lie down on the blanket withwatching the sunset and the light sky turn to night as the stars one by one slowly come out the only time Lee and I are actually silent as we watch the stars “Look shooting star make a wish”and I say together I make my wish upon it to be successful in life and love “Did you make a wish?” I asked him “Sure I did” he replied “Did you?” he asked “Of course” I said “What was it?” he asked me “I can’t tell you that it won’t come true otherwise” I said “Might have been the same as mine” he replied turning to his side so he was facing me “I doubt that” I said smiling as I looked into his eyes for a few minutes as he looked back into mine “Anyway we better be going” I said breaking contact and standing up “Your right before they send out a search party”said as he helped me fold the blanket up he put it in the basket and picked it up before we made our way down the hill getting in his car he drove us home stopping outside mine “Oh I won’t be able to meet with you tomorrow” I said looking away from him “Why not?” he asked me “I’ve got to go for this thing at D&G” I lied I had to meet someone else tomorrow “I can drop you off there if you like” he offered “Mum’s already offered” I replied “Oh ok well call me when you’ve finished and I’ll come by and pick you up” he said “I will” I said kissing his cheek “Goodnight” I said opening the front door going inside I got up to my room and sighed I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you I whispered as I looked out of my window and watched him drive off… To Be Continued...