The Hardest Thing Chapter 4
~*~~*~ I packed everything I needed into my pink suit case the next day then sat down on my bed sighing “What’s up?” Mia asked coming into my room “Nothing really just I never toldaboutuntil we sort of bumped into each other yesterday” I said “But why didn’t you tellhe is your best friend and you don’t tell him about your boyfriend it doesn’t make much sense” she replied “I know it doesn’t and I haven’t got a clue why I didn’t tell him” I told her and she shrugged “Well just enjoy your holiday with him alone” she said and went back out of the room I’ve got to go to his now I thought getting up and slipping some shoes on I went out the door and took the five minute journey to his house I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer “Hey’s in his room”said “Oh ok thanks” I said and went up to his room I opened the door and walked in quietly he had his back to me so I covered his eyes “Guess who” I said “Erm…A really sweet, hot blonde” he replied “No silly just me” I said making us laugh slightly as I took my hands away “So you done any packing?” I asked him and he gave me a sheepish smile “we leave in two days” I said rolling my eyes as I went over to where he kept his suit case I picked it up and put them on his bed “Now put some clothes in there” I said sitting next to them as he opened his drawers and got some clothes out and came to put them in the suitcase “Oh yeah I gotta put the new stuff I brought yesterday in” said “You went shopping without me?” I asked him “Well you were busy with” he replied turning away to pick up the bags and take the clothes out “Oh yeah” I said plainly “Right now that’s done” he said proudly “I am impressed you did it almost by yourself” I said laughing “Oi cheeky” he replied ticking my sides making me laugh harder “Please stop” I begged him “And what you gonna do if I don’t?” he asked “I’ll get you back for it in my own way” I replied “Not good enough” he said and continued to tickle me I tried to struggle away from him and made us both fall on the floor in hysterics “I’m sorry you ok?”and I asked each other at the same time “Yeah” I replied smiling as I sat up “Well I better be off I just had to make sure you packed” I said to “Won’t you stay a while longer watch a new film with me” he asked me “Oh ok then” I said giving in “Cool I’ll go get us some food from downstairs” he said and left the room I watched him go before lying back on his bed after moving the suit case “I’m back” he said coming in with two drinks and some popcorn “Good” I replied “Miss me?” he asked handing me a drink “Of course” I replied as he pressed play on the DVD he sat behind me like he always did and opened the popcorn bag putting it down somewhere so both of us could reach it… T.B.C.