I Love You Came Too Late
“I miss you, if I had a chance I’d say what I have to say...”
_I’ve something important to say to you. –said looking straight into my eyes. _So say it. It seems to be really... Before I could finish my sentence, said with a beautiful smile. _I love you,!!! _What? I mean, thank you! I really didn’t know what to say to her. All I could think at that moment was “thank you”. _That’s all you have to say to me? I think that “I love you too” will be good now. ’s beautiful smile faded away and her beautiful eyes were full of tears. _Listen, is not that I don’t like you, I do but... _But you don’t love me. So, I better go home before I get even more hurt. _But you were going to spend the night here with me! _Yeah,, you said it really well, I was going to but, thanks anyway. took her car keys and left my house without looking back. I wanted to say what she wanted to hear but I wasn’t sure about what I was feeling. didn’t call me for nothing, she just did that when she was mad at me or when I said something that hurt her, in that case was the stupid “thank you”. I tried to talk to all week, left several messages on her answering machine, on her mobile, I went to her house but she never answered me or pretended not to be home. I should’ve seen, I should pay more attention to’s feelings but I couldn’t lie about such strong feeling like love, anyway I couldn’t let her go so easy ‘cause I liked her a lot. Two weeks went by and one day she finally picked up the phone. _Hello? – answered a little angry. _It’s... _What you want,? Yeah, she called me. It meant she might have forgave my “thank you”. _After Thursday I couldn’t reach you, I guess you must have been busy and... _Did occur to you that maybe I wasn’t busy and didn’t want to see you or hear the sound of your voice? – said with a sarcastic voice. Well, she didn’t forgive me and I guessed it’d take a little while till she was able to do it. _, I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you. Saturday I’m going to Asia and I think we need to talk, I really wanna see you, know if we are ok. I’ll be out of the country for 3 weeks and I wanna be sure that I’ll still have my girl when I get back. _You know,, you want and think too many things but, what I really want you at least think, you don’t. You really hurt me ‘cause I believed you felt the same way as I did but, was all a big mistake. We’re not ok and when you come back from Asia you’re not gonna have your girl anymore. _ don’t do it, I’ll go over there and we can talk better, ok? I was getting really desperate, was talking with a trembling voice. I knew she was holding back her cry, it seamed like that listen to me was hurting her even more. _... we have nothing to talk about, I hope that you and your band have a great time in Asia and... _, please, by the phone is not the best way to solve our problem, I’ll go... _I don’t want you to come here! What we had, better, what we didn’t have ended that Thursday, Good Night,!! hung up the phone and I really didn’t know what to do. I went over her house but she wasn’t there. I kept going after her the two days I had in the country then I went to Asia and everytime I called her, her phone was always off. When I got back from my trip, I looked for her. I thought if she saw me she’d listen to me but, it didn’t work. saw me just said a “hi” and kept walking. Seven months went by and during all these time and I talked a lot about it, and I finally realized that I loved really much but was afraid to say it but, we’re on tour and I couldn’t find a time to tell her all my feelings. Hear her voice on the answering machine made me really happy so, I thought I’d better make her a surprise. I went to her apartment, stole some flowers from the house next to hers, after all I was so excited about the whole thing that forgot to buy a beautiful bouquet. After waiting for two hours, arrived. _! What are you doing here? And these flowers? – asked crossing her arms quickly. _ I came ‘cause now I’m the one who has something important to say! _... you better go home... _ No,, you need to know... _,please.... go back to your house... _ I... _ Go Home! Marissa yelled in despair but, I took her hand and said loud and clear so everybody could hear. _I LOVE YOU,! That was when I noticed a ring on her finger that wasn’t there when I left my girl 7 months ago. _What’s this? Tell me it’s just a ring that you really like. – I said crying, begging to God it was something ordinary. _I found someone who wasn’t afraid to say that loves me... _But I’m not afraid to say it anymore... I Love You and you still loves me, don’t you? Listen, I love you and I can’t be without you. _“I Love You” came too late. said that and got in her house. I stayed there outside for few more minutes and then I went back home knowing that wasn’t my girl anymore. Now she was somebody else’s girl, somebody who wasn’t afraid to say that loved her. I’d give my life to turn back time, go back to that Thursday and shout to the world that I loved her but.... I couldn’t lie and she couldn’t wait, “I Love You” came too late. The End