Nothing But Deceit Chapter 5
~*~~*~ I woke up around half nine and looked atsleeping next to me like an angel then I remembered what I had doneyou idiot I thought to myself but then again she got back quite late after 11 at least but then again I did go to bed earlier after the football had finished which went into over time and anyway what am I saying I trustshe was only withand I trust him to though what about the kiss they shared nothat kiss was completely innocent and what am I to go blaming her I did more then just a kiss I sighed heavily as I got up and went to have a shower I still couldn’t get my head round all this why would I do such a thing to the women I love I mean I married her because I loved her with all my heart but slowly it’s slipping away all because of an accident. ~*~~*~ I feltget up off of the bed and then heard him go into the shower I got up and dressed then went downstairs to make us some breakfast as I was singing along to the radio whilst waiting for the breakfast to cook my mobile went off I quickly turned round and grabbed it off of the kitchen table I opened the message and read ‘Hey, we’ve gotta go down to the studio today maybe I’ll swing by after’s gone and be a little late for the studio lovexxx’ I smiled to myself as I clicked the cancel button and placed my mobile back down I got some plates down from the cupboard and laid the breakfast on the plates I just put the plates on the table as walked through the kitchen door “Morning babe” he said wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing me passionately on the lips making me think could I do this, have an affair with? “I made you some breakfast” I said as he pulled away “Thanks babe you’re a star” he said sitting down at the table and started eating it “Coffee?” I asked pouring some into his mug I knew he’d say “Yes please” anyway I smiled at him as I sat down opposite him and ate the breakfast I has made myself “Oh yeah, babe before I forget I’ve gotta go down to the studio well all of us have really in talks about our new album”told me “Bet it’ll be great like the other 3” the letter box went “The news paper wonder what bull they’ve stuck in it now” said “I’ll get it” I said getting up and running into the hall I picked up the paper and turned to the gossip column I saw the pictures of me andleaving the club and then another one of us outside of his house where I kissed him desperately before entering his house I couldn’t letsee this I took it out folded it into a small square and shoved it in my back pocket before closing the paper and walking into the kitchen I hadn’t had chance to read what the reporter had put “Thanks”said as I handed it to him he flicked through the paper reading a few articles here and there “No gossip column”said “Really?” I asked him “Yeah, must be no gossip or they’ve run out of rumours to spread”said with a laugh I laughed with him well at least tried “What time you gotta go to the studio?” I asked him “About now” he said looking at the watch on his wrist “Later babe” he said kissing my cheek and leaving the house ~*~~*~ I watchedleave the house and get into his car then drive off in the direction of the studio I got out of my car and knocked on the dooranswered it “Hey” she said letting me in “Hey sexy” I replied kissing her neck “we can’t” she said much to my disappointment “Why?” I asked her “This is why” she said pulling something out of her back pocket and handing it to me “With them kind of pictures I can make something up no one will know the truth not if I bend it” I said and kissed her again wanting to take her upstairs but I know I couldn’t I’d be a bit too late for the meeting “Well I better go now babe” I said kissing her one last time before leaving and heading to the studio “Finally”said as I entered the room “Yeah sorry bout that forgot to set my alarm I have such a terrible hang over” I lied holding my head “Well get your act together we’ve got a great idea” beamed as I sat down at the desk and listened to the discussion they’d had while I had been away… To Be Continued...