I Only Do This For You Chapter 2
I heard the church clock chime it was 8:30 AM my parents would be at work and my sister would be at school now. I made my journey home looked around to make sure the cars had gone I opened the front door and went into the kitchen I got a bag and filled it with, bread, crisps, fruit and a few bottles of water I then went up to my room to get my hairbrush and a small tattered grey and blue teddy it belonged to my twin brother Toby but he had died when we were 8 years old he was hit by a car I thought back to the day… ***“Toby look out” I screamed as he turned around a car smacked full on into him I ran into the road and held him in my arms I screamed for help an old women had seen it happen and rang for an ambulance I tried to keep him awake but he had gone before the ambulance got her my last memory of him was of his bright blue eyes closing slowly as he died in my arms*** Life was so different after that I missed him so much I walked out of my room and bumped into my sister” she cried throwing her arms around me “I hate what dad did” she sobbed as I hugged her “I know me too” I sighed “Why are you not at school?” I asked her “I felt ill” she replied she didn’t look to good I thought as I held her at arms length to get a proper look at her “Why isn’t mum looking after you?” I asked she normally called work when one of us became ill “She couldn’t get the morning off but she’ll be back at lunch time” she replied “I can’t leave you on your own” I said but I knew I had to go “Please stay mum will be back at 2PM if you go at half one she’ll never know you were here” she begged my sister and I were very close she was 14, 1 year younger then me I couldn’t say no to her “Ok” I said and she smiled and hugged me again “Now get into your bed and I’ll make you a cup of tea” I told her before going downstairs into the kitchen I madeand myself a cup of tea then went upstairs and sat with her “I’m going to be an auntie” she said placing a hand on my stomach I smiled weakly “Don’t get you hopes to high I doubt this baby will survive” I said “I’ll help you as much as I can sis”said I smiled I was lucky to have such a wonderful little sister “Thank you” I replied as she drank her tea “I’ll miss you lush cup of teas” she laughed “I could come and see you and make you a cup of tea when you come home from school, Mum and Dad don’t get home until half past five” I said “I'd like that, where are you staying” she asked “You know that bench in the park hidden under all them brambles and bushes” I said and my sister nodded and gasped “Your living outside” she asked and I nodded and she started to cry “Hey don’t cry for me” I said wiping her tears away with my thumb and putting a loose strand of her brown hair behind her ear. “But you only fell pregnant it’s not like you murdered somebody” she said sniffing “I know but I’m 15 underage it was a mistake at that house party I went to I was drunk and it just happened” I said and burst into tears Anouk hugged me as I cried on her shoulder stroking my hair soothingly I sniffed a couple of times and pulled back wiping my tears away with the sleeves of my jumper “I better go now” I said looking at the clock mum would be home soon “Ok but take this as well”said reaching under her bed and pulling out a pink sleeping bag “Thanks” I said as she handed it too me “I doubt you have anything to keep my warm out there” she said “Not really” I said “And wait there’s something else I have to give you” she said and walked over to a self she took down a picture frame with me and her in it then picked up an empty picture frame and went into my room she came back a few minutes later and handed me the one with me and her in it and the other one which had a picture of my idol in it “How can you be without a picture ofsaid and I laughed “I had nothing to put it into to keep it safe” I said “Well now you do” she said as she placed them in the bag she hugged me at the door “I’ll text you and let you know when its safe to come home for a bit” she said as I walked away tears stung my the back of my eyes and by the time I'd reached ‘home’ they blurred my vision I let them roll down my cheeks as I huddled up on the bench looking at the picture of me and my sister huge cheesy grins on our faces we were so happy that day we were on holiday andmet this boy Ruben Nicolai I was just smiling because I hadin the back of my mind as always and I was happy for her she still kept in touch with Ruben which was really sweet… To Be Continued...