You're The Right Kinda Wrong Chapter 1 & 2
*Chapter 1* His warm breath left a gentle warm breeze on my skin his lips caressed mine with urgency and passion deepening with every second that past us by filling us both with that magical desire we felt between us every time our lips connected I broke the spell cast between us as I heard the antique grand father clock he owned chime in the hall way we looked into each others eyes both knowing what that meant the time we both hated the most “I have to go” I said and he nodded twice slowly and sadly he gave me on last lingering kiss to remember our spell together before I left to go back to my reality. *Chapter 2* I laid three hot steaming plates down on the table and went to call my son down for his dinner as my husband walked through the door “” I called up the stairs and heard his little feet run to the stairs as my son appeared at the top of the stairs ready to descend them I smiled up at him and turned around to greet Sean my husband of 6 years “Hey honey, have a good day?” I asked giving him a quick simple peck on the lips he smiled at me as we both walked into the dinning room “It wasn’t too bad babe what you been up to while I’ve been at work” he asked asran into the room “Just cleaning” I replied as Sean pickedour five year old son up “Hey champ have a good day at school” he asked him “Yes daddy but mummy was a bit late picking me up”said as Sean put him back down and looked at me “Oh really why was that?” he questioned "I left here a bit late and then got caught up in traffic” I said sitting down to eat my dinner “It wasn’t mummy’s fault it was the other car cars in her way” said causing us both to laugh. I stopped eating for a minute and watched my son and husband interact with each other thinking how can I be doing this to you two then my thoughts trailed into the details of my forbidden lover and I knew why I had to do this even though it was wrong. To Be Continued...