Thank You Chapter 12
~*~~*~ “Hey babe”said wrapping his arms around my waist as I was cooking in the kitchen “Hey” I said as he kissed my neck “not while’s still awake” I told him “Oh ok” he said “The boys like you, you know”told me “Good I like them” I said putting the tea on the table “” I called up the stairs she came down the stairs and sat next toat the table “Your friends are cool” she said toas she ate “Well they like you princess” said smiling at her “What’s not to like”said making us laugh “What? Mum says it” she said looking at us laughing at her “You are learning bad habits from her?”asked “No but she’s pretty so she’s allowed to say it” she said smiling “I know”replied. “will you read me a bed time story”asked “Of course which one?” he asked her “Sleeping Beauty” she replied I watching in the doorway we read to her it was sad she didn’t have long left I wouldn’t see her past the age of 6 I sighedlooked up at me as I walked away and climbed into bed. “I know its hard babe”said as he came into the room “I know its so hard to believe that little girl in there won’t live past the age of 6” I said as I tear escaped my eyeheld me close and I soon fell asleep in his arms. I went into work the next day and met within his office “What you doing in here?”asked as he came through the door “To tell you some good news” I told him “What’s that?” he asked closing the office door and stepping closer to me “and I we’re getting married” I told him he smiled at me “That’s great babe” he said hugging me “I know and I’d love it if you could be there its in six months” I said to “Wouldn’t miss it for the world” he said “Great well I’ll get back to work now” I said and left his office… came into my office I looked up from the computer screen “Yes?” I asked with a smile “is on line 3” he said seriously “Is everything ok?” I asked him “It’s aboutI had a small chat with him it’s ok if you leave work” said and left the room I picked up the phone and pressed line 3 “what’s the matter?” I asked “Come to the hospital quickly”said “Ok I’ll be right there babe” I said and put the phone down I grabbed my bag and jacket and ran out of the officewas still walking back to his “I’ve got to get to the hospital could you shut my computer down and save the files please” I asked “Sure” he said “Thanks bye” I said running out and getting into my car I quickly got to the hospital andwas in there waiting tears ran down his face as he saw me he got up and hugged me tightly “What is it?” I asked him “She took a turn for the worst babe” he said “Which means?” I asked him “Miss” a Doctor said I broke away from “Yes” I answered “Come with me” he said I took’s hand and followed the Doctor to a cubicle the one was in she had wires everywhere “She is on a life support machine at the moment she’s fallen into a coma and there is a possibility that we could loose her I’m sorry” the doctor said and left as I broke down into tears I had to lean onas I was unable to stand up… ~*~~*~ “I’m sorry” I said huggingwho cried into my chest “It’s not your fault” she said sniffing “Mummy please don’t cry”turned her head and we both looked down at the bed was led down in her bed her eyes were open and she smiled “I know I’m dying mummy but it’s not my time yet” she said making us both cry a bit more “I’m sorry for not telling you babe”said hugging her daughter “Its ok mummy you didn’t want me to worry” she said I loved she understood things so well “Can I speak with you please” the doctor said coming into the room “I’ll be back in a minute”said toand followed us out of the room “I’m afraid the turn that happened tohas sped up the process and she only has 2 and a half months left to live” the doctor told us tears streamed down our faces “I’m sorry” the doctor said sympathetically “Thank you” I managed to say before he walked away “that’s too soon”said swallow back her tears before entering the room again “wait” I said following her “What?” she asked “Do you want to get married in two months sois there” I asked her “Please” she said hugging me “Ok well I’ll go make some arrangements pull a few strings you stay here ok” I saidnodded and sat on the chair beside’s bed… To Be Continued...