Thank You Chapet 5
“Leukaemia” the doctor said tears rolled down my cheeks “That’s curable right?” I asked knowing it was a hard disease to cure the doctor shook his head “It is for a short while” the doctor replied “And then?” I asked fearing the answer “She’ll die” the doctor replied I burst out into tears “I’ll leave you alone for a minute” the doctor said and left the room I cried into’s arms “What am I gonna doshe’s all I have and when she’s gone I’ll have no family left” I said crying into his chest soaking his shirt “It’s ok babe I’ll be here for you forever”said rubbing his hands up and down my back soothingly “Thank you I’m so glad to have bumped into you” I said with a quick smile “Not in the best way to meet though”said with a little laugh trying to make me laugh too “I don’t think I’m going to tell her she’s going to die I’m going to make the last of her life the best better then it already is” I replied “That’s best I think” the doctor came back into the room “You haven’t told her have you?” I asked him “No I haven’t why don’t you want her to know?” he asked “I think its best I’m going to make the rest of her life so special” I said “Would you prefer to know how long she has then so you can plan it all before she has to go” the doctor asked “Please” I asked “She has only two years” the doctor said I sniffed “Is it ok to see her then?” I asked him “Well she is still in a deep sleep but you can go to her if you like” the doctor said “Please” I replied “OK well I’ll go find out what ward they put her on and come back to you” the doctor said as we left his office “So what is it?”asked “She has leukaemia” I said as another tear rolled down my cheek “I’m so sorry” she said hugging me “Don’t be sorry it’s not your fault” I told her. “You can see her now” the doctor said and led me to her roomtook Amy home butstayed with me for support “You can come in if you want” I said to him quietly “I’ll just go get us some coffee and come back ok”said “Yeah thanks” I said and gave him a quick hug before entering the room thatwas in “Hey sweetheart” I said taking her hand “What you dreaming of then?” I asked as she slept but I got no answer “I’m sorry that I’m going to loose you but I’m going to make the next two years we have together the best” I said as silent tears rolled down my cheeks… ~*~~*~ I walked down the corridors to the drinks machine I got mine and’s coffee’s and went back up to the ward she was on I couldn’t believe something like that had happened toshe was such a sweet child with a big heart and then this happens I’m going to make sure I’m going to do the best for that child and her mother who though I’ve only know for a week I’ve grown to love her strange I know but I believe it was love at first sight when she bumped into me and looked into my eyes I opened the door quietly “Mummy why are you crying?”asked “I’m ok darling just the shock of seeing you in a hospital bed haven’t seen you in one since I held you in my arms when you were born and I first set my eyes on you and instantly loved you”said that brought a slight tear to my eye she really loved her daughter and she was about to loose her “Sorry Mummy”said “Its ok sweetie so tell me what’s your biggest dream”asked her “To go to Disney land and meet Mickey Mouse”replied with a bright smile on her face “Well see about that then Hun”said and swept a piece of blonde hair out of’s eyes. Then I had an idea it was something I had to do I had to make her dream come true “Hello” I said going into the room “Heythanks”said as I passed her, her coffee “screeched and wanted to hug me “Heya darling” I said and hugged her “You ok” she asked “Yes thanks” I replied and smiled at her I felt like I wanted to cry she carried on as if nothing had happened and she smiled her cute smile that could always melt my heart we stayed for a while but were then told visiting hours we overdidn’t like the idea of leavingin hospital alone but she had no choice “Bye, bye mummy have good dreams”said askissed her cheek “Only if you will too”said “I will mummy”smiled “Good” she said and got up from hugging her “Bye, byeyou have good dreams too and please take care of my mummy” she said smiling sweetly “I will sweetheart I promise” I said kissing her cheek and then leaving with. “How could that happen to her”said as we were driving back “I don’t know babe she’s too cute to be taken away” I saidwas looking at of the window “Yeah I know” she said wiping a tear away “please don’t leave me” she said as we reached her house “You want me too stay on the sofa?” I asked “No don’t leave my side”said “Then you want me to stay in your bed with you?” I asked asshut the door “Please” she pleaded “If it’s what you want for me to hold you through the night then I will” I said she smiled quickly and headed for the stairs I followed her. To Be Continued...