Screams And Miracles Chapter 4
6:30 am. woke up laid on the floor. She heard a noise outside her flat and realized her neighbor was leaving his flat. She looked around her looking for a watch and realized she was late. “Bloody hell! I’m late and I need to meet Aguilera! Ok, I have to take a quick shower, breakfast I’ll have later and...” stopped… her neighbor’s words crossed her mind, she felt sorry, curious, sad… “Why so much pain and sorrow? Why is he so weak?” started to do what she had planned but her neighbor was still stuck in her head. The meeting with Aguilera was a success and soon Lis would work on Aguilera’s clothes for her tour and TV performances. left the hotel she had the meeting then decided to go to a restaurant ‘cause she was starving. On her way she stopped at a red light and to her surprise the guy on the motorcycle in front of her car was her neighbor. As soon as the light turned green the neighbor quickly rode off and, after thinking a million times, decided to follow him. After a few minutes they stopped. The neighbor got off the bike, took off the helmet and crossed the street., in her endless curiosity, left her car to try to see where he was going and the shocking thing was the neighbor was getting in a cemetery. ran back to her car and decided to wait for him. Half hour later the neighbor left the cemetery with a bag in his hand. “Oh my God! He sells dead bodies! I’ve seen this on TV! He’s a body trader! Maybe he already has some dead bodies in his flat!” took her mobile and desperately decided to call. She was all clumsy trying to dial his number and when she looked ahead she didn’t see her neighbor anymore.looked around, turned off her mobile when suddenly, out of the blue, she saw his bike parked next to her car and the neighbor was staring at her. He stared for some seconds then speeded up his bike. “Oh my God! What the hell was that?! He saw me, he knows I was following him! What do I do now? Simon… I’m gonna call him and tell him what happened!” started dialing but after breathing a little she decided it was useless. Whatwould do? The only alternative left was calling the cops which she didn’t want to do. After that weird episode,’s day got calmer but she still kept thinking about what happed. At 7 pm she got back home and didn’t see her neighbor. 12 pm.woke up rested, feeling light. When she looked at the time on her alarm clock she couldn’t believe. “Wow! I’ve slept from 9pm till now! Or the neighbor is dead or he isn’t at home. Or he might be dead on the street… ok, I’ve gone too far now!” stopped thinking nonsense and went to meet Christina Aguilera’s producers. It was a good deal for her ‘causewas going to design all Aguilera’s clothes for the UK tour so, due to that,wouldn’t be available for a month an a half, only old clients likeand the boys from Westlife could have her time. At 7pmwent out with some of her friends to have a drink and at 11pm she went back home and decided to draw some things to have an idea of what would be best for Aguilera’s tour. She was so into her work that she didn’t see time going by. Ahhhhh! 3:15 am.was still working when she heard her neighbor screaming. _I’ve had enough of it! I’m tired! Things being broken were being heard again.started to feel sad but didn’t know why. “Why is he suffering that much?” stood up and got closer to the wall as the neighbor kept screaming and breaking things. After 10 minutes silence was around again but 5 minutes later a conversation was heard at the hallway and someone yelled mad and suddenlyrecognized Mrs. Peabody’s voice. _I bet this man is on drugs! He does this every night officer! stood up. “Officer?! It can’t be true! Mrs. Peabody called the cops!” She ran to her door and opened it carefully. She saw 2 officers and Mrs. Peabody and after a while she saw her neighbor being handcuffed. _You have the right of remain in silence… “Damn! They are reading his rights!” To Be Continued...