Screams And Miracles Chapter 6
After thinking a littlegot in’s room. She looked around and saw pictures all over, even on the ceiling. She also saw some diaries opened, clothes on the floor and the bag he had in his hands when he left the cemetery. After seeing the entire scene,finally sawsleeping in his bed, peaceful, almost like a child. She sat on an arm chair near his bed and kept watching him sleeping. 5:00 am.started to get agitated.left the chair and sat on his bed next him.mumbled thingscouldn’t understand but still stayed there sat watching him. He started to cry while sleeping and she started to feel sorry for him then out of the sudden the old routine started but with a big change. _Ahhhhhhhh!!! _Shh... it’s ok... everything is fine. It was just a bad dream… shh… -said holding him tight immediately stopped screaming and nested himself in ’ arms listening to her heart beating. For the first time in years he was being comforted while he cried. held him softly but tight to assure him he wasn’t alone. She calmly rocked him trying to ease his despair. cried for a few more minutes holdingvery tight when he finally realized what was happening. _What are you still doing here? –asked in a low voice breaking from the hug. _I’ve told you I’m worried about you –answered wiping his tears. half smiled then looked straight in’ eyes. _What are you still doing here? _I’ve just told you, I’m worried about you. _You should be in your flat hating me for waking you up. –said standing up. _Well… I’ve decided to stay here and take care of you instead. stopped in front of a broken mirror and stared at himself for a while.went towards him and stopped behind him. _Talk to me… tell me why there’s so much pain inside you. turned to faceand just stared at her., this time, wasn’t afraid of him and stared him back noticing his eyes were filling with tears. _It’s ok,. – she said placing her hand on his face – I’m not gonna push you. Come on, you seem tired, I’m gonna put you to bed. put her arm around his waist and led him back to his bed. She tucked him in like a little boy, gave him a kiss on his forehead and decided it was time to go. _Stay… –whispered. _What? _Please, stay. slowly got back in the room and sat on the chair. _No… stay here with me. pulled the covers and Lis laid next him. He touched her face then laid his head on her chest and slowly drifted away ascaressed his hair. From that time till 1 pm there were no nightmares, no screaming, no breaking things… no pain. didn’t sleep much ‘cause everytimemoved she woke up to check if he was ok but still she had a smiled on her face when he woke up. _How are you feeling? – she asked. _Ok, I guess. –answered rubbing his eyes. _Do you have to work or something? _No… why? _It’s 1pm. _Already?! Wow… I’ve never slept that much without waking up at least 2 or 3 times. sat up, messed up his hair a bit more then smiled. _Thanks for staying last night. _No problem… you were needing me and I was here to help you. _You’re a nice girl… you’re the only person who didn’t get afraid of me. “Oh my God! If he knew what I’ve thought about him! Now I’m feeling bad about it.” _I think I should thank you somehow. _It’s ok,. You don’t owe me anything. _I know but I want to. leaned his head on the wall and closed his eyes trying to figure what he could do to thank. “He’s handsome… he has beautiful eyes… I might be getting attracted to him but I need to know what’s going on with him.” _I got it! –said out of the sudden – We could have lunch. My treat. What do you say? _After scaring the hell out of me with your “I got it”, I say ok. I’m gonna change my clothes and we can go lunch. laughed as, after fixing her hair, left to her flat. As soon as she got in her home she ran to the shower, then put on some casual clothes then called. To Be Continued...