Something About His Eyes Chapter 5
After that,was helping John with his back when Mark got in the living room. _Wow wow wow!!! – Mark said closing his eyes after seeingsat on John’s butt. – You should’ve told me you were… God!! _Shut up Mark… - she said standing up – I was cleaning his back dumbass!!! I so hate dumb people. – she said making John laugh. _Are you sure of that?? – he said leaving the bag on her sofa. _is just helping me with my… _So… Mark wanna drink something? –said interrupting John. _Sure… so, going clubbing tonight or something? – he asked sitting at’s mini bar. _I don’t know… I might call you later… I have some stuff going o now and I really don’t know if I will be able to go with you tonight. They kept talking and John was sat on the sofa just looking at them, they looked real close friends and suddenly he started to feel weird, something wasn’t right. He was thinking about who he should be and if he was a good person to deserve everythingwas doing for him. A lot of things were bothering him at that moment andtalking to Mark was one of them. John stood up and went to the laundry area and sat there. He started to force himself to remember something but nothing was coming; after some timeshowed up at the door. _What are you doing John? _Trying to remember something but I just can’t… the only thing I got was this stupid headache again. _Come here… - she said reaching out her hand. _Where? – he asked holding her hand and standing up . _Mark just left and he said you can keep the clothes to yourself. Go get dressed and then we we’ll go to the alley you woke up and try to find something, ok? _Yeah… is he cool with it? ‘Cause if he’s not I can keep wearing your funny shirts and… - he said looking at the bag. _Mark was born cool so go put something warm ‘cause it’s cold outside. – she said giving him the bag. Something weird happened at that moment; John kept holding the bag strap along withwho also couldn’t let it go. They kept looking at each other’s eyes and then, out of the blue, he hugged her. _Thank you for all you’re doing for me. – he said in a low voice. _No problem. – she said still feeling weird and holding him. _You know… I just had a déjà-vu. – he said breaking from the hug. _Oh really… me too… - she said walking to the kitchen. _The bag scene, it was like we’ve done the same thing before… - he said going to the bathroom with the bag. _Really? Me too! – she said waiting for him on the hallway. _Weird, huh? _Totally! – she said thinking about his eyes and the déjà-vu. sat on the hallway eating chocolate Häagen-Dazs and after half an hour John showed up leaving her shocked. _So? How do I look? – he said stopped by the door with his hand in his jeans pockets. _You shaved your beard… you look just great… _Thank you… - he said getting close to her face. _What? – she asked as he put his hand on her face. _You have ice cream on your chin. – he said cleaning it up from her face. – Ready to go? _Sure, let me just get my jacket, ok? He nodded and walked to the front door to wait for her.was out of her mind, confused with some stuff. She really loved his new look, how come a navy blue shirt and old jeans and jacket looked so good on him and when Mark was wearing the same outfit she said it was horrible? She couldn’t think straight, but after those crazy thoughts she grabbed her jacket and went to meet him. To Be Continued...