Kornikor Defender
	Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become an kornikor defender, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
	Race: any
	Alignment: Any.
	Class: Cleric lvl 3
	Feats: toughness
Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save AC Bonus	Special
1st	+0		  	+2	+0	+2	    	+0	turn/rebuke undead
2nd	+1			+3	+0	+3		+1	expertise , damage reduction(1)
3rd	+2			+3	+1	+3		+1	dodge, uncanny dodge
4th	+3			+4	+1	+4		+1	damage reduction(2),combat casting
5th	+3			+4	+1	+4		+2	iron will
6th	+4			+5	+2	+5		+2	uncanny dodge(can't be flanked), damage redution (3)
7th	+5			+5	+2	+5		+3	great fortitude
8th	+6/+1			+6	+2	+6		+3	damage redution (4)
9th	+6/+1			+6	+3	+6		+4	
10th	+7/+2			+7	+3	+7	 	+4	damage redution (5)
Class Skills
The kornikor defender’s class skills are Animal enpathy, Concentration, Craft , Diplomacy , Heal , Intuit direction, Knowledge(arcana),Move silently , Profession, Ride ,Scry, Spellcraft, Swim,Willderness lore
Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons and sap, all armors and shields
Turn rebuke undead: kornikor defender's rebuke undead as a (cleric lvl+kornikor defender -2) cleric, he adjusted lvl must be at least his cleric lvl 
Increased total defense: while in total defense the normal bonus of +4 is changed for a +10 dodge bonus on the AC
Domains: animal, plant ,protection , healing
Spells: cleric table, lvls stack
Improved shield proficience: when using a kornikor defender uses a shield the bonus is always +1 bigger than normal.

    Source: geocities.com/br/ferwoi

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