To submit to the semen analysis, it is necessary to assume some basic recommendations:

. When the doctor asks for semen analysis, it is important that the patient assumes his responsibility, because it is mandatory to do it.

. You must behold the sexual abstinence advised by the doctor or by the laboratory, or to follow the pattern from 4 to 6 days. This abstinence is pivotal, so that the results are of clinical value to the diagnosis. The references of the examination are adjusted at this time of abstinence.

. Do not disregard or make difficult in performing the examination.Do not disregard or make difficult in performing the examination. It may be pivotal in identifying the problem affecting the couple. There is nothing too much in taking the exam. So much the specialist who did the solicitation, all the laboratorista that proceeds the examination, only they want to help, of the best possible way. One remembers that, in case of evaluation of infertility, it is much more difficult in order that the woman faces the battery of necessary examinations for his case. So, face the examination with naturalness and with responsibility. In order that a son has been, any sacrifice is worthwhile.

. At the masturbation in the laboratory you really must forget the world outside. At that moment, the technician of the laboratory does not to be looking for you. While you collect the semen specimen, they are laboring. So, you must be easy-going, to the will. Relaxes himself and collect the semen specimen of course.

. No problem if you did not obtain the semen specimen. Also, this possibility is waited by laboratory technician. Each laboratory has a criterion to execute in this regard and you will be orientated sufficiently to a new attempt. For us, laboratory technicians, there is not demerit if you did not obtain the semen specimen. Many patients does not obtain due to psychological distress because they were not prepared to submit to the examination. It is important that the patient would be aware that the semen analysis is necessary and he must be prepared to a new attempt.

. Following basic recommendations about the semen analysis everything will be ok and you will do the examination of course.

. Doubt, if any, please, contact me. I will always be able to give any additional information.