Angel Interceptor's Posties

Aqui, até os postcards são pobres e tronchos!! :D

todas as colagens foram feitas por mim, por isso são ridiculas. ;)

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excuse me i just have to explode this body off me wake up tomorrow brand new youll be given love youll be taken care of you have to trust it all is full of love all around you let me enter you entertain you with my pain a stroke of luck or gift from god? hand of fate or devils claws? you came to me now.
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a friend in needs a friend indeed a friend who bleeds is better my friend confessed she passed th test and we will never sever you my friend i will defend and if we change well i love you anyway we dont need to look for trouble were partners in crime my insanity double when life takes a turn from bad to worse youre always there, my lovable curse awareness+love+understanding=feminism!
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