H e a t h : H e a t h

Nome: Heathecliff Andrew Ledger
Nasceu: Perth, W. Australia
Dia: 4 de Abril de1979
Pais: Sally and Kim
Irmăs: Kate, Olivia e Ashley

R a p i d i n h a

Esportes: Cricket, Field Hockey
Hobbies: Tennis, snowboarding, surfing, writing poetry, photography, horsebackriding
Bandas: U2, Silverchair, Powderfinger, Spiderbait, Beck
Filmes: 2001, Children of Paradise, The Pirate, DeerHunter
Atores e Atrises: Jack Nicholson, Gene Kelly, Judy Garland, Katherine Hepburn, Meryl Streep
Diretores: Peter Weir, Bob Fosse, Stanley Kubrick