Let me take care of you?

(By Deyse)

The cast and crew of TBAA were already at the Moon Water Studios to shoot the next episode of the show. Della, Roma and Valerie were in a room, discussing the last details with the director and studying their lines while the technicians finished to arrange the set decoration, but, as much as she tried, the Irish actress couldn’t focus on the conversation. Someone (who had become very dear to her heart) was missing.

John was usually the first one to arrive at work, but on that rainy Monday, only 10 minutes from the beginning of the shooting, there was no sign of him and his delay was worrying his co-worker (and secret girlfriend). If she weren’t in a meeting to discuss the last details of the episode, she would have phoned him already.

John and Roma had confessed their love for each other only 3 days before, in a rather troubled Valentine’s night, and from that moment on their lives seemed to be filled with a happy melody; joy and affection were now permanently inside their hearts. The couple had agreed to keep their romance in secret for a while – first because they wanted to be the first ones to tell Reilly about it, and secondly because what they shared was too precious to end up on the cover of a magazine straight away. And, truth to be told, they were enjoying to keep that little love secret.

But now the Irish actress was really worried – they had seen each other on the previous day and he was fine. So what was causing that delay? Fortunately, the meeting was finally over and Roma stood up and moved away from her friends, holding her cell phone. However, before she could dial John’s number, the phone rang.


"Johnny? Where are you? What happened?" her worried voice caused the others – Della, Valerie and the director, to pay attention to the conversation, as they too wanted to know what was delaying the blond actor.

"Roma, I’m fine, please, don’t be so worried..." he replied, and at the moment he spoke, she could notice the hoarseness in his voice.

"What happened to you? Your voice... are you sick?"

"Well, I... I guess I have a cold..."

"A cold?" she repeated, in a louder voice, so that the others could hear it too, "What are you feeling? Do you have a fever? Do you..."

"Angel, angel, calm down, I’m... I guess I have a slight fever, but it’s nothing to worry about. I just don’t feel well to drive up there..."

"No, you shouldn’t drive! You have to stay there in bed!" at that very moment, all the actress wanted was to leave the studio and rush to his house, so that she could take care of him. "Did you call the doctor?"

"N-No, it’s not necessary..."

"Not necessary? This can be serious, John!"

"Sweetie, please, try to stay calm, it’s just a slight cold..."

"How do you know? Promise me you’ll call the doctor?"

With a slight smile, as he could feel how worried she was, he sighed, "Ok, I promise. You know I do anything you ask me to, don’t you?"

Slightly amused, she lowered her voice and turned her face away from the ones who were near, "It’s not time for flirting, mister!"

The director’s voice, asking about John’s condition, put an end to their conversation. She passed the phone to him and then Della also wanted to know if he was fine. When they finished talking to the actor, it was already time to go back to work and all the couple could do was to bid each other goodbye.

"Well, since I’m not the one with an audience surrounding me, I just want you to know that I love you, angel! Very much!" he spoke, and despite his really bad flu – as he was trying not to tell her the whole truth, he felt a lot better after listening to her voice.

Slightly blushed, and unable to give him a proper reply, she tried to sound natural, "Yes... I know..."

"And right now I can perfectly picture your blushing face and your attempt to hide it from Della and everybody else!"

"Yes, you’re right again..."

"So you can imagine that, right at this very moment, I’m holding you tightly in my arms and that I’m kissing those pretty lips of yours and that I’m whispering that I love you close to your ear!"

Trying to suppress a giggle, although her face was twice blushed now, she sighed deeply, "I can imagine how it feels like..." she replied, worriedly, as now Della was noticing the expression on her face.

"Now go, angel, you have work to do. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine."

"I’ll call you later, ok?"

"Ok. I love you."

"Same..." she hung up the phone and let out a worried sigh. Della placed her hand on her shoulder, "C’mon, baby, let’s go to work. Later on I can stay with Reilly and you go up to his house to check him in person."

Roma’s eyes lit up with that idea, "Would you? I’m really worried, Della, you know how Johnny is: he worries about everybody but forgets about himself!"

"Yes, I do know!" Della replied, and when Roma moved away to stand in her position, already in the set, she smiled and murmured, "Lovejuice really needs someone to take care of him too, baby, and I’m under the impression that this ‘someone’ could be you!"


Roma phoned John 4 times more during the day and when the shooting was over, the actress said goodbye to her co-workers and went to pick Reilly up at school. She would give the little girl a shower and change her clothes before taking her to Della’s house, who happily agreed to babysit her "granddaughter" while Roma took care of her "angel boy".

"Uncle Johnny will have to take an injection?" Reilly asked, sitting on the back of her mother’s car, holding Alice n her arms and with a very worried little face.

"Well, if it’s necessary, yes, he’ll have to, poppet."

"Oh, no! Poor him!"

"But that’s necessary if he wants to get better," her mother explained.

"Can’t I go to help you take care of him?"

"No, sweetheart, you can’t. Uncle Johnny has a bad flu and he would be very sad if you caught it from him."

"Then I’d have to get an injection too?"

"Probably yes," the actress replied, secretly finding her sudden worry rather funny.

"That would not be good... I’m sorry for uncle Johnny... I’ll pray for him to get better soon."

"Yes, angel, pray for him. God listens to all His little angels prayers."

A few minutes later they arrived at Della’s house and Roma kissed her daughter goodbye. "You behave well with auntie Della and uncle Frank, ok?"

"Okay..." the little girl reached inside her backpack for a lollipop, "Can you give uncle Johnny my lollipop? He’ll feel better."

The two actresses exchanged an amused and moved look, and her mother caressed her curly hair, "Oh, honey, right now he needs vitamins and medicine to heal... Let’s do something? Later, you can ask auntie Della to phone him and I’m sure he’ll feel better to know how much you love him."

"Ok..." she accepted the candy back with a sad look in her eyes, "But can I see him when he gets better?"

"Yes, angel. I promise I’ll take you to see him!"

"And he’ll be very happy to see you, baby!" Della added, holding her tiny hand.

"Mommy has to go now, sweetie. Bye bye, honey."

"Bye mommy."

They kissed each other’s cheeks and Roma left the house.

"Is uncle Johnny gonna be alright, auntie Della?"

"Oh, yes, baby, I’m sure he’ll feel much better sooner than we think!" there was a hint of irony in her voice and a small smile on her face as she said that.


John stirred in his bed and slowly opened his eyes: the door bell woke him up from a deep, restless sleep. He stood up and walked drowsily up to the door, opening it a few seconds later, "Angel?" the actor was surprised to see his beloved Roma there, standing at his apartment door. And when she saw the exhaustion and tiredness on his face, she became twice worried, "Johnny... Oh, Johnny, God, you’re so pale, honey!" she spoke, caressing his face with tenderness.

He took her hand and kissed her palm, "Roma... angel I’m so happy to see you but you didn’t have to worry so much..." he said, "Please, come in."

"Oh, but I do worry!" she took his hand and guided him up to the sofa, taking a seat right next to him, "Look at you... you need immediate care, John, did you call the doctor?"

"Well... I... I was going to but after I talked to you I kind of fell asleep and only woke up with you ringing the bell..."

"What?" Roma placed her hand against his forehead and her eyes grew wide, "Oh God you have a high fever! I’ll call the doctor right now!"

"Roma, honey..."

"I don’t want to hear a word, mister! You’re seeing a doctor immediately!" she spoke, with such an authoritarian tone of voice that he had to do some effort not to laugh, "Yes, ma’am!"


The doctor didn’t take too long to arrive at John’s house. After checking the blond actor, the old man frowned and shook his head.

"Is it serious, Dr Draper?" Roma’s voice reflected all her worry.

"It requires a lot of care, Roma. John, you have a very bad flu and I guess you haven’t eaten much during the day, right?"

A little embarrassed, he nodded his head, "In fact I.... I haven’t. I slept most of the time and didn’t feel like eating..."

"You’re weak. I’m prescribing some vitamins together with the other medicines, but you should eat a little."

"I’m already preparing something for him, doctor." The actress spoke.

"Good, good." The old man smiled and looked at his patient, "It seems you got an attentive friend to watch over you, John! Attentive and very pretty!"

The couple of actors couldn’t help but to laugh at his words. "I sure do!" John agreed, secretly winking at his girlfriend.

The old doctor gave the prescription to Roma and bid them goodnight. Smiling, still sitting on the sofa, John reached out for her hand and pulled her to sit on his lap, "I’m under the impression that Dr Draper was making eyes at my gorgeous nurse!" he joked, kissing her cheek and causing her to roll her eyes and stare at him, "You are hopeless!"

"Nope! I’m an attentive guy who’s taking really good care of his girl!" he tightened the hold on her and kissed her shoulder.

Roma contemplated his face for long moments, overwhelmed with tenderness and a multitude of other loving feelings. How she loved him! It was amazing how his presence would always fill her heart with happiness, contentment and the deepest love. She reached out and tenderly caressed his hair, "Promise you’ll heal for me? There’ll... there’ll be a kiss as a reward..."

His green eyes met her brown ones and he took he hand, "You know there’s nothing in this whole world that you ask me and that I don’t do," he could see that his kind words reached her heart as he voiced them. And, playfully, he frowned with some concern, "And I would ask for my reward in advance if I was sure you wouldn’t catch my bad flu!"

Somewhat amused, she lay her hands on each side of his cheek and looked at his lips, "Let’s see if this flu is really contagious!"

Roma brushed her lips against his and both surrendered to that tender and sweet caress that would always bring so much joy, comfort and love to their soul. John entangled his fingers through her hair and wrapped his arm around her waist, and the Irish actress copied his movements, gently stroking his blond hair.

That sweet and tender kiss soon became tiny ones, spread along John’s cheeks, nose and, once again, on his lips. "Angel... I love you..." he spoke gently as he stroked her cheek. Roma inched closer and gave him another peck o the lips, "I love you too, Mr Dye!"

Gazing at her meek face, he smiled at her, "You know something? The last time I felt that happy for being ill, I was like 10 years old and didn’t have to go to school!"

Giggling, the Irish actress gently disentangled from his loving embrace and stood on her feet, "Well, you might get a second round of kisses if you promise me you’ll eat all the dinner I prepared you!"

"Where’s the food?" he replied, in a visible and purposefully hurry.


Despite Roma’s best efforts, John ate very little on that night. The exhaustion and lack of appetite caused John to feel sleepy and weak and, realising that his condition was a delicate one, the actress insisted that he should lie down a little while she finished to clean the dishes. She also spoke to Della and Reilly and told them she would stay with John that night – Roma would never leave him alone in a moment like that.

John was asleep when the actress entered his bedroom. Silently, and with a permanent worried expression on her face, she placed her hand over his forehead and frowned a little bit more to realise that his skin was still warm. Carefully, not to wake him up, she climbed on the bed and lay down next to him. The necessary medicines had been given already and now she had to wait. The tender touch of her hand against his face caused him to stir and he blinked his eyes open, "Angel?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I could say that I’ve been better but considering that you’re lying here by my side, I can say that I feel great!" the joking tone on his voice and his slight smile weren’t enough to erase her concern.

"I’ve spoken to Della right now and told her that I’ll stay here with you."

"What about Reilly?" His immediate concern for her little daughter, who he had practically adopted as his own, always moved her to tears. "She’ll stay with Della and Frank, they are always happy to take care of her, you know that. Besides, I talked to our wee one and she was the first one to ask me to stay here taking care of you!"

"Roma, honey, I really don’t want to give you any trouble, I could..."

"Shh..." the actress covered his lips, "... you certainly give and show me many things... but all of them are wonderful!" she said, lost in the spark of his eyes, even if there was great worry filling her heart.

"I don’t want to see this worried expression on your pretty face," he said, tracing a line along her jaw with his finger, reading all the concern deep inside her brown pools, which also held an inch of sadness.

"I know I’m overprotective sometimes and that I exaggerate..."

"I didn’t say that, angel. I understand your worry and I would feel and do exactly the same if you or Reilly were ill. To be honest, I feel blessed to have you here with me."

She sighed and looked at his handsome and pale face with love and tenderness, "I took care of my father when he became ill, you know. I stood at his side until... Well, until God took him Home." The actress said, and John was moved with emotion to think about the pain and suffering she had been through.

"You’re such a courageous woman, Roma. I wish I was there with you, though... I wish I were there to hold you tight, angel..."

A slight, tearful smile appeared on her face and she caressed his cheek, "That would’ve been wonderful... But I’ve learned that God has His own timing. At that moment of my life, He helped me by giving me the courage I needed. And, years later, at another difficult moment, He gave me you... And that was the same as giving me the sun..."

With his heart practically bursting with love, John gently pulled her closer to him, so that her head was now resting against his chest, and wrapped his strong arms around her, in a tight, warm embrace. "I love you so much, angel... So much... You’re so precious to my life..." The blond actor kissed the top of her head repeatedly, permanently running his fingers through her hair.

"You never let me forget that..." she raised her face to look at him, "Since those hard times with my father’s illness, I got used to protecting the ones I love. When Reilly or you or Della and Frank aren’t well, then I’m not well either, as you all became my family, you all became part of my heart."

"You and that pretty little one are also part of our hearts. In fact, you both got a big piece of my heart, baby!"

The slight smile on her face did make him feel better and he bent his head and brushed a loving kiss on her lips, "Now you sleep, ok? I promise you I’ll behave better than an angel!"

Giggling, she snuggled closer to his warm body and returned her head to his chest, "You’ve always been an angel in my life. And now it’s your turn to sleep, mister; I’ll keep an eye on you for the night."

And that’s what she did. Occasionally, Roma would drift off to a light sleep, but it was only for a few minutes, permanently taking care of him during the night. When the first sun rays started to shine through the window, the actress stirred in bed and stood face to face with John, eyeing him carefully and praying that he would recover soon. She reached out and touched his face and let out a sigh of relief to see that at least the fever had broken. Smiling, the actress now turned to contemplate his handsome face, his boyish features and dark blond hair caused her to sigh, fully aware that she was hopelessly, completely in love with him.

Thinking that he was still asleep, the actress inched closer to him and, after one more tender stroke on his cheek, she brushed her lips lightly against his. What she didn’t expect was his slight smile of contentment as she pulled away. "If I keep my eyes closed and pretend to be asleep, can I have one more of these?" he spoke, eliciting a giggle from her.

"That’s cheating, mister!"

He finally opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows, "And that was deliberately taking advantage of me, miss!"

"It’s all your fault, who told you to be that irresistible?"

"Oh, so now it’s my fault?"

"Yes!" the actress inched closer to him, "And I have to inform you that, regardless the fact that you’re already awake, I’ll keep on taking advantage of you, Mr Dye!" she spoke, placing short kisses on his lips.

"Well... luckily for you... I’m weak... and ill... and I cannot resist to you..." he said, in between kisses and with a permanent smile.

The tiny kisses soon turned into a loving and soft one, as delicate and tender as the feeling that would bring them together for the rest of their lives. When they pulled away, John took her hand and kissed it, "And you put this smile here, angel. God knows what I’m feeling inside, how happy I am!"

He pulled her closer to him and they held each other tightly, with a sudden inner peace filling their hearts. "Doesn’t it feel just perfect?" she spoke, letting out a contented sigh.

John kissed the top of her head, permanently combing her hair with his fingers. "Yes, it does feel, angel... And I’m so grateful for that..."

"Me too..." her lips curved into a mischievous smile, "We should do this again... But without the flu part!"

Chuckling, he turned his face and looked at her with eyebrows raised, "And we have to take into consideration that you spent the night lying next to me, right here on my bed and I behaved better than Andrew!"

"That part could be out too!" she replied, finally getting a small laugh from him. "Yes, ma’am!"


10 months later...

Under the sheets that covered two bodies lying in John’s bed, Roma watched the first sunrays shining through the bedroom window and reaching the carpeted floor. Then, she turned her eyes to the two photo frames on the bedside table and the slight smile on her pretty face grew wider: in one of the pictures, she and the blond actor were holding each other in a tight embrace and he was resting his cheek against hers. On another one, Reilly was between them and they were both holding the little girl – both photos were precious little moments that would remain etched in their hearts forever.

Suddenly, the actress felt a strong arm tightening the hold around her waist and another arm moving underneath her head. "Good morning, angel..." John’s low voice behind her and his warm breath against her soft skin caused her to feel pleasant butterflies in her stomach. After John had bent his head and kissed her neck, she shifted her position and now lay on her back so that they could face each other.

"Good morning." The actress replied, caressing his face and enjoying the loving kiss that he brushed against her lips an instant later.

"Hum... why am I under the impression that you’ve been awake for some time?" he wanted to know, leaning on his elbow and placing a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"Yes, in fact I have. I was... remembering something..."

The image of Roma lying on his bed, with her auburn locks slightly dishevelled and so relaxed in his arms left him more and more infatuated. "Hum... I see," his smile turned into a mischievous one and he kissed her again, "Would that have something to do with what happened here last night?"

Giggling softly, she bit her lower lip, "Well, to be honest... yes and no..." When he narrowed his eyes with confusion on his handsome face, she knew she had to explain her thoughts. "I was remembering the first time I spent the night here with you..."

John let out a small chuckle, "Oh, I remember that one too: the inconvenient bad flu!" then his face turned a serious one, "I’m glad I had an angel who stood by my side all the time, taking care of me!"

She reached out and touched his face, "That’s where I’ll always be. When I woke up that morning and saw you sleeping so peacefully next to me, holding me tightly despite your illness, I wished that... that we could wake up like that every day..."

John cupped her chin up and looked deep inside her brown pools, "If it depends on me, angel, we can wake up like this forever. I’ll never, ever get tired of looking at you..." he lifted her hand and kissed her fingers, where one could see the shiny and gorgeous engagement ring he had given her, "...my pretty valentine! Either when you’re all dressed up in beautiful and elegant dresses or when you’re like this... you look more beautiful than never to me!"

Roma caressed his cheek with tenderness, "Johnny... I love you so much..."

"I love you too, baby. Forever."

The end