Kamilla og tyven

Hvem er din nye venn Kamilla?

Er det en som du kan stole paa?

Er det en du kan ta trygt in haanden

naar veien synes haaplo*s lang aa gaa?

Natten vil komme start, Kamilla.

Da blir himmelen mo*rk med stjerner paa,

og du trenger en aa ta in haanden,

for enda har du langt igjen aa gaa.

Kamilla, Kamilla, hva tenker du naa?

To*r du tro haan er an venn som du kan stole paa?

Kamilla, Kamilla, hva tenker du naa?

To*r du tro han er en venn som du kan stole paa?

Graat ikke mer for meg, Kamilla,

for mitt liv som tyv er helt forbi.

Jeg maa ta den straffen jeg fortjener

saa mer jeg igjen, da er jeg fri!

Vi venter Sebastian, en dag er du fri.

Det skal bli en dag med nye muligheter i,

Kamilla, Kamilla, jeg kommer igjen,

og jeg tror du vil ta imot meg som en venn.

Note: The 'aa' = Norwegian 'a' with a circle over it, pronounced like

a long

English 'o'

'o' with an asterisk after it (o*) = Norwegian 'o' with a slash

through it,

and pronounced like the

'oo' in 'look' (American pronounciation)


Kamilla and Sebastian

Who is your new friend, Kamilla?

Is it one you can depend upon?

Is it one you can take safely by the hand

when the way is hopelessly long to walk?

Kamilla, Kamilla, what are you thinking now?

Dare you believe he is a friend that you can depend on?

Kamilla, Kamilla, what are you thinking now?

Dare you believe he is a friend that you can depend on?

Cry no more for me, Kamilla,

for my life as a thief is in the past.

I must accept the punishment I deserve

So meet me again, when I am free.+

We'll wait for you, Sebastian;

one day you will be free.

It will be a day of new possibilities.

Kamilla, Kamilla, I will come again,

and I believe you will accept me as a friend.

+ I am not entirely confident of the translation of this line. Will

ask a

Norwegian and correct it


Lyrics by Elisabeth Aanje, Music by Ragnar Bjerkreim

And there is a photo of Morten from the movie on the back! Not one of


best photos, to be

sure, but still - it's Morty!

Under it is written: MORTEN HARKET sings the title melody, 'Kamilla


Sebastian.' "