
Please email-me ( ) your fanfiction aaml only ^^ . In few days your fic be here!


1. Title.
2. Name of the writer (pen name, alias, nomme de plume -- you get the idea).
3. The part number ("zero" if it's a whole story).
4. Your e-mail address.
5. The Category (General, Romance, Drama, Humor, Terror, Poetry, SongFic, Action, Adventure, Hentai, Lemon).
      -- min.1 categorys  max. 3 categorys
6. Summary of the fanfic -- OPTIONAL. Just type this into the body of email that you're sending me with your fanfic. Also, you can always email it to me later. Remember, it is optional, so don't feel pressured to provide one.


 = New fanfic

 = Fanfic Update

 = Hentai

 = Fanfic complete

 = Fanfic incomplete

 = Romance

= Humor

 = Terror

 = Adventure / Action

 = Drama

Fanfictions in English




Then and Now

 Joy-girl @


Fanfictions in Portuguese

Click Here
