A TBAA/Pretty woman crossover


This is an idea that has been in my mind ever since the first fanfic I wrote. I just happen to love Pretty woman (I know, quite a silly story but I like it! I have the right to be a sap sometimes, don’t I?) and I’ve always wondered about a second part (different to Runaway bride, a real one…) So, I think Vivian and Edward didn’t live "happily ever after" as that is not how life works, and don’t you think they may sometimes have used an angel… or two or three? *winks*

Please, don’t suit me! Of course neither Pretty woman nor TBAA or 98 degrees’ song belong to me! This is just for fun! That’s why I’m writing this! And please, don’t think I’m a sinner because I’m writing two angels in romantic situations! Monica and Andrew are over all characters of a TV show and that’s how I’m writing them!

Finally, this story is dedicated to my three beloved sisters. D, W, and K, you’re the best sisters I could have ever gotten!




Inside Edward Lewis’ private plane…

"Yes, call him and set lunch with him so we can talk before we meet Morse… Yes, in the hotel it’s ok… Is he staying at the Regent Beverly too? Ok… Yes, that’s all… see you in… 20 minutes. Thanks, Rafael… Bye" Vivian heard her husband talking by the phone and she sighed. She turned to look through the window and recognized the line of houses by the beach as Santa Barbara’s suburbs. They would be arriving to Los Angeles in no time, and this would be the first time she went back to the city where her whole life had changed four years ago. She had met Edward in one of the darkest days of her life when she hadn’t found another way of living but in the streets, and in a week they had fallen in love with each other, making her childhood dream come true.

A hand on her leg made her turn. "You ok?" Edward’s face was just inches away from her and her heart skip a bit with his closeness.

"I’m fine…" she said and leaned to peck him on the lips. "Just remembering…" she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Wondering how it would have been like…" he tried to guess kissing the top of her head, "… if I had decided to go?"

She chuckled and looked at him. "No. How it would have been like if you had had cash!" she said referring to how they had met. Edward had been lost in Los Angels and ended up in Hollywood boulevard, where Vivian had offered to give him directions to arrive to his hotel for ten bucks. When he had said he didn’t have but a 20 dollars bill, she had climbed up to his car and guided him to the hotel in person.

Edward laughed a little remembering that night. "I would have gotten lost again…" he said and then getting serious he turned to face Vivian. "I do wonder about that sometimes too, you know?… And I know I would have never regretted enough not to have gone back to find you".

It still amazed Vivian how she shivered at the mere touch of Edward’s hands. It had been four years and she still found him as handsome as the first night… even if she had noticed his car first. "Really?" she asked innocently in the childlike way that made Edward feel weak.

"Really…" he assured her taking her hand and kissing it lovingly. Then, meeting her brown eyes, he inched his face closer to hers and kissed her long, savoring her lips like the first time she had allowed him to kiss her.

When they broke apart, she rested her head on his shoulder again. "So, this new partner of yours… who is him?"

"I don’t know… But according to Morse, his lawyer contacted him and he’s interested on what we are doing here. He’s young and very rich and powerful for what Rafael has found out…"

"Intriguing…" Vivian commented and looked through the window again to the high hills that would reveal the Hollywood advertisement any minute now.


In the Regent Beverly Wilshire restaurant…

"Tell me again… Who is this guy?" a blond tall angel was telling a younger Latin-type one.

"Edward Lewis…"

"And I’m supposed to be his partner in business?"

"You want to be… You are interested in his enterprises…"

"He builds ships with this other man…"

"James Morse, yes…" Rafael said helping Andrew to fix his tie. "Sam is your lawyer and he contacted Mr. Morse…"

"Sam?" Andrew said once more fixing his tie. "You mean… Sam…?"

"Your supervisor, yes… If you are not sure about something, he will help you…" It was now time for Andrew’s handkerchief. The blond angel felt just like a doll being dressed. He had been called barely ten minutes before and he had been fill in details in such a hurry he wasn’t sure of what he had to say. "Your personal assistant is Tess, I’m Edward’s…"


"Here he comes…" Rafael said spotting Edward coming into the restaurant. "Oh, by the way… I almost forgot…" the younger angel reached his inner pocket to handle Andrew something more. "Get this on! You’re married!"

"What?!" Andrew asked looking at the wedding ring Rafael had given him. But as Edward was just a table away, he glided the ring on his finger and kept the questions for later.

"Mr. Lewis!" Rafael walked to meet Edward.

"Rafael…" Edward greeted the angel.

"This is Andrew Parks…" he introduced the new "businessman" shooting him a "just follow me…" look at the intrigued expression he had when he heard his "last name".

"Mr. Parks…"

"Mr. Lewis…" the blond angel shook hands with the man.

"Please, call me Edward… Rafael and my other partner, James Morse, tell me you want to talk to me…" They took a seat in the nearest table.

"Call me Andrew… Yes… I’ve been following the development of your enterprises and I think we can make some good deals… You build ships, I have a big harbor that remains almost empty…"

"And it is in…?"

"Oregon… New Port city… We managed to save this place from a firm that wanted to buy the land and build a mall not caring about the people, most of them families that lived from the harbor and that had nowhere to go if they lost their houses…"

Edward bite his inner cheek thinking for a moment about Andrew’s words. "To be honest I’m relieved… One of the things James and I care about the most is that our employees doesn’t pay for our decisions… and you seem to be worried about your own employees… I take you want to take our ships there so you have more activity there…."

"Yes… The port is a place with a lot of projection to the future. We’re in a big trade center and our facilities are good even for big cruiser ships or transatlantic…"

"Then I think we may have a deal, Andrew!" Edward exclaimed offering his hand to the angel. "James asked me to come and meet you before to, you know, find out what kind of man you are… Not that I don’t trust Rafael, but we wanted to make sure you were not a self-seeking man… I know you’re married?"

Andrew turned to look at Rafael briefly who nodded slightly to encourage him to go on. "Ah… I… yes." The angel smiled sheepishly and reached his hand to show him the ring he was wearing.

"Good! My wife is here too… Perhaps we can have dinner tonight all the four together."

"Sure!" Andrew didn’t know what else to say.

"Vivian and I went to The Voltaire on our first date ever and we haven’t come back to Los Angeles in four years… I’m planning to take her there tonight again…"

"We’ll be happy to join you," Andrew smiled feeling he was getting in more and more trouble with every minute. "What time?"

"7.30. We can meet in the lobby if that’s ok with you…"


Rafael and Andrew saw the man going away and the blond angel let himself lean heavily against the chair, sighing in relief. "Okay now, Rafael… you have some serious explanations to give! Honestly, the business man assignment… I have done that before, but married?"

"Yes, married, angel boy…" a female voice they both knew quite well said reaching their table. "There are not two assignments that are just the same…"


"Hey, this is not my idea, ok? Do I arrange the assignments? Do I decide what angel goes to each assignment? No, I don’t! I just follow the orders I’m given… And this time the orders I had been given is that you will be Edward Lewis partner… and that you will make him value some other things more important than business."

"Like what?" the blond angel wanted to know.

"Like love, and friends, and trust, and the blessings the Father sends without His children knowing about them…" Andrew’s half scared, half surprised face made Tess’ heart melt with tenderness for that angel that was much like her son. "You’ll do great, Andrew! If the Father sent you here, it’s because He knows you’re the right angel for this…"

Andrew sighed and met the supervisor’s gaze. "All right… but what about my "wife"?" he asked making the quotation marks sign with his fingers and not helping the hint of irony in his voice.

Tess sighed. "We have to find you one…"

The angel of death looked at her. "So, she hasn’t been assigned…"

"Nope…" the dark skinned angel sighed in defeat. "It was such a short time to fix all this that we haven’t decided who she will be… It has to be someone who you are comfortable enough with so you can really help Edward and Vivian…"

Andrew gulped and stretched himself to look secure enough for what he was going to say. "Tess… if this is a condition… that I have to look like a real husband…" he cleared his throat, "you know there’s just one angel I’d feel comfortable with to do such a thing…"

"I know, baby… Then, we’ll have to see her…"



Andrew saw his friend walking in the restaurant and he felt his nervousness grow in intensity. "Tess… Andrew… what’s going on? I just got called and they told me it was very urgent…"

"You better take a seat, baby…" the dark skinned angel said as Andrew had stood up to help her with her chair. When she was in front of her, she continued. "This is very unusual and I know you will be surprised. You can refuse to do it…" Andrew shot her a nasty look, "but if you accept you would be really helping Andrew…"

Monica turned to face her blond friend and he made her such puppy eyes she would’ve laughed hadn’t she felt this was something very serious. "Why? What’s going on?"

"It’s my assignment…" he explained. "I’m supposed to be this man’s new partner in a ship business, but…"

"But he is supposed to be married…" Rafael completed sensing the angel wouldn’t have to courage to say it.

"Married?!" Monica exclaimed. "But, Tess… aren’t angels supposed to…?"

"Yes, baby… That’s what I have always said, but it looks like I was wrong… The instructions this time were very clear… He even got the ring…" Andrew rose his hand to show it, and when he lowered it he started to play with the band.

"So who is your "wife", Andrew?" the Irish angel asked.

The blond angel found himself suddenly out of words. He turned to look at Tess, wanting for her to read his expression. "That’s why we asked you to come, Monica…" the supervisor reached to take her charge’s hand. "Andrew needs someone he finds himself comfortable enough to play the role of a devoted husband and… well… he thinks he only could make it if that someone is you…"

The caseworker was rather taken aback by this request and she withdrew her hand from the table. "Me?" She turned to look at Andrew and his anxious gaze touched her heart. "Andrew?"

"I’m as surprised as you are, baby…" he said now reaching to take her other hand. "And I cannot refuse to do the assignment ‘cause I’ve already met Edward. He asked me to join him and his wife for dinner tonight and I say yes! I was told to follow the instructions and what Rafael would say! He told me I was married just when Edward was two tables away!"

"This is incredible!" Monica murmured still shocked by the news.

"Yes, it is! And now I feel I’m trapped! What do I do? Please, Monica, help me!" he pleaded and squeezed her hand a little tighter. "Please, say you will be my wife!"

In other circumstances, the Irish angel would have laughed nervously: she had gotten a marriage proposal! Something an angel would have never gotten normally. Yet there he was: her best friend holding her hand and looking at her with the same anxiety in his eyes as if he was in fact making a proposal that would change both their lives. "Do you accept, baby?" Tess’ voice interrupted her silent deliberation.

Monica looked at her supervisor and then at Andrew again, and sighed quietly. "I do."


Inside a suite in the Regent Beverly Wilshire…

"How did you two meet?" Tess asked Andrew later that afternoon. He was reading a big bunch of papers to learn enough about Edward’s business while the older angel was combing Monica’s hair for their dinner that night.

"We can talk about how we really met… in the wedding…" Monica suggested. "We started to work together and became friends for many years…"

"…Till we realized we were… in love…" Andrew completed her sentence and blushed and lowered his head when he saw her blushing and hiding her eyes from him too.

"That works just fine… Now when did you realize you wanted to spend your lives together?" Tess continued as she tied Monica’s hair in a high bow.


"We…" The younger angels started at the same time and then smiled shyly at each other.

"Ok, everything’s ready now…" Rafael got into the room carrying a suit bag with a black tuxedo for Andrew. Placing in on the dinning table so it wouldn’t get wrinkled, he announced, "You’ll get a limousine ready to take you wherever you want to go. Your driver’s name is Doug. Armani, Prada and Channel boutiques have agreed to get you in a private session tomorrow morning so you can get proper dressings for the dates with Edward and with Morse, and your reservation here is ready…"

"Good, what suite is it?" Tess asked. They had been taken to a big suite but they were hoping to get another one that would "accommodate" them better…

"This one…" Rafael told them a little ashamed. "All the two-bedrooms are busy… They only have this one available…"

Andrew caught Monica’s gaze watching towards the bedroom door just when he was doing the same, and blushed furiously. "I… I guess we’ll be just fine…" he murmured.


Later at the suite…

"Who has always helped you with your tie, Andrew?" Rafael teased his friend who was finding the bow tie incredibly uncomfortable and kept on moving it to fix it.

"Funny…" the blond angel mumbled, "maybe you got one too small for me…"

The Latin angel tried his best to suppress a chuckle: if he didn’t know Andrew well, he’d swear he was as nervous as a teenager in his first date ever. "Nope… It was your size…" He finished to tie it once more and Andrew adjusted it again… "Monica, it’s 7.30! Hurry up!"

"I’m almost done!" the Irish angel replied but Tess’ voice came a second later. "You never hurry a woman when she’s getting dressed, angel boy! You want her all dress up and good looking, so you better let her take her time!"

"Edward and his wife must be waiting for us already!"

The door of the bedroom was open a second later and he faced a very bossy angel. "Then you go down and tell them to wait a few more minutes ‘cause your wife is not ready yet!"

Andrew gulped but didn’t argue as Tess slammed the door close right in front of his face. He turned to see Rafael who had an amused expression, and strode towards a chair to grab his jacket. "Tell her I’ll be in the lobby…" he murmured on his way out.

"Sure thing, buddy…" the younger angel replied giggling.

Andrew walked out of the elevator and Edward and Vivian were nowhere in sight. He went by the front desk and asked the receptionist if they had been there.

"They asked me to tell you they’d be waiting for you at the bar, Mr. Parks," she replied politely.

"Ok, thanks…" Andrew said and headed there but went back a couple of steps later. "Oh, I almost forgot… My… wife…" he blushed lightly at the word, "is coming too. Would you please tell her we’re there?"

"Sure, Mr. Parks, don’t worry…"

On his way to the bar, Andrew thought once more about how weird this situation was: there he was, an angel pretending to be married… Hadn’t it been an specific order, he would be flatly lying! And this wasn’t his first formal dinner… why was he so nervous then? He cleared his throat when he saw his "partner" sitting at the bar table with a very beautiful woman and made himself think his nervousness was just because everything had happened too quickly.

"Hey, Andrew!" Edward greeted him when he saw the angel. "I want you to meet my wife, Vivian."

"My pleasure, Vivian…" Andrew said shaking hands with her politely. "I’m sorry I’m a bit late but Monica is not ready yet… She asked me to come and tell you to please wait a few minutes…"

"Women…" Edward complained jokingly and he won a slap on the arm from Vivian.

"Yes, you do complain! But you always find it worth waiting!" she said.

"I agree on that!" Andrew said. "Meanwhile… can I buy you a drink?"

They chatted over some light topics for no more than ten minutes, and when Andrew was about to complain for Monica taking too long, he rose his head to find her at the entrance of the bar looking around for them. He just couldn’t believe what he was looking at: she was just astonishing, wearing a tight deep green dress that reached over her knees. It had a halter cut on the top and Tess had fixed her hair to leave her creamy shoulders exposed. It took Andrew long seconds to react, first what he felt when looking at her was extremely weird and unknown for him, second he was far from complaining about waiting for her. When he came back to his senses, he stood up and met her on her way to them. "Monica…"

"I’m sorry to keep you waiting…" she smiled shyly.

"Edward, Vivian… this is my wife, Monica…" Andrew said introducing her.


"Nice to meet you, Monica…" Edward said reaching to kiss her hand gentlemanly.

"Shall we go?" Andrew said feeling suddenly proud of having such a beautiful partner for the night.

The angels saw Edward and Vivian going ahead and Andrew reached to circle her waist to guide her. "You look so beautiful, angel…" he leaned and whispered on her ear. He felt her shivering and when she turned to face him she was slightly blushed. "Thank you…" was the only thing she managed to say.



In The Voltaire…

"They are planning to join a new investor in the business…" David Morse, James Morse’s grandson, was telling a bald man, who was sipping at a cup of coffee. "I don’t know who he is yet… All I know is that he comes from Oregon and owns a harbor…"

"You need to find who he is, and soon…" the other man said. He was Phillip Stuckey, a self-assertive lawyer that had worked for Edward Lewis for ten years just before Edward met Vivian and under her influence changed his mind on a two billion dollar business… Phillip had been so furious about Edward’s decision that he had gone to the hotel room and hit Vivian and he would had abused her, hadn’t Edward come back right on time to stop him. More than a broken nose, Phillip had kept the deepest resentment against the business man and had been patiently waiting for a chance to take revenge.

As for David… one would say he was on Edward’s side, as his grandfather planned to inherit him the enterprise, yet there was something he wanted much more than the millionaire business: Vivian. He had met her in a dinner when Edward had introduced her to him and his grandfather, and then he had seen her again in a polo match, and her smile was still imprinted in his heart. When he had heard she was currently living with Edward, a blow of jealousy had hit him.

"I guess we’ll find out quickly…" David commented when he saw Edward and Vivian entering the restaurant followed by two other people he didn’t know. "As quickly as you can leave this place, Phillip…"

"Darn… Four years and he has to still like this place?" the lawyer angrily said lowering his head as the four passed by their table not noticing them. "The partner has excellent taste! Look at the goddess he’s coming with!" His eyes had traveled all the length of Monica and for a second he just kept on looking at her. "I better go…" he said when they were away.

"Yeah… I’ll call you. Go while they are not watching…" David told him.

"Thanks for the dinner, pal…" Phillip said ironically as David would have to pay the bill. Once he was by the door turned to look at the angels again briefly.

David remained on his table looking carefully at Edward, Vivian and the angels. He had never seen this man or the woman, but he needed to find who they were.

"Welcome, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Parks, ladies…" the manager of the restaurant greeted them giving them the menus. They searched them and ordered their dinner.

"It’s been four years since we first came…" Vivian said looking around. "So many memories!"

"Edward said you came here on your first date ever…" Andrew ventured.

"And I behaved like a maniac that day!" Vivian exclaimed and even Edward smiled. "I had never been in a dinner with business men and I just felt so out of place…"

"But you saved the dinner that night, Vivian…" a voice interrupted them and they turned to find David standing by their table. "I still remember you managed to keep the conversation between my grandpa and Edward in a friendly way, otherwise they would have killed each other without making any business…"

"David…" Edward greeted him though obviously he wasn’t very pleased with that stranger.

"Hello, Edward. My grandpa told me you were coming but I didn’t know you had already arrived…"

"David, these are Andrew Parks and his wife, Monica. Andrew will be investing in Morse and Lewis enterprises…" Edward introduced the younger man.

"Andrew…" they shook hands. "Your wife is very beautiful! Just as much as you are, Vivian!" he pointed out in a way that made both Monica and Vivian uncomfortable.


"And what are you doing here, David?" Edward asked w bit impolitely.

"Er… I was supposed to meet a friend here but he’s not coming… I-I was on my way out…"


"I see…" Vivian and Edward said at the same time with obvious different intention. "It was nice from you to come and say hi."

"Yes." David thought a minute about what to say as he could sense Edward didn’t want him nearby. "Well, I’ll leave you to enjoy your dinner… Vivian, it was a pleasure as always… Mr. and Mrs. Park…"

There was a minute of weird silence between the four of them after David was gone. Obviously it would lead to a long discussion between Vivian and Edward later, and Monica and Andrew exchanged a troubled sight not really knowing what else to do. The Irish angel cleared her throat discretely to break the silence. "So… Did you meet here four years ago?"

"Oh, no!" Both Vivian and Edward smiled back to their old humor. "We have met one day before… I… She had found me lost in Los Angeles…"

"… in a car he didn’t know how to drive…" Vivian punctuated.

"… in a car I didn’t know how to drive, and she drove me back to the hotel…" It was obvious in the man’s eyes the love he felt for his woman as he reached for her hand and stroke it with his thumb tenderly. "Once we were there, I asked her to…" he stopped all of a sudden as if he was going to say something that he better not.

"… have dinner with him…" Vivian saved the situation. "Time flew away and when we realized it was too late for me to get a taxi so…"

"… we had to spend the rest of the night talking and talking… I got a phone call from my ex lawyer first hour in the morning and he warned me I needed a mate for a dinner with David’s grandfather… My mate was already there…" Edward finished and Monica and Andrew exchanged an accomplice gaze when he reached to kiss Vivian’s hand and her eyes were shining with tears.

"It’s a lovely story!" Monica said smiling widely. "I would say it was a match made in Heaven! You truly had to find each other!"

"Well, now it is your turn, Monica," Vivian said drying her tears discretely. "How did you two guys meet?"

Monica took a deep breath and stuttered a little. That was the question they had feared the whole night.

"She didn’t like me at the beginning!" Andrew started and smiled at the reproachful gaze the little angel shot him. "She was jealous of me and she kept on being nasty with me as much as I tried to become friends…"

"Not true!" Vivian exclaimed unable to believe they hadn’t gotten along since the beginning judging for how they acted around each other.

"Oh, yes!" Andrew continued. "See? I was called to work with her in the last minute and she felt I was interfering with her job. Truth to be told, I just didn’t want to be away from her! I wanted to follow her wherever she went and she kept on running away!"

Monica blushed at his last words and bit her lower lip. "I did have to apologize!" she argued. "You never told me you wanted to talk to me!"

"You didn’t let me!"

"I was nice the second time we worked together, wasn’t I? You even taught me how to throw a football ball!" the little angel continued. "Even when you made fun of me…"

"ME?" Andrew asked.

"Yes! When I asked a special dispen… favor for the man I was working with!" She knew she had a point there and smiled proudly.

"I didn’t make fun of you! It was a difficult request and I felt proud of you when you got it!"

"What kind of job was that?" Vivian wanted to know sensing that the two angels would continue arguing about the first time they worked together the whole night if they didn’t stop them.

"Good question… I thought you had owned your harbor for a long time, Andrew…" Edward supported his wife’s question.


"This was before he owned the harbor, Edward," Monica explained. "In fact he got the harbor after one of those jobs we shared…"

"Really? What kind of work is it?" the man wanted to know.

"Non-profit work, believe it or not…" Andrew replied now fully regained. "You’d be surprised of how rewarding that kind of job is…"

To the angels relief, the waiter arrived carrying their order. They then spent a good time savoring the delicious food and chatting about many other things. Vivian and Monica seemed to like each other more and more as the night went by, and also Edward felt he really could trust Andrew and make some good deals with him.

Once they were having their dessert, some soft music started to fill the place. Edward cleaned his mouth and placed his napkin away. "I’m not leaving without a dance…" he murmured reaching his hand to Vivian, who smiled and left her place willingly.

"They look so happy…" Monica commented with a hint of longing in her voice.

"Yeah… I still can’t figure out what my assignment is…" Andrew told her taking a last sip of coffee. "It seems that everything’s right in their life…"

"Once you’ve found the love of your life, what else can you ask for?" she said more to herself than to Andrew. He turned to look at her and studied her expression carefully. She was lost in the image of Edward and Vivian together in the dance floor. She had her hand delving into Edward’s hair behind his neck and he seemed so lost in her eyes that he had a permanent and tender smile playing on his lips. They seemed to be talking quietly. After a minute he leaned down to kiss her on the lips and she surrendered to his caress.

The moment their lips touched, Andrew turned back to look at Monica, who was still lost in the other couple contemplation. He cleared his throat subtly feeling a little uncomfortable, but the Irish angel seemed not to have heard him. It was his chance to examine her long and in detail: he had been truly surprised when he had first saw her, so beautiful that she seemed to be the model of a Renascent painting. The deep color of her dress made such a drastic contrast with her white skin that it was taking all his strength to control himself and not reach to caress her bare shoulders. The vivid red lipstick she was wearing only made her eyes more shinning. Moving from her face to her shoulders again, he found himself wondering how warm her skin should be, and how soft as the light reflected on the almost invisible blond hair that covered her arms made it look as shinning as when the light of God’s love was surrounding her. He just couldn’t hold on more, he felt his heart would explode if he didn’t touch her…

Monica turned to face him when she felt his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it softly and slowly. "Do you want to dance?" he asked in the lowest voice, his eyes fixed on hers.

"Yes…" she murmured and stood up with him.

They walked till the floor and like in slow motion, Monica felt him wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close to him. She placed her arm on his shoulder and became immediately aware of his warm under the tuxedo. It wasn’t the first time they had danced together, why it felt suddenly so different? For a second she held his gaze but there was something that had changed in the way he looked at her. It didn’t scare her but it made her feel something weird she had never experienced before. Sensing her eyes would show her troubled mind, she broke the visual contact, her face towards his shoulder, yet her head rested against his cheek.

I used to think that I was strong

I realize now that I was wrong

‘Cause every time I see your face

My mind becomes an empty space

And with you lying next to me

Feels like I can hardly breathe.

The slow notes of the song just made Andrew’s feelings grow stronger. Never had they danced and it had felt so wonderfully perfect to have the little angel in his arms, her warm and small body against his, her hair touching his face. To how appealing it seemed her skin before, now her perfume was driving him nuts. "You’re prettier than ever", he murmured to her ear and then leaned to place a feather like kiss first on her ear lobe and then on her shoulder, that lasted for a long, long second.

I close my eyes

The moment I surrender to you

Let love be blind

Innocent and tenderly true

So lead me through tonight

But please turn out the light

‘Cause I’m lost every time I look at you.

Andrew spent long hours awoke that night, just looking at Monica sleeping at his side. She was wearing a white nightgown with thin straps as it was quite a hot night, and lying on her right side, the bed sheet had left uncovered her shoulder. It kept on reminding Andrew of her shivering and the soft sigh she had released when he had kissed her in the restaurant. It had been obvious something had changed between them after that, because suddenly they could no longer see each other with the same eyes than before. Yet it was not time to discuss it. They had come back to their suite, talked a little and headed to bed. Monica had fallen asleep almost immediately and the blond angel hadn’t done more than to stay awake watching her sleeping, drinking in her delicate features and occasionally reaching to comb her hair spread over the pillow or to trace the line of her shoulder again, barely grazing her skin. He never knew when he surrendered to sleep until their wake up call rang in the morning.

And in the morning when you go

Wake me gently so I’ll know

That loving you was not a dream

And whisper softly what it means to be with me

Then every moment we’re apart

Will be a lifetime to my heart.

I close my eyes

The moment I surrender to you

Let love be blind

Innocent and tenderly true

So lead me through tonight

But please turn out the light

‘Cause I’m lost every time I look at you.



In Monica & Andrew’s suite…

"Hi…" the little angel greeted Andrew the next morning when she walked out of the bedroom to find him reading a newspaper and sipping at a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning, sweetie…" the blond angel smiled warmly, his heart again full of tenderness at her sight. "Did you sleep well?"

"I didn’t hear the wake-up call. You should have waken me up…" she reached to pour herself a cup of coffee.

"You were sleeping like an angel… literally…" he smiled when she blushed a little. Then getting serious, he reached to take her hand and brushed his thumb over it. "I had a great night yesterday… Thank you…"

"I have to be the one thanking you for it…" Monica said all of a sudden unable to take her eyes away of his. She had seen something different in his green pools and her heart raced wildly in the most pleasant way at the mere thought.

Andrew too was looking at her through different eyes. He had always thought she was pretty, but he was finding her more now, not only in a night dress, but also in her white gown, with her hair a little disarrayed. No one could speak, they had no words to tell each other.

"Put that coffee cup down, Miss Wings! It’s too early for it!" Tess’ commanding voice broke the moment and made them come back to reality immediately. "Andrew, what kind of care you take of her, huh? Allowing her to have coffee so early in the morning…"

"Hi, Tess…" Monica greeted her supervisor putting her cup down.

"Tess…" Andrew said too, although he hadn’t helped the tiny hint of disappointment in his voice.

"You two are taking too long here!" the supervisor scolded them. "Your assignments are waiting for you!"

"Assignments?" Monica asked. "I’ve been assigned too now?"

"Yes, baby. Since you and Vivian are getting along so well, you may be supporting her… She may use a friend soon…"

"Edward and I had agreed to meet later, Tess. Monica and I had to go get some clothes…" the blond angel tried to argue.

"Monica can get your clothes, angel boy… I trust her taste more than yours…" the dark skinned angel teased him and Monica smiled at his frowning. "You need to get your angelic butt on your way to the office soon. I’ll meet you there." She then reached to take a toast with butter and jelly he had ready on his plate, and disappeared.

"Sometimes I’d like she’d be more explicit…" Andrew mumbled preparing himself another toast.

Monica did her best to suppress a chuckle and sipped at her coffee again. "She’s right, you know? My taste in clothing is better than yours…"

"Oh, yeah?" he asked, his left eyebrow lifted in surprise. "We’ll see about that… I want to see what you get me in the afternoon…" he challenged her.

"You’ll be the most handsome angel playing a businessman…" she wriggled her eyebrows. "Now, you heard Tess! Go!"

He bit his toast one last time and went to the bathroom to wash his teeth. When he came back, Monica was eating the rest of the toast. "And you heard her too! Put away that coffee!" he teased her too and closed the door before she could reply, leaving her smiling playfully.


In Vivian & Edward’s suite…

"Yes?" Vivian asked opening the door. "Monica!"

"Hi, Vivian. I hope I’m not disturbing…"

"Oh, no! Not at all! Come on in, please! Edward’s gone already…"

"So is Andrew…" the angel explained following the woman to the living room. "We were supposed to go shopping in the morning today but his assistant called him and asked him to go to the office earlier… I was wondering if you’d like to join me…"

"And do you think I would say no to a shopping morning?" Vivian smiled widely. "Of course not! Let’s make the men shake in fear, we have the credit cards!"

Monica laughed openly at Vivian’s joke and wondered again what she could possibly do for her. Vivian was obviously a woman in need of nothing material, but she couldn’t start guessing what her spiritual needs could be if she had been assigned to her.


In Lewis Enterprises…

"Can you tell me the reason of such an early call, Rafael?" Edward asked as a way of greeting the young angel, who exchanged an exasperated look with Andrew. They saw the man walking to his desk and placed his briefcase on it.

"I’m really sorry, Edward, but something important had arrived when I came here in the morning…" Rafael tried to explain.

"What?" the business man sighed.

"This, Mr. Lewis…" Tess said coming in. She had an envelope in her hands.

"And you are…?"

"Oh… She’s Tess," Andrew intervened. "She’s my personal assistant."

Edward made no word of accomplishment and Tess turned to look at Andrew in a "someone-needs-an-attitude-adjustment" face. The three angels saw him opening the envelope and reading the pages for a couple of minutes until he threw them away and leaned heavily on his chair. "Is there any problem, Edward?" Andrew offered when the man said nothing.

"Bastard…" he murmured in the lowest voice and then turned to look at Rafael. "Please, get me James Morse and Sam as soon as possible".

"Edward?" Andrew asked again when they were alone.

"I’m sorry, Andrew… There’s something I need to tell you before we can start any business…"


In Rodeo Drive…

"What exactly are you looking for?" Vivian asked Monica after half an hour of just passing by the stores.

"According to this… Clothes for Andrew… and for me too…" she replied absentmindedly. "Believe it or not, the trip caught us out of place and we didn’t bring all we’ll need…"

They stopped by a store and Monica was going to get in when Vivian talked again. "Don’t get in there! If the manager is still Hollister, he’s nothing but an idiot sucking up to you all the time trying to make you buy everything he shows you…"


"Instead…" Vivian wrapped her arm around one of Monica’s guiding her, "there’s someone way much better when you need to buy things…"

Five minutes later, they were asking for someone that had been very kind to Vivian when she had first needed her. "I’m sorry, ma’am…" a middle-aged woman asked Vivian and Monica once she arrived. "My manager told me you were looking for me…"

"Yes, indeed, Bridget… You don’t remember me, do you?" Vivian replied.

The so called Bridget looked at her for a few seconds. "Miss Vivian?" she asked tentatively.

"Yes!" she reached to hug the woman friendly. "I’m happy to know you still remember me! Hadn’t it been for you, I don’t know what I would be wearing in that dinner…"

"But look at you now!" Bridget reached her arms so she could admire Vivian from head to toe. "I take it that you’ve had a good life since that day... Are you still with your ‘uncle’?"

Vivian blushed deeply and cleared her throat in an attempt to make Bridget see she was talking too much. "Edward and I are still together, yes…" she said, "but we’re here today for my friend Monica. She needs clothes for her and for her husband…"

"Oh… Oh, I see" Bridget stuttered when she saw Vivian’s reaction and Monica’s questing face. "Let’s go then. What do you have in mind, Mrs.…?"

"Parks…" Monica replied shaking hands with the sales woman. It was still strange to give a last name, more when it meant that she was "married". "But please, call me Monica. I guess I’ll need some formal suits for Andrew…"

"Do you have in mind something in particular?" Bridget asked as they walked towards the Men section.

"I… well…" Monica was not used to thinking about what would fit a man better. "He’s blond and has green eyes… I like him either with dark colors or very pale colors. It makes his eyes look a deeper shade of green…" The moment the angel thought about Andrew’s eyes, she felt the same pleasant shiver she felt the previous night when he had touched her shoulders. She couldn’t understand what was changing, what was going on with her, but all of a sudden she just couldn’t take off her mind the image of the angel of death in one of his perfect suits, smiling at her and his eyes shining with the color of emeralds.

"You know, Bridget?" Vivian’s voice interrupted Monica’s thoughts. "Monica really has a piece of goodness as a husband…"

The Irish angel blushed deeply and was speechless for some seconds. "Edward’s not as bad! He’s very handsome too!"

Hours later, both women had a large collection of suits with matching ties and shirts for Edward and Andrew. Then they moved to the women section but fascinatingly, they seemed way much interested in their "husbands" clothing than in themselves. "I bet this would look perfect in you!" Vivian said taking a dress to show it to Monica.

"Oh… I don’t think so…" the angel argued weakly. It had spaghetti straps, a deep cleavage and the skirt would only reach over the knees. It was way too revealing!!

"Come on, Monica! Think of Andrew’s face when he sees you on it! I bet he wouldn’t take his hands off you!"

The little angel felt unable to argue. That was something she would never wear under normal circumstances, yet what Vivian was saying… about Andrew touching her… she just kept on remembering the sensation of his warm palms over her skin and she found herself often longing for it again. Somehow she just needed to feel Andrew’s attention completely focused on her. "I have to agree with Mrs. Vivian, Monica…" Bridget intervened. "You are thin and petite and I bet it would make you look just beautiful! You could surprise your husband by dressing like this for him…"

"I-I… don’t know…"

"Don’t be shy!" Vivian said pushing her to the dressing room with the dress in one hand. "If it fits you, you buy it!"

Monica sighed when she found her friend some minutes later. The dress had fit her and it was now in a bag in her hands. "You are impossible, you know?" she told the woman who was now rummaging on other clothes.

Vivian chuckled and replied not looking at her. "But you bought it!"

"Yeah, yeah… I did…" Then the angel paid attention to what her friend was looking at. "What are you looking for?"

"Oh… Nothing…" she tried to fake innocence but it was too late.

"Pregnancy clothes?" Monica asked. "Are you…?" She was positively surprised.

"No, I’m not…" Vivian said with obvious disappointment although she tired to hide it. "Or at least, I don’t think I am…"

"I’m sorry… I thought…" Monica explained.

"Don’t you wonder sometimes, Monica?" Vivian surprised now the angel with her question.

"Wonder what?"

"What it would be like… to be pregnant?" Vivian had picked up a blouse and lowered it when she made the question.

Monica swallowed hard. That exact question had led her to one of the most difficult times of her existence and the memory of it was still fresh in her mind. Her image with a big belly, her hand resting on it still felt real. But what hit her hard at that moment was the knowledge that by saying yes, she would be accepting that she would like to have a baby… with Andrew. She lifted her face to meet Vivian’s gaze and she heard the words leaving her mouth. "Yes… I do wonder…"

"Green eyes, deep brown hair?" Vivian asked now the cheerfulness back.

Monica chuckled. "Perhaps… Green eyes but blond hair, like Andrew…"

Vivian chuckled too. "This would look great on you…" she placed the blouse she had in her hands on Monica so they could admire it.

"Vivian! I’m not buying this one!" the little angel warned her.



In a café in Beverly Hills…

Half an hour later, Vivian and Monica were seating on a table under the shadow of a big umbrella, big cups of cappuccino in front of them, all their packages in the trunk of the white limousine parked in front of the café.

"Vivian, can I ask you something?" Monica said trying her cup. "Is about what Bridget said… about Edward being…"

"My uncle?" the woman completed the question for the angel and saw her nodding. "It’s a long story, Monica… But I think you need to know it. I will just ask you to not judge me without hearing the complete story and not let this intervene in Andrew and Edward’s business. It has nothing to do with that…"

"You’re scaring me… Vivian, if you don’t feel comfortable…"

"No, no, it’s ok. I do need to tell someone... and I trust you…" When the Irish angel squeezed her hand and smiled at her, she continued. "As we told you before, Edward and I met four years ago. But things were… different of how we told you yesterday… I did found him lost in Los Angeles, but I found him in Hollywood Boulevard ‘cause I worked there…" Monica frowned not understanding what the woman was telling her. "I… I was a street walker… I know, I know! It’s hard to tell!" Vivian continued. "Who could tell that the always well dressed Mrs. Lewis would have such a dark past! Your reaction is just what I had expected, Monica…"

"Vivian, I’m not judging you… nor I think less of you…" the angel replied softly. "It takes a great courage to say something like this and I really appreciate your trusting in me…"

"I have never confessed this to anyone…" the woman said, her eyes bright with tears, "but I feel so comfortable with you that… I just needed to talk about this! It’s been killing me for years!" She started to sob and Monica moved to be closer to her and to comb her hair soothingly. "Edward knows everything of course, and he accepted me that way. He says it doesn’t matter to him, that he cares about me and about what he feels for me, but…"

"… but you’re afraid that, deep inside, he cares about your past…" Monica completed the sentence.

Vivian just nodded and sobbed more for some minutes. "I really had tried to do something more for living, you know?" she continued her story. "When I ran away from home I was young and pretty stupid if I have to admit… I was too ashamed to go back and I tried to get a good life so when I finally met my mother again, she… would feel proud of me. But everything turned to be way much more difficult than I had expected, and there I was… leaving all my dreams behind when I was standing on the street waiting for a car to stop in front of me…" The woman dried her tears again. "It wasn’t a long time afterwards when I met Edward, and my entire life changed…"

"It seems to me that it’s you the one that is not willing to leave the past behind, Vivian…" Monica offered softly. "I saw you and Edward yesterday and he looks totally in love with you. If you say he doesn’t care about what you lived before…"

"But he does care, Monica!" Vivian exclaimed, her tears crossing her cheeks again. "Even if he doesn’t accept it, he really cares!"

"How can you know if he proves you wrong every time he looks at you?"

"Look at your hand, Monica!"

The angel didn’t understand at first. What about her hand? Vivian answered her unspoken question when she rose her own left hand. "Haven’t you realized I don’t have a wedding band?"

Monica looked, like in slow motion, at her left hand, where a wedding band matching Andrew’s and a beautiful solitaire diamond ring shone brightly. She had gotten them when she had accepted to help Andrew with the assignment. And only then she did realize that neither Vivian nor Edward wore wedding bands. "We are not married," the woman continued. "I’m not really Mrs. Lewis… At the beginning, Edward asked me to marry him, and I said yes… but with the time we just stopped talking about the wedding, and now…"

"Do you fear he doesn’t want to marry you?" Monica said.

"What else could it be, Monica? He hasn’t mentioned it again ‘cause he does care about my past!"

"You can’t know for sure…"

"I feel it! I know deep in my heart he feels he could have found a much better woman than me!"

"But he loves you! Why else would he be with you after four years?"

"I don’t know! I don’t want to rise hopes or I’ll get my heart all broken…" she sobbed.

Monica was going to say more but her cell phone rang at that moment. She picked up and heard the only voice that made her heart race. "How was your shopping day, baby?"

"Busy, but you’ll be just as handsome as I promised…" she replied, a smile playing on her face immediately. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Vivian swiping at her tears. "And yours?"

The talked a little and then the angel closed the phone. "They asked us to meet them for lunch, what do you say? I bet Edward will be the only one cheering you up right away…"


In a restaurant…

"… this guy was my lawyer four years ago," Edward was explaining Andrew as the angel finished to reread the letter they had gotten in the morning for the thousandth time. "Back when I first met Vivian… I was in town to buy James’ enterprise, just because I would make a lot of money out of that business… Vivian made me see it was wrong to look only for my benefit and not for the others’… When I broke the selling deal and instead, I decided to invest in Morse’s enterprises, Philip got crazy… He even went to the hotel… I guess he would have…" Edward took a deep breath before he could continue, "… abused Vivian hadn’t I arrived on time… He did hit her…"

Andrew placed the letter on the table quite rudely. "I just can’t stand a man that abuses a woman!! What do they think? That using your strength against a woman makes you a better man?"·

The anger in the angel’s voice made Edward wonder if he talked first hand. "It seems something like this happened to you too…"

Andrew met the man’s eyes quickly. "Years ago… Monica worked with this guy, David… something… He even hit her. I remember I so wanted to punch his face until there was not a trace left of him…"

"You were already married then?"

"N-no…" Andrew stuttered. It was still weird to talk about Monica like his wife. "Just friends…" When they remained in silence for a minute, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I guess to follow Sam’s advice and suit him back… He has no way to prove what he’s saying… I’m not evading paying taxes or the worker’s benefits…"

"I have the feeling he will give you some bad times…"

"Me too…"

"You too what?" Vivian’s voice made both men almost jump in their chairs. Edward had asked Andrew not to mention anything to Vivian so she wouldn’t be worried. Yet Monica saw him discretely taking the letter and slipping it on the inner pocket of his jacket.

"I too am in love with my beautiful wife…" Edward said standing up and kissing her on the lips tenderly. She wasn’t all too convinced but responded to his kiss for a short second.

Andrew stood up too but he couldn’t follow Edward’s example. He just reached to take Monica’s hand and kissed it, but then their friends were looking at them. "What?" the angel of death asked.

"Aren’t you two going to kiss?" Vivian asked matter-of-factly.

It was almost impossible for the two angels to hide how embarrassed they were, but there they were: standing in the middle of a restaurant with two humans waiting for them to kiss… Andrew was the first to react and he reached to cup Monica’s left cheek tenderly, leaning over her and kissing her right cheek long and lovingly, but so close to her lips that she could feel them burning with a sensation she had never experienced before. Her stomach had dropped to her knees when Andrew had first touched her skin, and now she was sure she wouldn’t be able to eat anything as her whole body was full of butterflies inside. For the short second their eyes met, Monica realized she had never seen Andrew’s eyes so dark green with something she couldn’t just point out yet but that only surfaced when he was looking at her. They couldn’t go beyond that kiss, not now…

"May I offer you the menus now?" a waiter broke the moment between the angels just as Edward and Vivian took their seats.


"Are you going back to work?" Monica asked Andrew and Edward when they finished their meal. He was holding her and somehow she didn’t want him to let go…

"I’m afraid we need to, angel…" he said rubbing his thumb over her small hand, "we have too many things to arrange now…"

"Edward, are you sure things are ok?" Vivian insisted recognizing the worry in his traits.

Edward turned to meet Andrew’s eyes briefly as looking for support. "Yes, it’s just normal stuff… I’ll try not to be late, ok?" He kissed her good bye and started to walk towards the limousine that had driven him and Andrew.

"I’ll see you later too, angel…" Andrew said and kissed her hand again.

Monica saw him go and didn’t realize she was sighing until the sound was out of her lips. When she turned to look at Vivian, her friend was smiling. "What?" the angel asked blushing a little.

"You’re not over your spring time yet…" the woman explained.

"Spring time?"

"Yes… Spring time when all is happiness and everything is perfect for you two… You’re still in love as the first time you saw each other…"

Monica blushed twice now and just shook her head. "What?" Vivian asked. "You two are in love! You’re married and young and make a beautiful couple and…" she continued until they climbed up their white limousine back to the hotel.


Although her friend had made her in fact laugh a little, it also made Monica wonder what she was feeling for Andrew. When they arrived to the hotel, Vivian was pale and looking absolutely tired. She had replied she was not feeling ok, that perhaps lunch hasn’t been the best for her, and that she wanted to lay down a little. The angel had let her all set in her suite and had headed back to hers, and there she had busied herself unpacking everything they had bought in the morning.

"You did fulfill your promise, angel girl…" Tess’ voice surprised her. "Andrew will look good!"

"You think so, Tess?" the little angel smiled back at her supervisor.

"Oh, yes, baby! You did choose great!" the supervisor said admiring a fine silk tie. "You certainly know him well…"

At the last words, Monica’s smile faded away and she turned again to the pile of clothes. That gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Tess… "What is it, Miss Wings?"

"I-I…" she tried to start but she just couldn’t. Finally she breathed deeply and said, "I’m not sure if I really know Andrew, Tess…"

"Don’t be silly! I think other than the Father there’s no one in this world that knows him better that you!" the dark skinned angel scolded her.

"Then why am I feeling so nervous around him now? Why do I feel like my heart starts beating faster when I see him, or when he touches me, or when he’s near me?!" Monica started to pace around the room impatiently and as fast as the words came out of her mouth. "We went dancing yesterday, and Tess… I felt I didn’t want to be away from him anymore! And when he kissed my cheek today…! Please, tell me what’s going on, Tess?"

"Oh, baby…" the older angel opened her arms and Monica ran to them. "I feared you’d be so confused about this assignment… Yet, the Father knows why He sent Andrew to Edward and Vivian…"

"I know about Vivian’s past now and I think I know what her major problem is… But now I just don’t feel as calm as I should be to help her…"

"You do have to help her, baby. Edward and Vivian’s future may depend on what you can do for her… as well as someone’s else future…" Tess stroked Monica’s long hair some more times and then pulled away. "Talk to the Father, Monica, He’s the only one that can answer to your doubts. Don’t forget He made you and Andrew, and He knew perfectly well why you two had to meet that day in the wedding… when you didn’t like him at all!"

They chuckled at the memory. "Had I known then I would be doing this with him now… playing to be his wife… I would have never believed it…"

"When you said yes, when you agreed to help him, it was because you wanted to, Monica, and that’s something that is inside your heart… That’s where the answer is, baby, no where else…" The caseworker nodded and saw her supervisor disappearing after she said, "I gotta go… Angelboy needs his assistant…"


Monica’s heart was lighter after the conversation with Tess, but all her doubts came back full force when she opened the last bag: the tiny dress Vivian had forced her to buy. It had been a bad idea, now she was sure… When was she going to use something like that? Who was she trying to fool? Andrew and her were not husband and wife, she didn’t have to call his attention in any way. Once they were over with their assignment here (his assignment to start with!), they would just move to the next one, either together or alone again. Yet, Vivian’s words still lingered in her mind —"He will not be able to take his hands off you!" — and the pleasant butterflies came back full force.

If the answers to her worries were in her heart, they surely were buried very deep inside and she just couldn’t find them at the moment. She caressed the fabric of the dress, soft and light as the breeze of the sea. It was a pity she wouldn’t really wear it… Shaking her head and getting mad at herself for allowing her heart to be so troubled, she tossed the dress back on the bag.

"What are you hiding in there?" Andrew’s voice made her jump. She didn’t hear him opening the door.

"Andrew! Don’t do this! You startled me!" Monica scolded him.

He looked at her in such a funny way it made her chuckle. "It’s a surprise… Now you come and take a look at what I got for you…"

Andrew rose his eyebrows in the way Monica liked so much before he replied, "I’m glad I’m a rich business man otherwise, I’d have to file for bankruptcy after another shopping day like this…"

Monica slapped his arm jokingly. "You said you wanted to be handsome, and beauty costs, dear…"

They spent some minutes looking at the suits the little angel had gotten for him, when he reached the bag Monica had put aside. "And this?"

"Oh…" the Irish angel blushed deeply. "That’s something I got for me…"

"Let me see it."

"NO!" she screamed and grabbed the bag from his hands.

"Monica?" he was surprised. "What’s wrong?"

"I-I don’t want you to see this…" She confessed somehow scared. Her troubled expression only made him twice worried.

"Angel, what is it?" he pushed gently and reached to take her hand when she crossed her arms behind her back.

"No, Andrew…"

"Show me…"

"Then reach me!" she exclaimed and ran away from him towards the bedroom, but he reached her easily and started to tickle her. "Not fair!!" she shouted, tears escaping her eyes as his strong fingers continued to work around her waist.

Light as she was, he easily lifted her off the ground and hugged her, but as she was still struggling to get free of his tickling, he lost balance and they both fell on the bed, Andrew instinctively taking his weight off her with his elbows. When their laughter subsided, they found themselves locked in each other’s gaze.

Andrew was admiring every single trait of Monica’s meek face, serious now but not less pretty. Her eyes had hypnotized him, and her ragged breath that was causing her mouth to be half opened felt warm on his own face. "Monica…" he murmured, his voice so hoarse and low…

"What’s happening with us, Andrew?" she asked in a matching tone, her eyes fixed on his. Slowly she reached to draw his jaw line with soft fingers making him shiver at the simple contact.

"I don’t know, angel…" he said leaning on one elbow and taking her hand to kiss it lovingly. "I’m scared…"

"I’m scared too…" she replied, meeting his eyes with trusting hazel pools.

Her expression made his heart swell with adoration for the angel that so far had been his best friend. The trusting he could see in her eyes made him know they really had to be careful with what was going on between them. Whatever it was, he just couldn’t hurt Monica. He leaned to kiss her forehead long and lovingly, and then moved to each of her cheeks. "Whatever it is, Monica, we’ll work this out together, ok? I love you, angel… You’re so, so dear to me…"

"I love you too, Andrew…" she murmured in reply, cuddling against his warm body.



In Andrew and Monica’s suite…

Monica just couldn’t take her eyes off Andrew the following morning while he fixed one of the ties she had bought for him the previous day. He was now wearing a deep gray suit with light pink shirt and matching tie, and leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, the little angel couldn’t help but think he looked more than good. "How do I look?" Andrew took her out of her reverie when he discovered her so lost in thought.

"Very handsome… and that’s thanks to who?" she asked walking to barely straight his tie. Her wide smile made her look even more beautiful to his eyes that he couldn’t help but reach to graze her cheek with the back of his hand.

"Thanks to you… and to my credit card…" he joked as he leaned to touch her nose with his index and to kiss her cheek. She joined his laughter after she slapped him on the arm playfully, and then followed him to the dinning room, where their breakfast was ready.

"Will you go out with Vivian today too?" Andrew asked Monica.

"Yes, I guess… She was feeling pretty bad yesterday, but I’ve started to get her to trust me and I have a good idea now about what’s wrong with her…"

"Edward’s facing pretty rough times too… and I think the worst is yet to come…" When he saw she was clueless, he continued. "There’s this guy, his former lawyer who wants to cause him big trouble by proving Lewis Enterprises do not pay taxes or benefits to its employees… It’s not true though, but…"

"…but the guy may as well give him some nasty days…"

"Yes… Vivian doesn’t know about it, ok? Edward asked me not to tell you too, but…" he reached to take her hand across the table, and the mere contact made her shiver, "… I cannot lie to you."

"I know…" she murmured just to say something as she was unable to take her eyes off him. Time seemed to stay still between them as the only words spoken by then were those of their eyes.

A sudden knock in the door broke the magic of the moment. Andrew sighed as he released Monica’s hand and walked to see who it was. "Ready?" Rafael walked into the suite and greeted his friends.

"Rafael…" the angel of death complimented him not very enthusiastically.

"Edward’s coming too," the younger angel said. "Nice suit…"

Andrew turned to shoot Monica a thankful gaze and turned his attention back to the angel. "So, tell me… How is it possible that a man like Edward has gotten himself involved with a man like Stuckey?"

"He told you. He was his former lawyer. He got mad at him when Edward broke the deal they had with Morse…"

"Edward told me Vivian was the one to show him he was doing wrong by trying to get benefits from other people… I still don’t get it why Stuckey is still wanting to have revenge on Edward…" Andrew said.

"But I think Monica does have a good idea…" Rafael turned to look at the Irish angel, who cleared her throat before she could speak.

"You mean Phillip Stuckey doesn’t forgive Edward for choosing a woman like Vivian?" Monica asked Rafael. He nodded. "This has to be with what Vivian told me yesterday, Andrew," she explained to her "husband", "and with what is her biggest concern".

"What is Vivian concern?" Andrew asked still not getting it.

"Before she was the elegant woman you know, she was… a hooker," the little angel explained. The blond angel opened his eyes not able to believe what he was hearing. "They met by mere chance, when she helped Edward to find his way back to the hotel. He hired her to go out with him when he needed her. What they never thought would have happened was that they would fall in love…"

"I see…" Andrew said at last. "But you said it had to be with Vivian’s biggest concern. What is it?"

"She fears Edward doesn’t truly love her… They are not…" Monica was explaining, but a second knock in the door made her stop. Rafael went to open the door to let Edward come in.

"Good morning, Andrew, Monica…" he greeted his friends. "I hope I’m not interrupting any family breakfast!" he said cheerfully and smiled when the angels exchanged embarrassed glances.

"No, no… I-I am ready…" the angel of death stuttered turning to look for his briefcase. "I-I… We can go…"

Edward made his best not to laugh at the nervousness of his partner, then turned to look at Monica. "Vivian is not feeling well again, Monica. She’s still resting, but would you make me a favor?"

"Sure…" the little angel said.

"Could you see her to eat something? The last couple of weeks she has refused to eat anything in the morning arguing she feels nauseous. She hasn’t accepted to go to the doctor either. I thought the changing of weather from New York to Los Angeles would make her feel better, but it seems I was wrong…"

"Don’t worry. I’ll make her eat," she promised, and the man reached to squeeze her hand and kiss it thankfully.

"I’ll be thankful the rest of my life for this!" he said enthusiastically. "She doesn’t have friends in New York. You’re the first one I see she really trusts…"

"I’m happy and I’m here to help," the angel assured.

"Let’s go," Andrew said coming with his briefcase. Rafael reached to take it. When both the angel and Edward stayed in their places, the blond angel looked at them quizzically. "What?"

"Hum… I’ll see you later, Andy…" Monica blushed guessing what they were supposed to do then.

"Oh… Yeah, I’ll see you later…" he said and reached to cup her face so tenderly that she felt her throat closing in a tight knot. He met her hazel eyes and couldn’t help but drink in her expression attentively again, in her slightly trembling lips, her soft skin getting just a hint of pink with the nervousness she was obviously feeling when he had cupped her cheek. He knew they were taking too long but he just couldn’t fight anymore the force that seemed to attract him to Monica unlike ever before. His heart raced wildly when he realized what he wanted to do right then, no matter who they were with. He leaned over until he was just inches away from her face and took a deep breath…

Both angels sighed and gulped when the moment was broken. "Bless you!" Rafael told Edward reaching to offer him a Kleenex. The Latin angel looked at his friends, who were obviously embarrassed, while the man cleaned his nose.

"Bye…" Andrew said simply, quickly kissing Monica’s cheek.

"Bye…" she said too cleaning an inexistent particle of dust on his chest.

"Andy?" Rafael asked his partner in the lowest voice when Edward was ahead of them and they were just leaving the room.


In Vivian and Edward’s suite…

"Come in…" Vivian replied from inside the room and Monica found her lying on the couch.

"Are you ok?" the angel asked her friend. "You look too pale…"

"I… yeah… I’m fine… Just not hungry…"

"Well, that you cannot be… Come here, you’re eating…" the Irish angel said taking her hand and dragging her like a little girl. "I haven’t had breakfast either and my stomach is eating itself…"

Vivian had in fact eaten very little, but that minimal amount of food had done wonders for her stomach and when they finished their breakfast, she was feeling way much better. "I guess you were right, Monica… My main problem was I was hungry…"

"See? None can not be hungry for pancakes!" she blinked behind her coffee cup. "Now, what do you want to do? Yesterday it was my plan, now it’s yours…"

At Monica’s words, Vivian got all silent, like finding her empty glass of juice suddenly fascinating. "There’s something I want to do now that I’m in L.A. again… But if you don’t want to come it’s ok…"

"Tell me…" the angel urged her.


At "Kit’s House of Hair" in the suburbs of Los Angeles…

"That must be…" Vivian pointed at a small place on the opposite side of the street where the limousine was parked. "Kit always wanted to take a beauty course and have her own place to work… I just really hope she has done it…"

They crossed the street and got into the local, a little bell announcing their entrance. A small, smiling woman came from behind to welcome them. "Welcome! What can I do for you?"

"Kit… Don’t you recognize me?" Vivian asked looking intensely at her old friend. "Four years have been too long?"

The so called Kit seemed to study her face for a long time, until she was sure it was who she thought it was. "Vivian?"


"Oh, my!" she reached to hug her friend. "I never thought you would come back! You look so, so different!" she studied her from head to toe: if Vivian had never really fit in the boulevard before, now it was more obvious than ever. What Kit had in front was a very elegant woman, dressed in the finest clothes and smelling to the most expensive perfumes.

"I don’t! You look just the same!" Vivian replied. "This is Monica, Kit. She came with me to find you…"


"Hullo…" the angel shook hands with her. "Vivian’s talked a lot about you…"

Kit invited them to have a cup of coffee in the back room of the salon. Both friends had a lot to tell each other after four years of being away, four years when both their lives had changed a lot. "… I didn’t stay long on the boulevard after you left…" she explained Vivian, "I’ve been clean since that day you found me in the Blue banana. I took my course and for the first four months I kept on working at the boulevard, but afterwards, when I started to do some easy things, nails and so, I left… and that has been the most wonderful day of my life!"

"I bet so!" Vivian said. "This is great…" she admired the room. "I take it you don’t see any of the ‘girls’…"

"I see some from time to time. Rachel, Betty, Mary and Cris… they are my regulars here… Mary and Betty in fact are out too. Mary is married now and has a little boy…"

"Wow…" Vivian said in a low voice, "so much has changed…"

"Yeah…" Kit replied, "you just need to look at yourself… I thought you’d never come back…" Vivian smiled lightly. "There’s something I need to tell you ‘cause I bet you haven’t heard about it…"


"Rachel came two weeks ago. When I left the boulevard, she kept our old apartment and still has it… She told me she got a phone call for you…"

"For me?"

"From your mom… Your dad’s sick and he wants to see you…"

That last piece of news was like a bucket of cold water for Vivian, that much Monica could say as she heard the sharp intake of her friend. Later that day, when they would be walking along the beach in Santa Monica, the angel would still see the sad traces of Kit’s words in the woman’s eyes.


In a beach near Santa Monica…

Even with the amount of problems he saw coming, Edward’s mind was alert enough to see something was wrong with Vivian. She seemed to be lost in thought and so close to tears that he was indeed very worried. He could be buried in papers talking about business deals but nothing would matter him most than what he had at home, with the woman he had so causally found four years ago. "It must be difficult to let go something so beautiful…" Bernard Thompson, the manager of the Regent Beverly Wilshire had told him the day he had said bye to Vivian after the week they had first spent together, and Edward still wondered often if Mr. Thompson had seen coming what he hadn’t seen until it was almost too late: that Vivian was in fact a treasure he shouldn’t let go. Now he had her at the reach of his hand but she seemed so far from there, somewhere he couldn’t guess.

When both Edward and Andrew had decided to take the afternoon off work, he had proposed to go to the beach, to this little suburb outside Santa Monica, to see the sun set and to have some dinner by the sea shore. Knowing how much the Irish angel loved the see, Andrew had accepted immediately.

"What are you thinking about?" Edward finally interrupted Vivian’s thoughts, reaching to graze her arm until he had her little hand in his.

Vivian smiled at her husband. "Nothing really…" she lied. She had seen him looking through papers with a clear worried expression in his face and had sensed him staying awake for hours at night, and that could only mean he had problems in business. She couldn’t load him with something more. Sometimes she still could see the traces of the deep loneliness she had first seen in his eyes when he had told her about his life, his mother and his difficult relationship with his father. That was when she saw him like a little lost child and she felt she needed to protect him.

Vivian turned to look at the beach. "I was thinking about them, about how cute they look together, don’t you think?"

Andrew and Monica were walking along the sea shore, shoeless and hand in hand, laughing like two silly teenagers. Knowing how much she loved to take off her shoes and feel the sand under her feet, the angel of death had seen her do so with nothing but pure adoration in his green eyes. She had then offered her hand to him, her eyes speaking volumes about the new flow of feelings that were invading them. He had taken her small hand without breaking eye contact with her. He had felt guided by an invisible force when she had pulled him by the shore, and the sound of her laughter was pure music to his ears mixed with the sound of the waves. At some point, he circled her waist from behind, pressing her against his body and lifted her easily, spinning her and lowering her just enough for her toes to touch the water.

Monica’s closeness was just driving Andrew’s self control away, her perfume was intoxicating him and he could guess the softness of her cheeks so close to his face. She had wore the tiny dress she had bought a day before and his mouth had dropped to the floor when he had seen her: a short skirt showing her long, firm legs, a deep cleavage that revealed her chest just enough to make his heart race wildly and his knees to grow weak. This reaction of his had nothing to do with his being an angel, but with his human part and with the biggest present God had given to his children of being able to feel utter love for someone else.

They were a little far from where they had left Vivian and Edward, practically alone with nothing but the sound of the sea and the birds that it seemed to them there was a kind of celestial music playing just for them. When the sun reached the horizon, Monica stop their walking. Andrew stopped by her side too, feeling the warmth of the sun rays washing his body just like God’s love did. He took a step closer to the little angel running the length of her arms carefully to finally embrace her lovingly. There, with Monica’s back pressed against Andrew’s chest, they watched the sunset until there were just rays crossing the clouds. Never had the little angel felt so protected and loved as she felt in that exact moment when her best friend’s cheek rested on the top of her head, and she knew then he was nothing but the biggest present the Father could have given her.

"I love you, Andrew…" she murmured quietly and closed her eyes when she felt him kissing her temple.

"My angel… I love you so much too…" he whispered back feeling his heart was complete for the first time in the long centuries he had lived already.

When it was almost dark, Monica said again, "I guess we should go back…" They walked slowly, hand in hand, hearts beating in one same rhythm, knowing they had ahead a long walk to discover. "Aren’t you hungry, lovebirds?" Vivian playfully mocked them when they met them again.

"It had been a long time since I enjoyed a sunset like this…" Monica said leaning against Andrew’s arm. "Thanks a lot!"

"It’s Andrew whom you should thank, Monica," Edward told the little angel, "he mentioned how much you loved the sea and thought this was a good way to spend the afternoon…"

Monica turned to face him once more, her eyes shinning with love. "Thank you…" she reached to kiss his cheek.

"Come on, Monica! What a way to thank him!" Vivian’s voice made the angels exchanged a clueless sight. "Every time you two kiss, you make it on the cheek! What kind of couple are you?"

In a minute, Andrew felt his nervousness growing a thousand times. If it was what he was thinking… "What, Vivian…?"

"We’ve never seen you two kiss!" she continued and now Edward seemed as amused with the situation as his wife. "You two guys are married, and married couples kiss!"

Monica and Andrew looked at each other once more, now nervousness turning into near terror.

"Don’t tell me you’re so shy that you wouldn’t kiss in front of your friends when obviously you want to?" Edward joined Vivian’s request.

"Well…" Monica smiled nervously as if trying to say ‘yes’.

"Don’t be!"

All of a sudden, both angels were speechless, without arguments to stop what they saw coming. Andrew saw nothing more to do but to turn to place himself right in front of Monica, his chest barely a couple of inches from hers. He could so easily feel her erratic breath speaking volumes of how nervous she was, so nervous she couldn’t stand his gaze. So tenderly, so slowly he placed a finger under her chin to lift her face and met her hazel eyes, trembling with expectation but also bright with the deepest trust in him. His throat was already closed with a tight knot, his palm burned at the simple contact when he finally cupped her cheek and leaned down to caress her lips with his own in a slow, long and loving kiss.



Monica felt herself leaving this world when Andrew’s lips finally touched hers. She had never imagined a kiss could imply such a perfect expression of love and of a feeling that went way beyond words. After a long moment of feeling his mouth over hers, she just did what her heart told her to do and reached to circle his waist, pressing herself closer to him at the mere moment when she opened her mouth and allowed Andrew to deepen the kiss a bit more. She was relieved his free arm was holding her firmly because she was sure she would faint in any minute only for the sensations that were invading her.

Only a long minute later, did they part. And it was then when they realized it. They met each other’s eyes and saw something had definitely changed between them. And it was forever.


In Monica and Andrew’s suite, later that night…

"Monica?" Andrew asked joining Monica in the balcony of the suite. It was almost midnight when they came back from Santa Monica and after that, they only bid good bye to their friends and headed to their room. Andrew had gotten into the dressing room to change his clothes, but the little angel had headed straight to the balcony, her eyes fixed on the few stars she could see looking for the answer her heart so needed. "Are you ok?"

"I’m fine, Andrew…" the Irish angel replied, but her tone of voice speak of her troubled mind. "Just thinking…"

He knew it was too obvious to ask, but he couldn’t help it. "About…?" Monica turned to face him, her answer written on her face without the need of saying a word. He looked deep in her eyes for a long, long minute, reading all that was in her mind, and finally he gathered all his courage to cup one of her cheeks tenderly, brushing her skin with his thumb. "It meant the world for me, Monica… I have never experienced something like that…"

The monotonous movement of his hand on her face had her in something close to a trance. But also, his eyes spoke volumes of the truth he was telling her. "Neither have I…" she heard herself replying, not really sure of what to say. She reached to cover his hand with hers, leaning slightly against it. "What are we going to do now, Andrew?"

His eyes were fixed on her lips, so rosy and so inviting. He still couldn’t believe he had kissed her and had felt so many things that he had trouble in voicing them out loud. He knew what he wanted to do now, he wanted to feel her again as he had done earlier, but a part of his mind had started to question if they hadn’t gone too far in this couple thing. "If I only know, Monica…" he murmured.

"Andrew? Monica? Are you here?" Rafael voice broke the moment and they sighed deeply. "Over the balcony…" the angel of death replied and stepped back away from Monica.

"How was your day, babies?" Tess asked coming to take a seat on the garden set that was there. "I had never been this tired in years!!"

"Edward is so demanding!" Rafael joined her. "He’s in big trouble, but…"

"But we will have to work faster or this whole thing will go out of control!" Sam appeared at the time too. "Did you find enough proves to beat Stuckey in court, Andrew?"

The blond angel sighed. "I don’t think so… They are too weak."

"Dear lord…" Sam whispered. "And I take it, Vivian is not doing better, is she, Monica?"

"Oh… No…" the little angel replied obviously caught mid-thought. "She learned today her mother is very ill. She wants to go back home and visit her, but she won’t tell Edward… She feels he has problems in the office but no one is speaking to the other and that distance is growing and growing between them…"

"Why is it that married couples stop talking to each other?" Rafael asked leaning against the wall.

"Let’s start since the beginning, boy… They are not a "married couple"… if we say so…" Sam added. When Rafael and Andrew looked clueless, he continued, "Monica knows what I’m talking about…"

The Irish angel sighed before she replied to her friends. "They are not married… And that’s what bothers Vivian the most… She feels Edward doesn’t want to marry her anymore…"

"I don’t want to sound too cold or materialist, but I think right now worrying about this wouldn’t help Edward a lot now…" Rafael said.

"But he does need Vivian at his side during the hard times," Andrew replied. "He says she taught him to see there were more things in life than just to make money, and I truly believe him. He is in love, I have no doubt about it!"

"But then what is stopping him from fulfilling a promise he did four years ago?" Monica asked. "It means the world for Vivian as she has found such a different life with him! She loves him so much…"

"That’s what you two are supposed to find, Monica…" Sam stated and stood up from the chair where he was sitting. "And now, if you excuse me… I want to have some rest for tomorrow… I think that polo match will not be the easiest day of this assignment…"

"Polo match?" Monica asked clueless.

"Ops… I guess I didn’t mention…" Andrew replied.

"You didn’t mention what?" she asked again.

"Edward organized a Polo match and a camping day tomorrow for the employees and we have to go…"

"How am I supposed to think of a way to talk to Vivian if you don’t tell me where we’re going?"

"Oh huh…" Rafael murmured and looked at Tess.

"I thought you knew we would be leaving everyday with Edward and Vivian, we are supposed to be with them as long as we can!" Andrew continued.

"But I have to think about many other things before we go out! Like what you and I will be wearing!" the Irish angel argued again.

"That’s not important!"

"It is if you do want to look like an important business man! That’s part of what I have to do for you this time!"

"You are supposed to do other things than to take care of my clothes!"

Monica looked at him with a hurting look. "You know what? Just forget it… You can take care of yourself…" She walked away without saying good night to her friends and entered their bedroom.

Andrew, Tess and Rafael saw her leaving and the last two turned to face the angel of death. "Gee… That was too real, too ‘married-couple’ like…" Rafael tried to joke, failing miserably at the scolding look in Tess’ face and at Andrew’s totally mad one. "Sorry… I-I… hum… I shall see you tomorrow, ok?"

"What’s going on, Angel boy?" Tess asked in a serious tone when they were alone. "This was just too out of way!"

"I know, Tess…" the blond angel sighed burring his hands on his pockets and turning away. "This whole assignment is so strange and hard…"

"That’s what I feared when it started…"

"Was it really necessary for us to be married, Tess?" When Andrew looked at his friend, the older angel felt tenderness invading her heart at how shaken he looked. "Things are getting out of control, and I’m not talking only about Edward and the company! I-I…"

"What, Andrew?" Tess asked when he remained silent for a little while.

"I’m confused, Tess," he confessed. "I’m feeling things I cannot point out and that I haven’t felt ever before… And all of them have to do with Monica…"

Tess was just expecting that confession as the little angel had already told her about what she was feeling. If this was part of God’s plan, she just expected for him to feel the same. "I know, baby… I can see it in your eyes…" She walked to his side and hugged him.

"What do I do, Tess?" he asked a minute later.

"Listen to your heart, Andrew… and talk to the Father. He’s the only one Who can tell you what’s all this about…" He nodded. "But I guess that first of all you have to talk to someone more…" she looked at the closed door of the bedroom, "… and I hope you can find your way with her…"

The blond angel sighed. "Good night, Tess…"


Andrew lost the track of time he stayed at the balcony just looking over the darkened city. His mind seemed not to be working properly right now for as much as he tried to focus on his assignment, he just seemed to go back to think about his dearest friend and about their argument. Not that she wasn’t right… He should’ve had told her they were going out together, as she had been the one taking care of those "details" since everything had started and, truth to be told, she had always made him look good. But what was surprising him was the fact that he had loved to see her that mad as her cheeks had gotten deep red and her eyes shone with anger. He knew now how soft her cheeks were and he longed to feel her all the time he could, he wanted to hold her tight and protect her from the rest of the world, even from the slightest blow of wind.

Finally, he decided to get into the room and talk to her, but the image in front of him just made his heart swell with love. She had fallen asleep on the bed, without undoing it. It was obvious she had cried more as her eyelashes were still shinning. Very careful of not to wake her up, he took a seat on the bed and reached to stroke her cheek. "I’m so sorry, angel…" he murmured drinking in all her features lovingly. "I’m so stupid… and I’m so lost when it comes to you… You just take all my senses away, Monica…" He leaned on his elbow so he would be right by her side, her sleeping face just inches away of his. "You are so beautiful… so perfect… I was such a fool for not looking at you like this before… Now I just feel I can’t control my heart for it now belongs to you and only to you, my angel…" He was still grazing her skin, tracing her jaw line with his index. "We will figure out what’s going on with us, baby… I wouldn’t want it any other way…"

Careful not to wake her up, he stood up and opened the blankets on the opposite side of the bed. Then he gently took Monica’s sleeping form in his arms and placed her there. She was still wearing the tiny dress she had bought and when the skirt went a little up to reveal her leg, Andrew gulped. But he controlled himself and just reached to take her shoes off, so he could put her feet under the covers. He leaned again to kiss her cheek and then left the room. He never noticed she had opened her eyes to follow him leaving.


In Monica and Andrew’s suite, the following morning…

Monica stirred in bed the next morning and moved slowly. Little by little she remembered what happened the previous night and the same sadness she had felt when arguing with Andrew filled her heart again. It was horrible. She felt an emptiness that only the memory of the blond angel could complete, and it was due to the fact that she felt him so far from her. She had felt him tucking her in bed, yet she hadn’t heard all he had told her when she was sleeping.

She sighed deeply knowing that for as bad as she felt, they had an assignment to fulfill and she had to put her feelings aside for Vivian and Edward’s sake. She turned to the other side of the bed and then she discovered something that was waiting for her.

Lying by the side of her head there was a single red rose with a note hanging from it. She leaned on her elbow to reach for it, her heart racing wildly. She smelled it, its perfume causing her throat to close in a tight knot. She opened the note and read it, knowing in advance who was it from.

"Monica…" she read. "I have no words to say I’m sorry. I was so out of line yesterday and guilt is washing me as a giant wave that I don’t know how to stop. These days with you have been so different… but I would give half of my eternal life just to live them again and see you sleeping by my side in the early morning, when your image fills my heart with nothing but peace and the deep love you’ve always inspired on me. Never before I had felt it more intensely than yesterday by the beach… No matter what happens next, I will love you forever. Please, forgive. Andrew".

"Andrew…" Monica murmured, her eyes once more wet with tears. She jumped out of bed, just to see the big bouquet of roses from where the other rose had come from set on the nightstand table. Her heart beating with joy, she wrapped her robe over her nightgown and opened the door to enter the living room almost running. But she controlled herself when she saw Edward was there.

"Good morning, Monica," he greeted, obviously amused with her sudden arrival.

"Oh, good morning Edward…" She then found Andrew looking at her, his eyes shining with love and tenderness. She regained enough to walk out of the door normally and went to get a glass of juice from the table that was ready for their breakfast. "I’ll be ready in a minute…" she said, realizing both Andrew and Edward were already dressed. Nevertheless, she stopped by Andrew’s side and wrapped her free arm around his neck. "I’m sorry too," she said in a low voice, her eyes also shining. "Thanks a lot." When they just held each other’s gaze for a long moment, she murmured, "I love you…" and reached to kiss his cheek. Before she could leave, Andrew kept her hand and kissed it. "My angel…"

Edward cleared his throat obviously trying to mock his friends. "If it was too early, I can come back later, you know? Perhaps you have some… hum… things to do first…"

Monica felt color rose up to the very roots of her hair and couldn’t hold Andrew or Edward’s gazes anymore. "N-no, no!" she heard Andrew stuttering. "It’s ok…" When she finally looked at him out of the corner of her eye, she realized he too was blushing.

"I’ll be back in no time…" the little angel tried to excuse herself and almost ran into her bedroom again.



At the picnic, later that day…

"Watch out, Monica! Those two there are always only trying to get a nice looking guy to pay all their expenses!" Vivian warned Monica when she recognized the Olsen sisters, a couple of old women who had always been behind Edward’s steps. Edward laughed at Vivian’s remark, and more when the two called Olsen sisters noticed Andrew and shoot him a purposeful look.

The blond angel blushed deeply but Monica felt her hands going cold, just as her stomach churned into a tight knot. She released Andrew’s hand and he turned to look at her when he felt her hand leaving his. "Angel?" he asked in a low voice watching as their assignments were now shaking hands with the above mentioned women. "What’s wrong?"

She turned to look at him, eyes wide open and bright with tears. "N-nothing…" she stuttered.

"Can we go now?" he offered softly, reaching to stroke her cheek.

The mere contact brought her back to the moments when her reality was nothing but Andrew and the strange feeling she had now come to recognize coming from him. Vivian’s words had hurt her deeply just because she couldn’t picture him away from her. But when she saw him so close, so concerned about her well being, she felt love washing her just like God’s love washed her when she prayed. She looked at him for a long minute, before she reached for his hand to take it out of her cheek and squeezed it lovingly. "Yes. Let’s go…"


"Edward… you are not introducing us?" Rachel Olsen asked when Andrew and Monica reached the group.

"Of course… This is Andrew Parks, my partner… And his wife, Monica…" he remarked the ‘wife’ word and saw Rachel shooting the angel an unfriendly look.

"My pleasure…" Andrew replied shaking hands with the woman. "Let’s go, angel…" he said taking Monica’s hand, "let’s find a place to watch the match…" He could easily know what kind of gazes the woman would be shooting Monica even if they were not looking at her.

"Hello, Edward… Vivian…" an old man greeted them a minute later.

"James! I’m glad you made it!" Edward shook hands enthusiastically with the old man. "Andrew, come here!"

"Mr. Morse, nice to see you again!" the angel of death greeted the man.

"James! Call me James!" the man told him. "Ah! Finally I meet your wife!" he assumed when he saw the Irish woman whose hand Andrew was holding. "Ma’am, you are way more beautiful than what your husband says…"

Both angels blushed with the "husband and wife" part, but the little angel shoot Andrew a loving gaze. "Thank you…"

"Come join me! Let’s find a place so we can see David playing today!" James continued, not noticing Edward’s unpleased expression.

They followed the old man for some tents, until they reached one under a big tree. Only then did Monica and Andrew see Tess and Rafael, sitting nearby too. They left Edward and Vivian by James’ side and went to meet their co-workers. "Hey, babies, having a nice time?" Tess asked when both the younger angels hugged her.

"Hi, Tess! Rafael…" they greeted them. "What are you doing here?" the blond angel asked.

"Working in a different scenario today…" Tess replied fanning herself with her hat. "Business men’s days-off are everything but off for their assistants…"

Andrew chuckled at the comment and turned to look at his "partner". "He might be smiling now, but I know he’s deeply worried… We were talking about Stuckey’s accusations early in the morning…"

"And Vivian isn’t telling him anything about her father or her worries…" Monica added too. "I still can’t find a way to make them talk…"

"Maybe if you can make them have a walk alone around…" Rafael proposed. "It’s beautiful here…"

"I hope we find the chance…" Andrew commented, "because I’m afraid this is not going to be the best of their days." He pointed at David, who had now come near to greet them. "Edward doesn’t like David a bit."

"You better go," Tess ordered them, "before things get out of control. Just be careful, ok?"

"Okay…" Monica replied walking with Andrew.

"Look who’s here! Looking as beautiful as the other day!" David exclaimed too enthusiastically. "Monica, it’s so nice to see you again!" he leaned to kiss her hand, not noticing the angel was clearly uncomfortable with the gesture.

"Hello, David," she replied.

"I will play my best for you and Vivian today, Monica", he offered. "I shall see you later…"

"We’re just a couple of mannequins, Andrew…" Edward commented on the low once the younger man was gone, but the angel didn’t miss the bitterness in his comment.

"Nah… they don’t mind him, Edward…" he replied, and saw how his assignment followed David’s way to his horse.

"Perhaps we can take a walk around after the match..." Vivian suggested. "The gardens are beautiful… and way much more fun than the polo game…" she murmured leaning towards Monica, who only chuckled.

"James, would you excuse us for a minute?" the Irish angel asked Morse, reaching to take Andrew’s hand. "I need a word with my husband…"

"Sure, sure…" the old man said and Vivian and Edward saw them walking away, open surprise written on their faces.

It took them more than 15 minutes to meet their angelic friends far from the polo field and by the little lake where some swans slide peacefully. "Gosh, Andrew… can’t you make Edward change his mind about fun?" Vivian complained when they were around. "It took me half the night yesterday to convince him not to wear suit and tie today!"

"That was the appropriate outfit to wear!" he replied, although he had, just like the angel, chosen a polo t-shirt and informal pants.

"But, as always, you look better with what I chose for you!" Vivian finished the argument, kissing him on the lips lovingly.

It was barely more than a peck, but it sent shivers all up and down Monica’s spine as for a moment, she pictured herself kissing Andrew that way. "Hum… shall we?" the blond angel interrupted motioning to follow the path around the lake.

The four walked for a little while, each couple hand in hand, lost in a little world where they were all that really mattered. "Swings!" Monica shouted when she saw the set. "Let’s go, Andrew!" she almost ran dragging him with her, both Vivian and Edward smiling at her childlike excitement. Her laughing filled the blond angel’s heart with the same joy as it always did, as he walked behind her to push her. Vivian and Edward followed their example, and soon both women were flying across like little girls.

"It had been so long since the last time I did this!" Vivian said.

"Oh, I just love it!" Monica answered, but as she turned to look at her friend, she lost Andrew’s view and was about to hit him full force. He tried to stop the swing by pulling one of the ropes, but he didn’t count that would make Monica lose balance and she would fall backwards. "Aaaaah!", "Monica!" both angels shouted at the same time, and while she tried to get grip of the ropes again, he moved to try to catch her. But it was too late, and she fell against his chest, making him lose balance as well. The following second, Monica found herself on top of Andrew, her laughter subsiding as she became aware of the situation. They were so close, their faces were so close…

Andrew was as aware of the distance as she was. Her dying laughter turning into a ragged breath was so warm and exciting on his face and her open mouth was inviting him so badly that he felt he was running out of control. He couldn’t help but burry his fingers on her hair and cradle the nape of her head, all he wanted was to pull her down and kiss her breathless. They were almost there, eyes closed, when something deep in his mind reacted. It was not ok, they could not… Gulping heavily, he took his hand off her hair and moved to help her.

"Are you both ok?" Edward was there the next moment, offering his hand to help Monica on her feet.

"Yes, I’m fine, Edward, thanks…" the little angel replied still blushing furiously.

"Good thing you do this often…" Vivian added coming closer too. "I think it’s safer to stay on the ground…"

"Yeah. We better go back…" Andrew commented and reached to take Monica’s hand, not daring to look at her. "The match must be over and Edward and I have to be there".

Yet the mood between the angels changed a lot. They went back to where the tents and the tables had been set and were apart almost all the time as Andrew played his role of business man, shaking hands with other men and smiling at wives that were introduced to him too. To some, he introduced Monica as well, but when Vivian asked a word with her, he was left alone.

The little angel followed her friend to one of the tents, and only then she noticed how pale the woman was. "Are you ok, Vivian?"

"N-not really…" she replied wincing in pain when she took a seat. "I guess it was the swings… I’m bleeding a little…"

"Bleeding?" Monica didn’t understand at once.

"I’ve been late for two months now, but it seems not anymore… It was just unexpected…"

"You need to see a doctor! Let me call Edward…"

"No!" the woman reached to hold her hand. "Please, I’m ok… It must only be my period… I just have a slight cramp and I’m a bit dizzy, but that’s all… Please, let’s just rest a little…" She took a seat on a beach chair where she could stretch her legs.

"Vivian, you do need to see a doctor… Are you sure you’re not pregnant? You’ve been sick in the mornings and feeling tired…"

"That’s the last thing Edward needs right now, Monica… I cannot be…" the woman said with obvious pain.

"I guess you also have other things to worry about now, right?" the angel asked handing a glass of water to her friend. "Have you called home? Do you know how’s your dad doing?"

"I did… My mom picked up the phone but I just couldn’t talk… I hung up a minute later…"

"Your father is asking for you, Vivian… Don’t you think that’s enough prove that they want to see you again?"

"They would never forgive me for what I was, Monica!" Vivian started to sob. "They knew what I was doing and I remember my mom called to tell me she didn’t recognize me as her daughter anymore! That I’m sure hasn’t changed!"

"Vivian, your mother called, your father wants to see you… You’re not a hooker anymore. You’re a great woman, you have a wonderful life and a marvelous man loving you…" the little angel added softly. "Maybe it is you who is not willing to forget and to forgive yourself…"

"I guess I…" she started to say but then she saw David coming into the tent.

"What are you two doing here? Hiding?" He took a seat by Vivian’s feet, who immediately pulled away.

"We’re just… resting…" Monica tried to cover her friend. "It’s too hot outside."

"Oh, but two beautiful ladies like you should be there, making the party worth coming…" he looked at the little angel from head to top and she just didn’t like that. "I was thinking…" he grazed her arm lightly, "… that perhaps you get bored while your husbands are at work… and I could work on that… Maybe we could have some fun together…"

Being wise on those dirty tricks, Vivian was quick to respond. "We will think about that, David, although we already have plans for the following days… with Edward and Andrew."

"That’s not a problem… I know how their work is and believe me, grandpa has promised more than once he would be home to go out with the family and he just doesn’t arrive… Edward and Andrew are just the same. We can persuade them that you two have the right to enjoy your time here… and that I can be your personal guide… We can have a good time together… the three of us…"

As long as she had spent time among humans, Monica still hadn’t learned to read a shine like the one she was seeing in David’s eyes. It just made her flatly uncomfortable. She prayed for something to happen so he had to go…

"There you are!" Edward appeared just then. "I was wondering where you had disappeared…" David moved from Vivian’s chair and Edward walked by his wife’s side. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes!" Vivian exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically. She just didn’t want Edward to get mad at David and have more problems than he already had. "David was telling us about some places we could go out for dinner and about some others where Monica and I could go have lunch…"

"I see…" the man replied shooting David a ‘be-careful’ look. "Monica, I think Andrew needs your help… He… got stuck with someone who won’t leave him alone anytime soon…" What the little angel didn’t notice before leaving the tent was the playful smile in his face.



At the picnic, nearby the food tent…

"Have you seen Andrew?" Monica asked Rafael when she was looking for the blond angel.

"Over there…" the younger angel replied, he and Tess chuckling at Andrew’s situation.

Monica walked a little more to find him behind a tent, seating by Rachel Olsen’s side. She was frozen in her place when she saw him, a glass of champagne in his hand touching Rachel’s. The woman was leaning over him, almost resting on his chest as he tried to pull himself backwards. He looked obviously embarrassed, but Monica couldn’t see it: all she was aware of was that another woman was so close to the blond angel. She felt tears prickling on her eyes as her hands clasped into tight fits. "Andrew!" she heard his name leaving her mouth without her noticing it.

Both the angel of death and Rachel turned to look at her. "Monica…" he murmured, her image telling him all he needed to know.

"Uh huh…" Rachel said pulling away from Andrew.

"Monica, wait!" he shouted and all but ran after the little angel, not caring about the people around who had seen the whole scene and were now murmuring.

"Oh, gosh… What a nasty thing to be so insecure…" Rachel said out loud when she was left alone.

"Baby, what’s up?" Tess stopped Monica’s running when she saw her. "What’s wrong?" The older angel and Rafael had thought Andrew’s desperate situation to get rid of Rachel was quite funny, just as much as it had been on previous occasions when even Monica had laughed at him, but obviously this time it had not worked.

"I can’t do this anymore, Tess… I just can’t!" the little angel sobbed.

"Monica…" Rafael came close too. "I’m sorry… we…"

Tess moved her head to show the young angel that Andrew was coming and that he better stop him while she talked to her charge. "Come on, baby, let’s talk…"

The supervisor held her by the shoulders and guided her towards the gardens far from the crowded place where they had been. "Now tell me, Monica, what’s going on with you and Andrew? We thought you’d laugh at him being so embarrassed with that crazy woman…"

"I would have, Tess… under normal circumstances…" the Irish angel murmured.

"Baby, I’m not following you… You’ve been together in assignment more times than I can count! You’ve been taken by a couple many times!"

"Taken by a couple, yes! But we hadn’t been a couple, had we?" she replied, new tears filling her eyes.

"So what?"

"So what, Tess?" Monica couldn’t believe her supervisor didn’t see how difficult this whole situation was for her. "So, we are acting as a couple, and doing and feeling things couples feel! Andrew and I kissed yesterday, Tess! And now all I want is him to kiss me again like he did and feel the same I felt in those moments! I know I am an angel and I shouldn’t have done that! I shouldn’t have felt what I felt, but…"

The desperate way the little angel was crying made Tess’ heart melt and pulled her to hug her tight. "That’s right, baby. You are angels and angels are not supposed to feel love the same way humans do. I thought you knew it…"

"I knew it… but again, why am I feeling it then? I’m not wrong, Tess. I feel I’m falling in love with Andrew…" she whispered, her face buried in her supervisor’s chest.

"I’m praying for it just to be a little confusion due to you’re spending so much time together, Monica…" the supervisor replied after a long minute. The little angel chose not to reply: on one side, she wanted it to be just a confusion and then, when the assignment would be over, she and Andrew would get back to normal. But on the other side, part of her heart didn’t want the feeling to go: it warmed her with a sense of pure joy that nearly made her insane. She had discovered a new side of her relationship with Andrew that she loved more every minute. "You need to talk to him, you two need to be very clear so you can focus in what matters the most, and that’s your assignments, baby…"

The younger angel pulled away, swiping at her tears. "I know… I will talk to him…"


Andrew’s green eyes met Monica’s hazel ones when she and Tess came by where he was waiting with Rafael. The supervisor was aware of the silent request the angel of death was making to her charge and it made her own heart to ache: the two of them had always been so close to her, that knowing they were not alright, that they were all confused about each other, only worried her twice more. Monica was much calmer now, yet they had a conversation coming and it was not going to be easy. "You two need to talk" she ordered more than suggested and saw how Andrew reached a hand that Monica took shyly, and then they started to walk towards the gardens again.

They followed the same path they had found with Edward and Vivian but didn’t go to the swings. Instead they remained by the lake, until they found a little bridge that leaded to the other side, where there was a cozy porch secured by the shadow of a big whipping willow. Andrew guided her to there and took a seat pulling her slightly so she would do the same.

"I wasn’t doing anything with Rachel, baby, she…" he tried to start.

"No, Andrew, please…" she placed a finger on his lips to make him silent. "You don’t have to explain anything."

"Monica, I do. You are supposed to be my wife…"

"I am not, Andrew. You know it perfectly well…"

The tone of voice she was using, so cold and so calm, really surprised him. It couldn’t be the same Monica, not the one that he had felt shivering when they had been so close hours before. "You are in this assignment, Monica, and I have to give you the place that corresponds you…"

"Andrew… I cannot tell you I quit. I have to go to the end of the assignment, but truth is that we are going too far. We took the ‘married couple thing’ too seriously…" She was trying to sound convinced of what she was saying, but she was far from.

"Too seriously? Monica, are you listening to yourself? Do you hear what you say?" something just didn’t check for the blond angel, this could not be coming from her.

"Being so close together is making us too confused, Andrew…" she replied in defense. "I can’t think straight anymore…"

"I see you are not thinking straight, Monica!" he stood up and started to pace impatiently. "Of course I’m taking you seriously! You’re Monica, my best friend, my mate! I care so much about you!"

"That’s what we have to be, Andrew… Best friends as we have been so long…" She took a deep breath before she could meet his eyes, which she knew would be shinning in anger. "Best friends don’t kiss the way we did yesterday…"

The angel of death kept silence for a long minute unable to believe what he was hearing. "You are telling me what happened was wrong, that it wasn’t supposed to happen?" he asked still praying for a negative answer which didn’t come.

She just couldn’t say it. It had felt so perfectly right, so meant to be… "Andrew, please…"

"Please what, Monica?" he exploded in near anger and desperation. "Please say that I’m not feeling the same you are feeling? Please say I’m not dying to kiss you again as I did? That would be lying, Monica and I don’t lie!"

"Andrew…" she murmured, her tears crossing now her cheeks. She stood up and turned her back to him wanting to block what he was saying, but she just couldn’t.

"Tell me you don’t want to…" he asked with aching pain. "Tell me you think it was wrong…"

"No, it wasn’t…" she murmured, still not looking at him. "It was great, but…"

"But what?" he made her turn gently even when his voice held a barely restricted anger. "Don’t tell me you don’t close your eyes and go back to that moment again!"


"Don’t tell me it doesn’t feel different to sleep with me every night, knowing I’m by your side, wanting to touch and feel you like I did yesterday!" he challenged her steadying her face with strong hands. "I know it’s not right for us to feel this way, but we can’t deny it any longer, Monica! At least I can’t!"

She was now shaking, not only in pain but for what his words were making her feel. Yes, it had been different for her to sleep with him, to turn in the middle of the night and feel his warm body so close to her. More than once she had ended up snuggling against his chest, feeling completely safe and protected… and happy.

Everything on him was calling her, attracting her like a magnet. She was clinging to Andrew’s wrists, feeling as if she was drowning in the deepest water. "Answer me, Monica," she heard him beg. "I need to know you don’t want this to go on…"

She met his desperate green eyes and felt how his gaze penetrated to her very soul. He was suffering for her and that was just too much, it made her feel twice worse. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she could murmur. "I do… I want this to go on, Andrew… Only the Father know how much… But it’s not right…"

He pulled her into such a tight hug that she had trouble breathing. His soul was coming back to his body, as for a moment he just felt he couldn’t go on without her by his side. "It cannot be, baby…" he murmured in the lowest voice. "It doesn’t feel wrong…" he placed a feather-like kiss on her temple and then on her cheek. "It feel so wonderful…" he moved to the tip of her nose, "… so perfectly right…" he teased her lips not touching them yet remaining so close to her mouth that she could feel his softness. The little angel could no longer think, the reaction of her body was stronger than her will. She just released a sigh and moved the last millimeter needed to kiss him.

Andrew moved his left hand to cradle the nape of her neck, his fingers delving into her silky hair, while his other arm remained around her waist, holding her tightly. Both just felt how everything around disappeared to allow them to focus on nothing but each other and the battle of wills they were engaged in. How could her mind scream it was wrong when Monica was just thinking in steal Andrew’s breath once and again? Only long minutes later did they break apart.


"Monica…" they started at the same time.

They smiled shyly and the angel of death reached to take her hand and kissed her palm lovingly. "We may feel lost, Monica…" he murmured taking her hand to his cheek, "but I know you are my North pole and I will follow you wherever you take me… Just don’t tell me you don’t want me by your side…"

The desperate tone in his voice just made her heart ache. "I’m not leaving you, Andrew…" she replied looking straight into his eyes. "I love you…" she whispered after a long minute.

The wide smile that spread over his handsome face spoke volumes of his own heart. "I love you too, Monica…" he kissed her fingertips lovingly. Reaching to dry her last tears, he continued, "the Father will show us the way to…"

"Andrew, Monica!" Rafael’s voice made them turn immediately. "Come here! We need you!"

"What…?" Andrew murmured when he saw their friend moving his arm indicating to follow him. He took Monica’s hand and went back to the party as fast as they could. They made their way across a group of people around a tent to find Edward leaning over Vivian, who was as pale as a candle.

"Edward! What happened?!" Andrew exclaimed just as he felt Monica holding his arm.

"S-she fainted… She was okay!" he replied with trembling voice. "Please, Vivian… honey… wake up…" he was begging her, and it made Monica’s heart ache at the sight.

"Is there a doctor in here?" Andrew asked out loud to the crowd around them. "Here!" someone replied and ran to Vivian’s side. They saw the man working on her, taking her pulse and checking her pupils.

"Her blood pressure is too low! Help me move her…" the doctor asked and only then did they notice something.

"Oh, my…" Monica’s voice broke the men’s silence as they all directed their eyes to the red spot under Vivian’s legs.

"Sir, did you know if she was pregnant?" the doctor asked Edward, who seemed now more shocked than ever.

"I-I… no! She hadn’t told me… We… we didn’t have…"

"Please, call an ambulance immediately!" the doctor ordered Rafael, who was standing aside. "We need to get the bleeding stop as soon as possible if we want the baby to live!"




At the hospital, one hour later…

Everything after the match happened like in a dream for Edward, since the ambulance arrived and they took Vivian until he climbed down the ambulance and the ER doors closed in front of him. Monica and Andrew had followed them and in less than five minutes, they had met their assignment.

"Do you know if she will be ok?" Monica asked Andrew in the lowest voice, watching Edward pacing impatiently along the hall.

"I haven’t been called… That’s good news, I guess…" he shrugged and reached to squeeze her hand lovingly. "Did you know about the baby?"·

"She didn’t know she was pregnant…" the little angel replied. "I talked to her about it and she said she couldn’t be…"

Only then, they heard the doors opening again and saw a doctor coming to them. Edward practically ran to him. "How is she?"

"We managed to stabilize her. She’s not bleeding anymore, yet she lost a lot of blood and she needs to rest… We’ll see how she reacts in the following hours…"

"Thanks God…" Edward murmured running a hand over his hair. "Doctor… is she really... ? I mean… was she…?"

The doctor smiled gently and reached to shake his hand with the man’s. "If we manage to save the baby, you’ll be a father, Mr. Lewis!"

Edward seemed unable to breath for a whole minute with the news, his expression a mix of fear and surprise and utter happiness. "She’s pregnant!" he exclaimed at last. "We’re having a baby!"

"Next 24 hrs will be critical, Mr. Lewis. I don’t want to lie to you. If she bleeds again, the baby will not make it… But we’ll do our best, for both of them…"

"Please, do so, doctor!!" Edward exclaimed. "Anything you need to do, do it! I don’t care how much it costs or if you have to bring another doctor from the other side of the world!"

"We have everything we need, be sure. Now, if you excuse me… You will be able to see your wife in some minutes…" the doctor shook hands with the man and walked away.

Edward turned to face Monica and Andrew with tears of happiness shinning on his eyes. "Did you hear that? Vivian is… we’re having a baby!"

"Congratulations, Edward!" Andrew said reaching to hold his friend. Monica did the same. "I’m sure Vivian will be as happy as you are! She didn’t know about it!" she added.

"Oh, God, thank you!" he said looking upwards, and that gesture made the angels smile and exchange an accomplice gaze. "Please, save them!"

"He’s looking over them, Edward…" Monica offered softly, placing a hand on the man’s arm. "And there are angels here with you now…" she turned briefly to look at Andrew and he smiled at her.

Edward eyed Monica carefully, there was something about the little woman he couldn’t point out but that warmed his heart with a peace he could feel coming from her. "Thanks a lot for being here, both of you…" he said in a low, moved voice. "I-I know you should go back to the hotel, but…" he hesitated but Monica’s sweet smile made him go on, "… I would like to ask you if you could stay for the night… I don’t want to be alone if… if something happens…"

"You don’t have to ask twice," Andrew replied reaching for Monica’s hand. "We’ll be here…"


In Vivian’s room an hour later…

"The three of you can stay as long as you don’t disturb her…" a nurse told Edward and the angels when they got into the room. "She’s under sedation now but she should wake up during the night…"

"Okay…" Edward murmured, his attention focused only on the woman lying on the bed. He walked to her side and took a seat on a chair near the bed. "I’m here, baby… I’m right here, Vivian…"

Monica saw him taking her hand and kissing it lovingly. She was sure Edward loved Vivian deeply, why would she doubt it? What was stopping him from marrying her if it meant so much to her? She would stand in her silent contemplation hadn’t Andrew placed a hand on her shoulder to guide her gently to the couch.

It had been a long time since the last time the two angels had spent a night like that together, watching over an assignment’s bed. Maybe since Petey Carmichel… Monica kept on remembering that night so well, so vividly… Audrey’s song still sounded on her mind just as much as Petey’s words asking her if his time on earth was over… She couldn’t fight the deep sigh she released and then she felt Andrew’s arm wrapping her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. "You okay?" he asked in the lowest voice so only she could hear him.

She released another sigh and closed her eyes at his closeness. "Yes… I was just… remembering the last night we spent like this…"

"Petey?" he asked and felt her nod. "You still remember him often, don’t you?" When she didn’t reply, he knew that continued to be a delicate issue for her. He tightened his hold on her a little more and kissed the top of her head. "Vivian will be alright, angel…" he added some time later. "I know it…"

"Edward loves her so much…" she then continued, looking at the man that had fallen asleep over the bed, his hand still holding Vivian’s. "He wouldn’t bear to lose her…"

"I understand him perfectly…" he murmured kissing her head again and then resting his chin on the top of her head. He blinked several times, fighting the tears he had felt threatening his eyes when a brief thought of him in Edward’s situation had crossed his mind.

Monica felt him rubbing her arm lovingly and allowed herself to be soothed by the caress. He always found a way to make her feel better, to reassure her heart even if she didn’t speak her thoughts out loud. She knew he understood her in a way no one else could, not even Tess being almost like a mother to her. Andrew knew her very soul, and the deepest secrets she could hide from the rest of the world. She was just blessed to have him by her side in a hard assignment, like this one… She didn’t know what to say… She just snuggled closer to him, circled his waist and rested her head on his chest, feeling his steady heart beating only for her.


In Vivian’s room, the following morning…

Edward stirred and moved from the uncomfortable position he had stayed in all night long, to check on Vivian, still sleeping. He stood up and turned around to look at his friends. "Morning…" Andrew greeted him while Monica shot him a friendly smile from her position over Andrew’s chest.

"Good morning… Gosh, I didn’t know when I fell asleep…" he tried to excuse himself. He moved to touch Vivian’s cheek.

"She hasn’t woken up yet, Edward, don’t worry…" Andrew informed still holding Monica. "The nurse came around 5 am and she said it was ok, that it may be related to the loss of blood…"

"Okay… I really appreciate you staying here all night, guys, thank you so much!" Edward stood up and faced his friends. "You didn’t have to and still you stayed…"

"We’re happy to be with you, Edward. You needed a friend here…" Monica offered softly and her tone of voice made Andrew remember what had always attracted him to her: that tenderness she had for everyone around, the purity in her heart that made her put everyone else before than her… He tightened his hold on her shoulders subtly and kissed her temple for a brief second.

"Thank you…" Edward said softly. "I-I think I’ve used you two a lot… Why don’t you go to the hotel and get some rest? I guess I can wait for the doctor now… Besides, I need to call to the office and…"

"Don’t worry for that, Edward," the blond angel replied finally letting go of Monica. "I’ll go there later. Why don’t we take his offer and go to the hotel, angel?" he added offering his hand to the younger angel.

"That will be lovely, thanks…" she said standing up and taking his hand. "Are you sure you’ll be ok, Edward?"

"Yes, Monica, please go have a decent breakfast and some rest… I really appreciate what you did for me last night…" the man reached to hug the angel briefly, not knowing how else he could thank their presence.

"We’ll be back soon, Edward. If you need us, please call…" the angel of death added before leaving the room.

"I will. Thanks".


In James Morse’s house that morning…

"Yes?" David picked up the phone the maid had given him while he had breakfast in bed.

"Did you hear about Vivian yesterday?" Phillip Stuckey asked as a way of greeting. "Tell me everything about it, David!"

"Ease, Phillip… She fainted in the polo match, they called a doctor that was there as a guest and he said she was probably having an abortion…"

"Was she pregnant? Gee, Edward must be shinning like a star in pride…" the lawyer replied with an ironic tone. "Sorry, man. He got it first…"

"Damn, yes… But it’s not too late yet… One way or another I still can have her…" David commented.

"Then you’ll become a daddy… Poor you…"

"I will in fact become a daddy… Only that Edward now thinks he is the one having a baby…"

"What?" Phillip was caught out of place.

David chuckled a little, a wide smile spreading over his face. "Do you think you’re the only one with a brain working, Phillip? I do have ideas too, you know…"

"I know you do! Now tell me what is it?!"

"Do you like pink roses? Do you think they are appropriate for a soon-to-be mother?"

"Well, yes, but…"

"Then my present will be just fine…" David explained. "As we are talking now, Vivian is getting a four dozen bouquet with a card that says how happy… and proud I am…"

"You??" Stuckey couldn’t believe what his "partner" was pretending. "But you and her have never…"

"Not that you know… and not that Edward knows… But if I say so, don’t you think he will have his suspicions? You know him better than me…" the young man concluded in pride.

"Yeah… He is not the one that trust people so easily… And, if he’s taken out of the way… It will be harder to know the truth being in jail…" Stuckey licked his lips devilish.

"Just be sure he’s taken soon enough…"

"What about today?"


"What will we do with the other guy, Parks?" the lawyer asked.

"If he’s the kind of man my grandpa likes to do business with, he will break the business and run away… He and his perfect little wife won’t like to have anything to do with a criminal…"

Stuckey chuckled again with that cynical laugh he had. "We really should watch our step around you, David! We get distracted and you jump right to our necks!"

"Then you know what you’re risking here, Phillip. I told you I wanted that woman… and I do mean it…"



At the same time in Vivian’s room…

"Come in…" Edward replied softly to a knock on the door. He saw the nurse coming in carrying a big bouquet of pink roses.

"Good morning, Mr. Lewis…" the nurse greeted warmly. "I have a little something for your wife…"

"Who sent this?" Edward asked truly intrigued.

"Dunno… But it must be a very good friend of yours…" She placed the bouquet on a table at the side and then moved to check on Vivian’s vitals. "She will wake up any minute now…"

"Okay…" Edward waited till the woman left the room to go and check on the card of the bouquet. And what he read didn’t please him at all.


I just couldn’t believe it when I first heard the news. A baby! What a wonderful surprise! I hope it will be a girl and that she has your eyes so every time I look at her I remember what I felt the first moment I laid eyes on you. Every time I look at her I will remember you and what it could have been… even if there is another man at your side and not me… I will always think of the few moments we spent together that had blossomed into this baby you’re carrying now.

All my love,


Edward felt he couldn’t breath when he finished to read. Who the hell was this D? Was it true what he was reading, that Vivian had seen another man? No, not his Vivian, he simply refused the thought! She loved him, she had always proven so! The way she treated him, specially in the most intimate moments they could share, left no room for his doubts! But all of a sudden, from the very end of his mind, came back something she had long ago, in the second day they had spent together. "When I do it, I act as a robot and just pretend I’m there… Except with you…" She had added that line when she had realized it had almost hurt him to hear her talk like what she was then, a prostitute. By then he was nothing but another client paying for her services, and he was in fact paying her to pretend she was his date… But she had confessed him she had fallen in love with him afterwards, some days later! He shook his head in disbelief… Could she have been pretending? Could she have pretended all this time after that week they had spent together? Could she have deceived him so well that he had never noticed she was with him only because of his money? His heart simply refused to believe so… yet there was the card he had in his hand, its writing speaking volumes to him.

The faintest murmur made him jump and turn to look at Vivian, who was starting to stir. "Vivian?" He was at her side a second later, reaching to tuck a little lock of her hair behind her ear. "Sweetheart, please wake up? Come on, baby, please open your eyes…"

"Edward…" Vivian murmured weakly. "Edward, where are you?"

"I’m here, Vivian… I’m right here…" he replied taking her hand and caressing her forehead.

"What happened?" she was still trying to open her eyes and focus on his face but the light seemed to be too brilliant.

"Oh, Vivian… I was so scared… Baby, why didn’t you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

Edward sighed lightly and reached to kiss her forehead again. "That you were pregnant…"

"P-pregnant?" Vivian asked fully awake now. "Y-you mean, I am…"

"Yes, pregnant!" He replied… but somehow he now remembered what the card of the bouquet said: "I will always think of the few moments we spent together that had blossomed into this baby you’re carrying now." What if it was true and that baby wasn’t his? He had been so happy to know he was becoming a father, for the night he had dreamed of what their lives would be in the near future, and now all those dreams seemed to be spotted with doubts.

"Edward?" Vivian brought him back to reality. "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing…" he said sharply. "Let me call the nurse. She asked me to let her know when you woke up…" He stood up and left the room. Only then did Vivian noticed the big bouquet of flowers.


"Well, Vivian, your blood pressure is stable now and the bleeding is over for good, we hope…" the doctor informed when he finished to check on her. "Yet, I’m afraid we’ll keep you in here for at least three or more days. We don’t want nasty surprises… I’ll be very clear. Your condition is serious. If you had this threaten now, you’ll have to be very careful not to do things that can lead you to a second crisis, or it may be the last chance for your baby… Got it?"

"Okay…" the woman replied feebly. "I’ll be careful…"

"I’m sure Edward will take a good care of you…" the doctor tried to be friendly, yet he didn’t get but a mechanical smile from the man. "I shall see you later, ok? I have to go check on the rest of my patients now…"

"Thanks…" Vivian waited until he was gone to face Edward. She was now perfectly aware of something not going fine with him and she had to know. It was making her to be very nervous.


At the same time in Monica and Andrew’s suite…

"Wow! Only now I realize why people feel a good shower takes them back to life!" Andrew exclaimed when he joined Monica on the dinning room of the suite later in the morning. The little angel was fully refreshed too, wearing clean clothes and new make up, and she was having some breakfast now.

"Yes… Those shoes were killing me! I guess no matter how long I spend on Earth I’ll never get used to shoes!" she exclaimed offering him a glass of orange juice.

Andrew laughed when he saw she was indeed wearing no shoes. "I still try to get rid of ties as much as I can too!"

"Pity… You look good in a suit…" she winked at him and smiled when he blushed a little.

"Now you’re talking about how dashing I look in my business man role?" he followed her game.

"Only if you accept I look good shoes or not shoes on!"

"I…" Andrew was going to reply but he then saw Tess appearing behind Monica.

"You better get going now, babies… Things in the hospital are not going good at all…"

"Vivian?" Monica asked truly worried.

"She’s awaken now, but there has been some surprises, no one of them nice…" the supervisor explained. "You have to go and talk to Edward soon, Andrew, as we need you in the office as soon as possible too. I’m afraid this will be a very long day…"

"Okay… Let’s go…" he said hurrying his glass.

Monica moved to stand up too and only then Tess noticed the shoes "detail". "Where do you think you’re going, Miss Wings?"


"You can’t move unless you go get your shoes! And I mean now!"

The bossy tone she knew so well made Monica turn to look at Andrew out of the corner of her eye and saw him smiling, obviously having fun at her dilemma. "Alright…" she mumbled and headed towards the bedroom.


Back at the hospital…

"Who sent those?" Vivian offered trying to find a way to talk to Edward.

"I think you have an idea…" he replied simply.

That strategy of trying to control his anger only served to exasperate Vivian even more. How she hated when he did that! "Andrew and Monica?" she asked not really having in mind someone else.

"Don’t try to play games with me, Vivian! You know better than that! Don’t try to get my partner into this!" Edward exploded and it left Vivian open mouthed.

"Edward, what…?"

"I know the truth, okay? I know who sent those and why he sent them!"

"What truth? Who sent them?"

"You know? What I hate the most is that you still try to fool me! Did you think I would never know?"

"Know what?" she exclaimed wanting a clear explanation. Only then did he handed her the card. "Do you guess now?" he asked bitterly.

Vivian read the card and couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing. She had a clear idea of who D was, but of course nothing of what he insinuated on the card was true. "This is a lie!" she claimed when she read. "This is not true! You can’t believe this!"

"Why didn’t you tell me about the baby then?"

"I didn’t know! I didn’t expect to be pregnant!"

"Perhaps you didn’t want to be!"

"What…?" she felt air missing her with his words. "Do you think I’m not happy to know about this baby? That I’m not happy to know that my love for you is now more alive than ever?"

"Don’t talk about love for me unless it is real!"

"It is real! I do love you! You can’t doubt it, Edward Lewis!"

Monica and Andrew were arriving just at that moment and they heard what Edward shouted right before they could knock at the door. The two angels looked at each other with more than surprise written on their faces and Monica nodded lightly to indicate Andrew he should knock to get in as soon as possible.

"Come in…" came Edward’s reply with obvious anger.

"Hey, guys, how are you?" the blond angel greeted. "It’s so good to see you up, Vivian!"

"Thanks, Andrew!" she replied when he went to kiss her on the cheek, followed by Monica, who hugged her friend.

"How are you feeling, Vivian?" the little angel asked, taking a seat on the bed. "What a surprise you gave us! A baby! See? I told you God was looking over you two and this is the biggest blessing He could have sent you!"

"I’m sorry but I need to go out…" Edward said and he left the room before the angels could ask what was going on. They turned to look at Vivian and she was crying.

"What’s wrong, Vivian?" Monica asked worriedly, seeing how her friend dissolved into tears.

"I-I don’t know… He thinks I’m betraying him! And I’m not! I promise I’m not!" she sobbed again and leaned over Monica’s arms. The little angel looked up at Andrew with tears glistening in her eyes.

"Why is he thinking that, Vivian?" Monica asked softly. Vivian reached to give her the card and sobbed while the angel read. "This D… Is he David?" she ventured handing the card to Andrew.

"I guess so…" Vivian answered weakly.

Andrew felt anger rising in his chest as he tightened his hand into a fist. "Stupid David…" he mumbled. "Edward cannot believe this, Vivian!" he exclaimed. "He would be blind to believe it!"

"He’s thinking about it, Andrew!" Vivian cried. "That’s why he left! He thinks I’m lying!"

"No, no, he can’t!" the blond angel said. "I’ll go talk to him…"

Monica and Vivian saw him leaving, and the angel returned her attention to her friend. "Everything will turn out just fine, Vivian, don’t worry…"

"How can he doubt my love, Monica? See? I told you if he didn’t care about my past, he…"

"Vivian, please, don’t think about this! Edward’s talking out of anger, I’m sure about it! He loves you, anyone who had seen him with you could say…"

"But then why is he doubting?" the woman wanted to know.

"I have my theory about jealousy…" the angel offered. "You feel jealous when you’re afraid of losing something you love deeply, something or someone you’d feel lost without him or her… Edward feels he wouldn’t know how to live without you anymore, Vivian… that’s why he’s acting this way… Let’s see what he tells Andrew…"

"Have you two ever argued, Monica? You two always seem to be so close and so secure around each other…"

The little angel smiled. "We have argued, Vivian… We are not perfect… And to be honest, I don’t know how I would manage a situation like this with Andrew…"



On the hallway, a couple of minutes later...

Edward saw Andrew walking towards him and guessed he was furious. But he was twice as furious, he thought... "If you come to tell me I'm wrong, you're losing your time, Andrew..." the man warned him .

"I'm not telling you you're wrong, I'm telling you you're crazy!" the angel exclaimed. "Do you know what kind of a treasure is to have the love of a woman like Vivian? Do you know how many people would like to find their soul mate like you did?"

"I do love her!" Edward argued. "It's her the one who doesn't love me!"

"You're blind!"

"I was blind! I've just had my eyes open today! I was playing a fool! And now I don't know what to do!"

"What you should do is to go back to that room and ask for forgiveness!" Andrew ordered. They were shouting but the angel didn't care about the looks around. He only knew his assignment was making the biggest mistake of his life. "You, humans don't realize love is such a fragile thing! Something you should cherish with all in your hearts! If you only realized what a miracle is to find that person that is meant to be with you forever..." The angel turned away and sighed. His words had come out directly from his heart, and never they had felt so right.

"You, humans?" Edward asked, surprised by the way his friend had referred to men.

"Yeah..." Andrew stuttered, trying to cover his mistake. "I mean, people don't realize it..." He shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed, then looked at his assignment directly in the eye. "Edward... If you knew, only for a moment, that your love for Vivian was forbidden, and that there was a superior rule that stopped you from loving her... I'm sure you'd fight with everything in you for her, for being allowed to spend at least one day at her side and to be able to show her what she means for you... You have never felt the pain of not being allowed to love the woman you love..." The angel of death knew he had to stop... He was voicing his own questions, his own doubts and projecting them into his assignment. Yet it was nothing but the truth: when he had understood his own feelings for Monica, the dilemma over if he was allowed to love her or not had been overwhelming... and it was far from being solved if truth had to be said...

"You don't understand, Andrew..." Edward spoke at last. "If I go back to that room, I will forget the card and what it says...

"The card should not exist if you really love her!" the angel replied. "Are you allowing a piece of paper to ruin a four-year relationship? To ruin the future you’ll have with your child and with the only woman you have truly loved? Because don’t tell me that is not the truth, Edward Lewis: Vivian’s the only woman you’ve loved so deeply that you have given up a billion dollar business… for love."

Edward turned to look at his friend directly in the eye and saw the silent challenge in his green eyes. It was true: many times he had realized he hadn’t loved anyone like he loved Vivian. No women had meant for him what she meant for him. That was why the threat of losing her, of she betraying his love, was an unbearable thought. It hurt him deeply. "What would you do in my place, Andrew?" Edward asked at the end. "Would you forgive Monica and forget about the card?"

Andrew smiled in a sarcastic way and chuckled lightly. "I wouldn’t even doubt Monica, Edward. I’d know such a thing is nothing but a lie… and you know it’s a lie too. Vivian wouldn’t betray you that way…"

Both kept silence for a little while, their minds thinking again and again about the happenings of the day, until Andrew’s cell phone rang. "Hello…" he answered.

"Angel boy? How’s everything going on around there?" Tess’ voice brought him a sense of unease like very few times before.

"Not too good, Tess…" he replied honestly. "What’s going on?"

"I need you here right at this moment… Edward is in big trouble, but I guess you don’t want him to know at the time…" the older angel ventured.

"Can I go instead?" When the angel of death asked that, Edward turned to face him, sure as he was there was something to do with the office.

"You better come, and quickly…" Tess concluded. Andrew closed the phone and looked at his friend. "It was Tess. She needs me now..."

Edward sighed and ran a hand over his hair. "Do I have to go?"

"No, no! You stay! I'll go and call you later... Let me go tell Monica..." Andrew waited for Edward to go with him, and he reluctantly did so. The blond angel sighed in near frustration when he saw that.

Then went back to Vivian's room to find her and Monica talking, the little angel holding her hand friendly, trying to calm her. Yet, it was obvious the way the women tensed when her eyes met Edward's. "Angel, Tess called... I need to go to the office now..." Andrew offered softly to his "wife". He tried to sound calm, but the little angel knew him so well...

"I'll go with you..." she stated, knowing that not only he needed her, but also that they had to leave Vivian and Edward alone. She moved to pick up her purse. "I'll come back later, Vivian, ok?"

"Okay, thank you, Monica", Vivian answered and looked at Edward out of the corner of her eye.

"Andrew, please call me. If there is anything you need..." Edward stopped the angels before they left.

"I will, but you have more important things to do now..." Andrew looked from Edward to Vivian. "Remember that nothing is more important right now…"


In Edward Lewis enterprises an hour later…

"Thanks God you’re here, Andrew!" Rafael greeted the two angels when the elevator door was opened.

"What’s wrong here? Come on, the guy has enough with Vivian in hospital!" the blond angel said following his friend to the meeting room, Monica’s hand in his.

"Andrew, thank you for coming!" James Morse greeted. "Hello, Monica, nice to see you!"

"Hullo, James…" the little angel replied timidly. She just felt intimidate to be in that huge office where she hadn’t been before, noticing all the employees kept on looking at her in obvious curiosity. She after all was the unknown wife of the new investor…

"Did you two know how’s Vivian doing?"

"Oh… She’s much better now… She woke up today in the morning…" Monica explained, "We were there before we came…"

"I’m glad! I will visit her later…"

"I’ve just sent her some flowers, grandpa…" David intervened casually. Andrew turned to look at Monica, his fury clearly shinning in his green eyes.

"Oh, good, David! I know I can always count on you…" The young man lifted his eyes and dared to look at the angel of death, his smile challenging him to reveal his ugly actions.

"So, James, what was so urgent?" Andrew interrupted to change the topic. "Tess told me we would be in big trouble if we didn’t fix this…" James handed him a piece of paper the angel read carefully. When he lifted his eyes, Monica could read it was really bad news. "But all this is not true! We have go over the accounts once and again and everything is clear!"

"… and yet the suit is there…" David stated faking a worried tone. "Either we work this out, or we’ll be in big trouble! I think that is not good for your business, Andrew…"

"That’s not good for nobody’s business…" Andrew mumbled, took his jacket out and took a seat. "We have to find where the problem comes from… 5 billion dollars don’t banish into thin air…"

Yet, and despite the long hours they checked the accounts once and again, they couldn’t find anything wrong. The phones had rang once and again, now someone calling from the legal department, now some other investors wanting to know what was going on with their money. Monica had started to work with Tess and Rafael, trying to be useful, but truth was that every moment she felt more and more scared: she could sense Andrew’s unease too, and the way his forehead shone with sweat let her know these were in fact big, big problems.

"I can’t see anything more!" James sighed and threw the papers over the table. "We didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sure! We paid the taxes and the salaries, we paid social security! We couldn’t keep so much money!"

"I’ve checked this since the beginning and I hadn’t found anything wrong too, James…" Andrew leaned against his chair heavily.

"So where does this come from, huh?" David replied shaking the suit paper they had received in the morning. "The court say we have to present all the documents we have to prove we have done the payments on time and truth is we don’t have them all!"

"Accounts are working on those too!" James argued. "Let’s let them do their job!"

"No, I don’t trust them to!" David exclaimed.

"I have never been wrong!"

"You’ve never been in such a delicate situation!"

"Gentlemen, please!" Andrew stopped them. He turned around and saw that Tess, Rafael and Monica as well as many employees were looking at James and David. "I think we are just too tired! We should take a rest!"

"I.. hum… I think Andrew’s right…" Monica intervened. "It’s almost five in the afternoon and you haven’t stopped… Why don’t we go have some lunch?"

David sighed deeply. "I agree… Maybe we’ll see things much better than with empty stomachs…"


Half an hour later, in a small restaurant nearby

"Edward says Vivian’s been doing better all day long, she’s even eaten a little now…" Monica explained while they waited for their orders. She had a foaming cappuccino right in front of her and Andrew hadn’t had the courage to stop her, knowing she enjoyed the beverage so much.

"What a surprise they got, didn’t they? Edward didn’t expect to become a father so soon…" James commented. "Still, they deserve this happiness so much!"

"Oh, they do!" Monica agreed. "I’m sure this wee one will bring them so much happiness!"

"Excuse me, sir…" the waiter and the captain of the restaurant interrupted their conversation. "I’m sorry to interrupt you but these men need a word with you…"

Andrew saw three men in suits coming to their table and looked at James in surprise. "What can I do for you?" he ventured.

"Are you Andrew Parks?" one of them asked.


"Please, sir, stand up and place your hands behind your back. You have to come with us, you’re under arrest!"



"… You have the right to keep silence. Otherwise everything you say may be used against you..." Andrew could hardly register what he was hearing. Arrested? That morning they had gone over and over the numbers and certainly they had realized they could be in serious trouble if they didn't fix everything, but Sam had assured him he was the last to blame. "Come on..." the policeman ordered rudely pushing him to start walking.

"No!!" Monica's scream made the blond angel turn. "This is a mistake! You have the wrong man!"

"Ma'am, please, we're just doing our job!" the agent tried to hold the little angel, who had now jumped to hold Andrew and simply refused to let go.

"No, this is a mistake! He's done nothing wrong!" she was sobbing, unable to believe this was really happening.

"Monica, please, calm down!" Andrew tried to calm her, his pleading eyes looking at James to help him.

"Come here, child, come!" the older man said soothingly, pulling the angel away of her "husband". "This is a mistake we're clearing right away! Tell me where are you taking him! My lawyer will be in there in no time!" he ordered the agents in such a strong voice that they clearly pulled back a little.

"Sir, we're following orders. We're taking Mr. Parks to the general quarters. He of course has the right to have a lawyer..."

"Good. We'll see you there!"

"Andrew!" Monica shouted again when the policemen took him away. She was sure this was a nightmare and she would wake up in a minute. This assignment was just too much: first these new feelings for who had been his best friend until now, and now Andrew paying for something he had never done! "Oh, Father, please, help him!" she sobbed against James' chest.


In Lewis enterprises half an hour later…


"Andrew is what?!" Tess asked unable to believe what Monica and James were telling them.

"He cannot be!" Sam agreed pacing along the room. "It's totally illegal!"

"And all this has to be Stuckey's fault..." James murmured angrily. "I knew I had to be careful with him... Sam, please, go see what's going on! I know we didn't do anything wrong, and Andrew is the last that has to pay for our lack of security..."

"Yes, yes, I'll go..." the supervisor replied. "Rafael, I need you to come with me..."

"I'll go too!" Monica exclaimed almost jumping from the chair.

"No, baby, no," Tess held her shoulders to make her sit again.

"I want to see him, Tess!" the little angel sobbed.

"I know, baby, but it's not the best moment. You need to calm down. We'll go when they know something for sure..."

"Why is all this happening, Tess? It's all so confusing..." Monica asked again when they were alone.

"I wish I knew, baby... I cannot say Andrew was wrong by choosing you as his partner 'cause surely there is no one that knows him the way you do. What we didn't know was that everything would be so difficult..."

"Can we go to the police station, Tess? I want to be as close to him as possible..."

The supervisor eyed her charge carefully, reading the change in her teary eyes when it came to the blond angel. Monica had already told her about the feelings she was developing for him and although she wasn't sure about that issue, Tess knew the Father was already aware of what had happened between them. She only had to trust him too... but that was the hardest part. "Of course, baby. Let's go..."


In the police station some time later...

"Well... There's nothing else I can do now..." Sam announced coming back to meet James Morse and Rafael. "We will have to wait for the judge to read the case and check the evidences... We will have a reply tomorrow..."

"Will he have to spend the night here then?" James asked and sighed in despair seeing the angel nod.

"No, please! Sam, you have to do something!" Monica exclaimed and covered her mouth to stop her sobs. "He can't be here all night!"

"Calm down, baby girl, calm down!" Tess tried to reassure her charge, holding her tightly. "Sam?"

"I'm sorry, Tess. The judge needs the time to read the evidences and the testimonies. We have brought all we have to prove Lewis enterprises is clean, but it seems someone is leaking information about the company to Stuckey. Some things… there is just no way he could have known... like Andrew investing with Edward and James, and signing the contract to handle the payments of all the employees in the ship builder from this week on..."

"But who?" James asked feeling terribly guilty over Andrew's situation. The angel had just made business with them, thinking they had everything in order, and this was the way they were paying to that trust. "Can he be released on bail? No matter how much..."

Sam shook his head before James could finish. "No. Tax evasion is a serious offense, you cannot be released on bail when accused of..."

"Oh, Father, please..." Monica kept on sobbing.

"We can only pray for the judge to read fast and see that there is a mistake, that we haven't done anything out of law..."

"Can I see him, Sam?" the Irish angel asked.

"Yes, I think so... Let me ask for the permission..."

Five minutes later, the dark skinned angel came back for her. "Come on, Monica... Being his wife had to have some benefits..." he commented sarcastically and only Tess and Rafael understood the hidden meaning in his words. "Leave your purse and your jacket..."

Monica did as he said and then followed the supervisor inside the station. She was led to a long, cold corridor by a police woman that had first checked she wasn't carrying anything forbidden. Then they asked her to wait in a small room with two doors, one opposite to the other, with no windows and nothing more but a table and two chairs. Five minutes later one of the doors opened and a policeman got in, leading Andrew.

"Andrew!" she cried and ran to his arms, her tears crossing her cheeks. She held him as if to dear life, as if trying to make sure he was real.

"Baby, please, don't cry!" the blond angel tried to soothe her hugging her fiercely, smelling and kissing her hair. "I'm fine, Monica, I'm alright..."

"This is not alright, Andrew! You shouldn't be in here! You have made nothing wrong!" she continued crying. "Why did they have to take you? You've known Edward and James for a week!"

"Edward would be here instead, Monica... And we know he has to be with Vivian. Imagine what she would do alone..."

The little angel was shaking her head, not wanting to think about anything but him. "But this is not fair! I can't help but think this is someone else's fault and you are paying and you are innocent!" she sobbed.

"Monica, we know the Father always has a plan, baby..." Andrew was trying to calm her tenderly caressing her hair. "There's something wrong, we know that..."

The Irish angel was already shaking her head. "I don't care anymore what's wrong or right, Andrew!" she cried, her wet eyes fixed on his. "I don't care if this is right or if what we are feeling for each other is wrong! I really don't care! I know what I am feeling! I know I'm in love with you and all I want is you back with me, safe and sound!"

Andrew's breath caught in his throat when he heard her words: she had been scared of these new feelings, reluctant to let herself go, even suggesting they were doing wrong... Now she was accepting she was in love with him; what had become his biggest dream was now a tangible truth he could read in her brown eyes: love was shining there in between her tears, tears he knew were there for him! It took him a long minute to gather everything around the fact that their love was mutual, a long minute he kept on looking at her eyes deeply, before she surprised him by wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him down and kiss him breathless. Both had to take a deep breath before they could finally talk once they broke apart.

"I love you, Monica..." the blond angel murmured pressing his forehead to hers. "Only the Father knows how deeply..."

"Andrew… I want you out of here now…" she murmured, her forehead still against his lips, her hands stroking his face.

"This is the Father’s plan, Monica… No it’s your turn to do your job…" the blond angel pulled away lightly, drying her tears with tender thumbs. "You have to go…" She looked at him rather puzzled. "Go to see Edward… I know already who did this… But it has to be you the one telling him…"


"David… He’s in love with Vivian, he wants her away of Edward… From the moment they first met, David has wanted to conquer her. I only see it now clearly, Monica. He was there in the polo game yesterday just catching the chance to be close to her, but you were there… Then today, the flowers… He is the mysterious "D"… And of course Vivian has nothing to do with him, but he would do anything to make them be apart…"

"Do you think he is the one leaking information about the enterprise too?" the little angel asked.

"Yeah, I’m sure… Nobody else knew about me coming to invest with them, only Edward and James… Now, Edward would tell Vivian, and James only could tell…"

"David…" Monica nodded in agreement. "True… But what do I have to do? What can I possible tell Edward that he will believe me? We haven’t met each other for more than a week…"

Andrew placed a hand against her cheek and she stopped talking. She met his green eyes, his love washing her like a giant wave that touched her very soul. "But you’re an angel of truth, baby… You speak nothing but the truth and people believes you… That’s why God made you, and He is calling you to do His job now…" He examined her face for a long minute before he leaned over and kissed her forehead long. "Please, go… Do it for Edward and Vivian"

Monica nodded and said nothing, sure as she was that if she tried to speak she’d cry again. She only caressed his cheek a little more and then reached to kiss him on the lips trying to gather in her kiss all the love she felt for him. "I’ll do this for you, Andrew… I’ll be back for you…" she murmured and left the room.


In Vivian’s room, an hour later…

A light knock in the door made Edward snap out of his thoughts and check the watch before he opened the door. Who could it be at almost midnight? "Monica!" he said genuinely surprised when he opened the door. "What are you doing here at this time of the night?"

"I’m sorry, Edward, but I really need to talk to you…" she said getting into the room.

"Monica?" Vivian asked weakly as she woke up in her bed.

"Yes, Vivian, it’s me… I’m sorry to disturb you, but I needed you to know about what happened today… I think we already know who is leaking information about the enterprise to Stuckey, Edward… but you have to help Andrew…"

"Okay, hold on…" Edward was having trouble in following her. "What’s wrong with Andrew?"

"He’s in jail… accused of tax evasion in your enterprise, Edward…"

"What?!" "Andrew?!" both Edward and Vivian asked at the same time.

Tears shone in the Irish angel eyes when she talked again. "Yes… He is in jail, but the one that they wanted in prison was you, Edward…" She saw how Vivian immediately reached to take his hand and how he squeezed hers lovingly. "We now know who and why he wants you in jail…"

"But… who?" the business man was almost scared to ask.


"No, Monica! He’s James’ grandson, he trusts him absolutely!" Edward replied.

"Edward…" Vivian tried to speak but he wasn’t hearing.

"No, Vivian! I trust James and he’s a wise man! Andrew’s wrong, Monica! It cannot be David…"

"Edward…" the little angel gave a step closer. "Andrew is not lying… He cannot lie…"

"Monica, I know you trust him because he’s your husband but…" he had a hand up to stop her, but when he looked into her eyes, a new feeling invaded his heart, a feeling of absolute trust.

"Andrew can’t lie, Edward, because his nature forbids him to do so…" Somehow both the man and Vivian couldn’t take their eyes away of their friend. "We are angels, Edward… and angels don’t lie…"

The warm, golden light of the Father’s love surrounded the little angel as she spoke. Edward and Vivian couldn’t believe what they were watching, yet they were not scared. It was a strange feeling of peace and love that seemed to come from the deepest parts of their souls, and washing them like the warm light of the morning sun. "I am an angel, sent by God…"

"Why?" Vivian asked finally, when she managed to find her voice.

"Because God knew you needed us, and you needed Him… Four years ago you both got the biggest present God can give His children and that is love… But now, somehow you needed to be remembered of that present to cherish it again with all in your hearts, so you could make the right choices…"

"So you were sent to us?" Edward ventured.

"Yes… We didn’t know for sure what we were supposed to do at the beginning… It’s not a common request that angels act as married couples…"

"Wait a minute…" Vivian interrupted, now more aware of the situation, "but you truly look like you are in love! You even kissed in front of us! And you say you cannot lie?"

"We can’t lie, Vivian… That’s what I mean when I say we didn’t know what we were supposed to do. We were told to be a married couple that comes near to you, but we never expected we would experience feelings of love the way humans do… It was surprising and scaring for us, and so confusing… Yet, as time went by, we realized there was a reason for us to feel this: so we would know how deep you should cherish the man or the woman you love, and how much you are willing to risk for him or her, how empty life would be for you without that other part that makes your life full and complete. In a way, you two have forgotten this: Edward, you have come to think that giving Vivian everything material she may need would be enough… and only when you felt you’d lose her, you did remember what attracted to her in the very first minute, her lack of interest in material things. You didn’t see that not sharing with her your deepest worries only was building a wall between you two, instead of protecting her of your worries, you were pulling her away of you. That’s why you didn’t see David wanting to have her, you only saw him when he was close to her and being too obvious. You trusted James, and James is a very good man… but David is not his grandfather…"

Vivian had tears shining in her eyes when the little angel looked at her. "And you, Vivian… When you saw Edward was getting away of you, instead of being close to him, instead of giving him the chances you gave him at the beginning to relax and come to trust to you, you stepped away too, fearing you’d disturb him and thinking that he would appreciate your not coming in the way… But again, you forgot to tell him about your dreams, about your feelings… about what has been God’s most wonderful miracle in your lives after this baby you’re now expecting…" Vivian’s hand moved immediately to her flat stomach, while the other squeezed Edward’s hand lovingly.

"So Andrew and I were sent here to make you remember what the important things of life are… This assignment was important because of you, but it was important for us too… because we discovered things we so far ignored, we found out how important we are to each other, how we make each other complete… So, now, Edward… I’m talking to you not only as an angel, but also as a woman, a woman that is in love with a honest man, who has shown you nothing but friendship and loyalty, and who needs you now more than ever… Please, Edward, help Andrew! Please, go to the station tomorrow morning and prove his innocence to the judge so he can be free… I love him. And you do know what is it like to love someone so much that you’d be able to do anything for that love…"





In Lewis Enterprises, by midnight

"Monica! What happened?" Tess and Rafael ran to meet their friend as they saw her appear by the elevator followed by Edward.

"Andrew's still in jail, but Edward and me now know who's been leaking information to Stuckey," the little angel explained.

"But who?" Rafael asked.

Monica turned to look at Edward first and then at James Morse. "David".

"Impossible!" the old man exclaimed unable to believe what they were saying. "David wouldn't!"

"James, please, listen to me!" Edward intervened. "I didn't want to believe it either, but Monica is right. Look at this," he then handled him an envelope with some paper leaves inside. Color drained out of James' face as he read.

"Remember when we did this calculations? There was no one in the room but you, me and David. We made no more than three copies and erased the file 'cause we already knew what it could entail. I have here the other two copies, yours and mine... The only one missing was David's..."

"That was why we didn't' find it yesterday, when Andrew asked to re-run the tests again and again?"

"Yes, James, I'm sorry..." Edward felt totally embarrassed. Morse had been a very good friend since they had decided to start doing business together, showing him honestly and loyalty in every situation needed. He knew the old man thought so highly of his grandson that he only could start to think what he should be feeling.

"But why? Why would David do something like this if he knows he will inherit my company? I can't see a reason!"

"Perhaps you should ask him directly, James..." Monica suggested.

"What he need to figure out now is how we will convince the judge that this was nothing but a test and not the real numbers we have in the company so Andrew can be released tomorrow," Edward added.

"I will go talk to the judge tomorrow, first thing in the morning... We have everything we need here," he lifted the papers, " and we have the accounts Sam has collected in the past months. Monica, don't worry, Andrew will be free tomorrow!"

The little angel had tears shinning in her eyes when James looked at her. She reached a hand and squeezed his arm thankfully, while he in reply patted her hand. She stayed at the office the rest of the night while Edward, James and Sam worked on Andrew's defense, helping Tess to give them some coffee and cookies, and praying silently for this to work. It was already 8 am when they all heard a voice that put them at guard.

"Good morning!" David greeted cheerfully, in the most innocent way. "Why is everybody so early today?"

"And you still ask?" Edward replied appearing from behind James. David's smile faded away. "What's wrong, David? You didn't expect me to be here?"

"No! I mean, why not?" the young man tried to answer. "Actually I think your place should be with your wife, since she's in hospital..."

Edward grinned sarcastically. "You'd love to be there, right? In my place..." James looked questioningly to Edward as he hadn't mentioned David's interest in Vivian. "Taking MY place as her husband and as the father of MY son! And you thought that sending her flowers with dirty lies like this one would be enough to put me apart!" He took out the card David had sent along with the flower bouquet and showed it to James, who lifted his eyes to meet his grandson's unable to believe to what point he had arrived.

"How could you, David?" James asked with fury. "And not only this, but also leaking information to put Edward in jail! What were you thinking about? Have you lost your mind?!"

"Edward doesn't deserve Vivian as his wife!" the young man finally started to speak. "He has never cared about her! He has never valued her!"

"You, bastard!" Edward shouted throwing himself against David, but Rafael stopped him. "What do you know about me caring about Vivian?! She's the most important thing in my life! I value her more than anything in this world!"

"Yeah, right!" David retorted.

"David, I understand you were jealous of Edward, but why to ruin me in the way?" James asked.

"You just were in the wrong situation, grandpa!" the young blond man shouted. "You did business with Edward and that's something I will regret my whole life! I did everything I could to keep you unharmed! The only one that had to pay was Edward, not you!"

David tried to hold his grandfather but James stopped him. "You've disappointed me so much, David... I didn't raise you to be so selfish... I really thought I had made of you an honest man, a man of a good heart. How sorry I am of having given you all my trust... Listen to me, and listen good: you'll pay for your actions and mistakes, and I won't raise a finger to help you. It's you the one who earned this..."

"What?" David couldn't understand.

"Sam, Edward, we need to go to the court. There's an innocent man we have to put out of jail and point out who the real responsible ones are..." James said shooting his grandson a nasty look. "Monica, I guess you should come with us. You deserve to be the first person to meet Andrew when he's freed."


In the police station, two hours later...

"Andrew!" Monica jumped out of her chair when she saw him appearing out of the door.