Through the fire

(by Kimbre and Deyse)


It was past 9 o'clock at night when the silence of those deserted streets was broken by the sound of footsteps. She walked in a hurry, trying to escape from the cold howling wind, and eager to find a shelter from the darkness that surrounded her. Heavy clouds had covered the moon and the stars, which that innocent angel used to gaze at for long and peaceful hours. They were like old friends that had always greeted her along the centuries and also a gentle reminder that a higher power watched over all the creatures on Earth. Night and day, throughout eternity.

And even though she knew that, Monica couldn't avoid the nervous sensation that took control of her whenever she walked along that path heading to her temporary home - a small but cozy apartment a few blocks from there. The little angel had passed by those narrow and empty alleys for the last two months, while she was helping a widow recover her faith and joy to live. Monica managed a short smile when she thought that now her assignment was practically accomplished. Mrs Lancaster was more confident and learning to let go of painful memories. Very soon, perhaps on the following day, Monica would reveal herself as an angel of God and deliver His message so that the woman could move on with her life.

Being geographically challenged, the little angel found it difficult to get her way back home right when the assignment started. Sometimes, she would heave a sigh of relief when her beloved Andrew showed up in the corner of Mrs Lancaster's house and walked her to the apartment. And it was exactly the memory of the angel of death's green eyes gazing at her and his loving arms wide open for her that warmed her heart in such a cold and silent night.

After another turn, in another deserted street, she fidgeted with the ring Andrew had given her a while ago. They didn't know when they would be granted with the wedding blessings and therefore be joined forever under God's eyes, but just the thought of it caused a wave of joy to fill her soul. As time passed, Monica learned to deal with and understand his protective feelings, maybe due to their latest and painful experiences, maybe due to the mere fact that their love had grown stronger.

Unfortunately, however, Andrew couldn't escort her along those streets everyday, as much as he wanted to. So Monica had to learn the way back to her temporary home, as she made it daily. That knowledge allowed her to walk faster along the narrow streets. She knew her loving father was taking care of her but she also knew that evil was lurking around and being in human form caused her to be more vulnerable to it.

And when she turned around the corner, her fears were materialized in a terrifying image, which caused her human body to freeze: there were two men just a few steps ahead of her. At a first moment, they seemed to be talking in a low voice but in the next second, Monica saw when one of them pulled up a gun and pointed it at the other.

"No!" she shouted, with her heart pounding loudly in her chest, but before she knew it, two gunshots broke the silence of the night, causing her body to tremble with sheer panic.

The victim, a man in his late forties, fell on the ground, his chest covered with blood. His aggressor waited a little and then shot one more time, and then turned his eyes from him to stare at the frightened little angel who had just witnessed a horrible crime. Monica's first impulse was to rush to the man lying on the street and try to help him, but the image of his attacker coming towards her stopped her from moving. As he came closer, she thought the worst: she had seen everything and possibly would have the same destiny of the other victim. She thought about her dearest Andrew and Tess, and how someone's fate could change in a blink of an eye.

"No! Please, don't..." Monica begged, as the man approached her. He was wearing black clothes and gloves, and his face was hidden under a dark mask. But contrary to what she had thought, he didn't shoot her. The man shoved her abruptly on the ground and her anguished cry didn't stop him. Then he took her hands and forcefully made her hold the gun he was carrying with him. There was some blood on the gun and on his clothes, as the shot had been too close to the victim, and moments later Monica's hands and clothes were also slightly dirty with it.

"Please... let me go... he needs help..." her pleading was heartbreaking. He grabbed her face with one hand and she could hear his laughter, muffled by the thick fabric of the mask he was wearing. "Good girl..."

His voice caused a shiver to run down her spine but much to her surprise the man did let go of her and stood on his feet; running away from her and disappearing in between the shadows of the night.

With trembling hands, Monica looked at the gun and in her hands and clothes dirty with the other man's blood, and immediately dropped the evil weapon on the ground, horrified with the fact it could take a life away. Then, still shocked and with her heart beating faster, she walked up to the other man lying on the ground. He was still breathing.

"S-sir?" she called, kneeling right next to him and reaching for his hand. A closer look revealed he was wearing an elegant dark suit and expensive shoes. He had his eyes closed and could hardly breathe. "C-can you hear me?" she insisted, but he moaned as he opened his mouth to try to speak something. "I'll... I'll try to find help..."


Another voice in the deserted alley called her attention and when she raised her head it was Adam that she saw. The angel of death was in his angelic form, and the expression on his face was a sad and also a confused one.

"Adam... Please, don't tell me..."

"What are you doing here?" he wanted to know, kneeling right next to her.

"I... I was just passing by and I saw it... I saw it when this man was shot..." she explained, tears falling down her cheeks as she knew what her co-worker was doing there. "I thought I could help him..."

"Oh, Monica... I'm so sorry..." the angel of death said, gently placing a hand over her shoulder.

Monica nodded her head in understanding. "Oh, Father... please, have mercy on him..."

But her whispered prayer was suddenly interrupted by another voice, now a threatening one. "Freeze!"

In a heartbeat, Adam was gone and the gentleman lying on the ground was no longer breathing. It was then that Monica saw a police car parked in the corner, and two policemen coming closer to her. They were holding guns and pointing at her, ready to shoot at any moment.

That image was almost as frightening as the one she had just seen minutes before.

"Put your hands where I can see!" the policeman ordered.

"I... I was trying to help him... This man... he needs a doctor..." she tried to speak, but once they were closer and aware she wasn't carrying a gun, they pulled her to her feet and one of them took a pair of handcuffs from his pocket.

"You're under arrest, madam!" he said, not missing how her hands and clothes were stained with blood.

"What? No, there must be a mistake, I was passing by, this man was shot and he needs help-"

"He's dead!" the other policeman said, as he pressed two fingers against the man's jugular.

"Oh, Father..." Monica whispered, feeling sorry for that poor soul, and then she spoke in a loud voice. "Someone shot him... I saw it..."

"Lady, if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut as you're already in a big trouble!"

"No! I saw it! His aggressor dropped the gun over there!" she pointed at the exact spot where the shooter had knocked her down and one of the policeman rushed to there.

"I found the gun, Harry!" he said.

"He went away after he knew this man wouldn't survive!" Monica tried to explain, but the two policemen weren't willing to hear an explanation.

"Please be silent, madam. We'll take you to the police station and there you'll be able to explain how you ended up here, with your hands and clothes all dirty with blood and next to a dead man."

The policemen escorted her to the police station, not giving attention to what she was saying. They also picked the gun used in the crime with the help of a plastic bag so as to preserve any fingerprint. They left the crime scene after the ambulance had arrived to take the body away to the city morgue.

The local police station was not far and when she arrived there Monica was finger printed and photographed and sent to a cell, which she would share with a few women. They also noticed the blood on Monica's shirt and elected to keep some distance from her. As the little angel was shoved inside the cell, she grabbed the bars and cried. How would she prove she was innocent? Who would confirm her story? She didn't even know who that man was and his murderer was nothing but a face hidden under a mask. His voice, however, kept on playing on her mind and she fought to get rid of it. The gentle, warm-hearted angel of God had already been exposed to too much evil lately.

Tears soon fell from her sad doe-like eyes and she thought about the only one who she would like to see at that moment. The one angel that - Monica was sure of it, had been created by God not only to help the humans but also to be by her side and fill her heart with joy and much love.

But Andrew wasn't there. She had last seen him a week earlier, and she closed her eyes at that sweet memory. She desperately needed it right now as it was all that she had.


Andrew paced back and forth at the cabin, wondering where on earth his Monica could be. Tess had told him when she’d be spending one last night at her apartment before finishing her assignment the following day.

The Angel of Death had immediately headed to his angel’s apartment and cheerfully gone to work to fix them a romantic dinner to share once she arrived as a way of celebrating the end of this particular case. Her assignment had been long; nearly two months, though thankfully it had not been a dangerous one and though he had managed to steal a few moments with her, walking her home at night, the times had been short and not often enough for his liking. Though Andrew would never question doing the work of the Father, his heart had still longed to hold close his sweet Angel Girl and to her hear her soothing Irish voice and her adorable giggle. He also missed her constant chatter and her observations about the world as well as their relationship which seemed to grow deeper with each passing day.

But now, hours later, their dinner had long gone cold and the angel was growing more worried by the minute as to what could be keeping Monica. With anyone else, Andrew would have just thought they had gotten sidetracked, but when it came to the little angel, it could very easily mean she had found some kind of trouble. She never went looking for it, but her tender heart never allowed her to pass by someone in need and sometimes that resulted in her being in a wrong place at a wrong time.

Looking up at the clock, he frowned. It was now long past midnight and his anxiety moved up a notch, "Angel, where on earth are you?"

Suddenly, feeling a presence in the room with him, Andrew spun around to come face to face with Tess once more and the expression on her face did little to comfort his worried heart.

"Angel Boy, we need to talk."


The night had dragged on for one little angel, who had pressed herself up against the wall in the furthest corner of the cell, as if wishing to make herself invisible. Monica had watched as her few cellmates had been released on bail as their families or loved ones had come for them. Of course, most of them had been here for minor offenses, whereas she was being held on a murder charge.

Just thinking about that caused tears to flood her dark eyes once more from both fear and confusion. Though Monica knew that God was always with her, now, she just kept wondering what she had done wrong to be in that alley at the moment she had been there. Certainly, God’s plan hadn’t included an angel being accused of murder!

Pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, the little angel sniffed back a fresh round of tears as she tried to stop feeling so sorry for herself. She knew that angels worked on a "need to know" basis and that God’s plan would unravel in His time, but that knowledge of those things did little to comfort her frightened and lonely heart right now.

The cell was dark and it seemed to match the blackness she could feel in herself as the night stretched into the early hours of the morning. The tired angel longed for sleep that would not come as her human form was both exhausted and too afraid. Monica continued trying to talk to her Father, but though she could feel his love for her, there were no answers forthcoming.

Did Andrew know what had happened to her? Did Tess? If they knew then why were they leaving her here all alone? They must not know yet, she concluded, gazing into the darkness through brown eyes that were welling up with fresh tears, otherwise they would be here; they would be here to tell her it would all be okay and to tell her what it was she needed to do to get herself out of this mess. Instead, she had never felt so lonely and so lost.

The knot in the pit of her stomach felt as if it was growing as it welled up in her chest and pushed her tears forward and before she knew it, a tiny sob escaped her.

But just as the frightened sound escaped her, a soft glow filled the jail cell and through blurred vision, Monica could make out the one angel she loved above all others.

The expression on her face nearly undid him and Andrew wasted no more time in sitting down next to her and tugging the little angel into his arms as he heard her sobs break free. His heart ached at her grief, knowing it was as much from the situation as it was from the solitary darkness she had been in for the last few hours.

"I’m here, baby. I’m here." Andrew whispered against her hair as he held her tightly to him. She was trembling and her small hands clenched his shirt, even as she tried to force herself to calm down by taking deep breaths to stop the tears, "It’s all right, Angel. I just found out from Tess what happened and I came here as soon as I could. I was waiting for you tonight and I was so worried when you didn’t show up."

His voice was a soothing whisper that finally caused the tension to leave her body as she knew she was now enveloped in Andrew’s safety, even though she didn’t know for how long, "I’m so glad you’re here," She murmured tearfully after a few minutes, "Andrew, it’s been awful and I don’t understand any of it."

"I know," He replied tenderly, his fingers running through her auburn mane, "I’m not so sure I understand myself yet," He knew those words were an understatement, for though Tess had explained what she knew about the assignment, none of it made much sense to him yet and he had no idea how to explain it to Monica who was already rattled by this drastic change of scene.

"Was I…was I in the wrong place, Andrew?" Her sorrowful brown eyes looked up at him miserably, "I went the same way home I’ve always gone, but this time, these men were there and one shot the other and then he put the gun into my hands," Her words were rushed, such was her desperation for someone to hear her and actually listen to her as no one had earlier, "Then Adam was there and he told me he was sorry but now….now I don’t know what he meant by that. Did he mean he was sorry the man died or was he sorry that I was there?" Monica blinked as the painful memories came rushing back to her and another tear escaped her eye which Andrew tenderly wiped away, "Then the police got there and they wouldn’t listen to me, Andrew! They…they think I…that I.…that I killed that man!"

Andrew’s heart ached at her words and her tears and he knew how terrible it would feel to her for someone to think she could ever harm another, "I know, baby, and no, you weren’t in the wrong place; not really. You were just in the same place that evil was and now, well, we have to let this play out and see what the Father has in mind," He laid his hand against her cheek and caressed it softly, "You know he can take even this and turn it into something wonderful."

He was trying to convince not only Monica, but himself with those words, as Andrew hated this situation already. Tomorrow, there would be an arraignment hearing, but with evidence mounting up against her, the older angel knew that she would not be set free to await trial, but instead be held without bail. How could he possibly tell her this when she was already so frightened?

Though Monica heard his words, she didn’t know yet how to respond to them as she continued to cling to him desperately, "I hate this place, Andrew. It’s so dark and so…hopeless. I know I didn’t do anything wrong, but this place…it just gets to my soul and makes me feel…" Her exhausted mind searched for another word, but there simply wasn’t one, "hopeless, Andrew…it just feels so hopeless…"

Something about her words scared him. The little angel had only been here a matter of hours, and already it felt like she was losing herself. He looked around the dark cell that contained no windows, no beds, only cold, hard concrete everywhere he looked; from the floors and walls to the few benches. She was exactly right. There was nothing here that could possibly offer even the tiniest glimmer of hope to anyone.

Kissing the top of her head lovingly, Andrew pulled away and took her tear streaked face into his hands, "What is hopeless, Angel, is how in love with you I am." He told her softly, wanting to do anything he could to soothe her and reassuring her about some things seemed to be the best way to do that. He would just have to let the morning take care of itself for now and maybe by then, they’d have some more answers, "And I know you’re scared, but I’m right here with you and you know that God has a plan, Monica, even for something as terrible as this."

Monica’s swollen eyes steadily met his, "I love you so much," She whispered tearfully, "just so much, Andrew. Please, could you just keep holding me?"

His heart breaking at her simple request, he brushed his lips tenderly with hers before pulling her back into his arms to cradle her against his chest, "Try to sleep, baby. There’s a few more hours yet before morning and you need to get some rest. I won’t leave you until the lights come back on, all right, and then only if I have to." He was already praying that he wouldn’t have to.

"Thank you," She murmured, her eyes closing exhaustedly.

"You never have to thank me, Angel."

As he heard her even breathing, Andrew continued to simply watch her sleep in his arms, his own heart terribly worried over the pain in hers. This had to be so difficult for her, for any angel really, but especially for one with such a tender heart. Monica would never dream of hurting any of God’s children and now she was being accused of killing one and her words about feeling hopeless chilled him to the bone. He hoped those words had just been spoken out of exhaustion after a highly emotional night, but even considering her current emotional state, the words were so out of character for her.

"How’s she doing, baby?"

Andrew looked up as Tess appeared with them in the small cell and he gave a frustrated sigh, "I don’t know, Tess. She’s so upset and so confused and so am I. Have you been given any more information yet?"

"Not yet, I’m afraid, Andrew. I wish I did. It looks like we could all use some answers right about now." The older angel knelt down and ran a hand tenderly over Monica’s head.

"She’s so lost, Tess and her heart is just aching that she’s even being accused of such a terrible act of violence. She said so little but at the same time, she said so much." Glancing down at Monica once more, he kissed the top of her head repeatedly, wanting to transmit his love for her any way he could right now.

"I have a bad feeling, baby, that this could get worse before it gets better," Tess stated with a sigh.

"So do I, but I didn’t want to tell her that tonight as she was so distraught already," Andrew fell silent for a moment, weighing whether or not to tell Tess what else Monica had said, "Tess, she said this place made her feel hopeless. If she has to spend any more time here, I’m afraid of what that will do to her. Was tonight supposed to happen?"

"Tonight was about the free will of some other people, Angel Boy. Monica was right where she was supposed to be for what she was supposed to be doing, but human will got in the way and changed her course." She rose to her feet once more, "You take care of her and I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ve been asked to complete her assignment with Mrs. Lancaster, but that shouldn’t take me too long."

As the older angel vanished, Andrew sighed heavily. If Tess was being asked to finish Monica’s assignment, that could only mean one thing.

That Monica was not going to be available to finish it herself.

Feeling her stir slightly in his arms, Andrew brushed his lips against her forehead, "Sleep, my angel. You’re safe right now," Resting his cheek against her hair, Andrew was unable to help but wonder just how long she would remain safe or even in his arms.


The minutes were like hours, and the hours, an eternity filled with nothing but sorrow to Monica. Even though she had managed to fall asleep lulled by Andrew's loving presence, now that he was gone a nightmare woke her up. The cold-blooded murder she had witnessed on a dark and deserted alley kept on playing in her mind, and chills ran down her spine every time she remembered the murderer's voice.

Lying on the cold floor, knees drawn up to her chest, Monica was staring at an invisible point right ahead of her, wondering what she would do from now on. At first she was desperate thinking that, once again, she was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. But Andrew's loving words did manage to at least bring her some comfort. She was exactly where she was supposed to be and it had been evil that had crossed her way. It could happen to anyone, human or angel.

As a silent tear rolled down her cheek, she heard footsteps coming towards her cell. It was then that the Irish angel realized she didn't even know if it was night or day, if it was sunny outside or a bit chilly like the previous night. Keeping her trapped in that cold and tiny space was like cutting off a bird's wings. As the policeman stopped right in front of her cell she sat up straight, wiping her tears away and looking up at him in expectation.

"Your lawyer is here." He announced, opening the cell.

Confusion clouded over her face as she heard that. "M-my lawyer?"

"Yes. Follow me, please."

Slowly, the angel rose to her feet and, still with her arms wrapped around herself, she followed the old policeman along the corridor and up to a small room. He opened up its door and motioned for her to enter. There was a small table and two chairs inside the room. It had no windows, though, just the cold white light permanently on. But her surroundings didn't call her attention. Standing on his feet and facing the wall opposite the door was a tall blond man. He was wearing a dark suit and carrying a briefcase that was now over the table, and Monica could recognize that silhouette anywhere.

Once she saw him her heart started to beat faster, and before she could say something, Andrew turned around to face her: in his eyes, the green that had always brought her so much hope and reassurance. She didn't waste another second before rushing to his open arms, and once they were holding her tightly, Monica closed her eyes and let the blond angel's love flood her heart, which was already too sad, too anguished.

And Andrew could feel her sorrow; he was able to do so even when she was physically away. All he wished at that moment was to take it away from her heart. Holding her tightly, he kissed the side of her head and caressed her auburn hair with tenderness.

"You have ten minutes." The policeman said, closing the door behind him, his voice calling the two angels to the reality that surrounded them.

Only then, Andrew broke the silence. "I'm sorry I left you. I was called on an assignment and you were sleeping."

"You have nothing to be sorry about... I wouldn't have managed to fall asleep if you hadn't been there."

The blond angel kissed the top of her head and pulled away just a few inches, searching for her eyes. "If I could I'd stay with you all the time, angel, even when you're fast asleep."

"You've done this for me so many times." She replied, placing a delicate hand against his chin.

He took her hand and kissed its palm. "I'll keep doing this for the rest of eternity."

"The... the policeman said I have a lawyer... Is... is it you?" the confused look on her face was so adorable that it managed to soothe away his worries at least for a while.

"Well, yes... I mean, if you accept my services!" He joked and was rewarded with a tiny crying smile.

"S-so... I'm your assignment..." she was suddenly taken by a peaceful sensation at that fact, as she trusted him deeply, with her heart and soul.

He was serious again, staring her deep inside her eyes, so filled with trust that there was no way she wouldn't believe his words. "I'll get you out of here, angel." Andrew brushed a loving kiss on her forehead and guided her to a chair. Permanently holding her hand, he took the other chair and sat right opposite to her. "I didn't want to ask you this, but you have to tell me everything that happened last night. It's important that you remember every detail, anything."

She nodded her head and looked at their conjoined hands. "I'll do anything you ask me to, Andrew."

The angel of death raised his free hand and caressed her cheek, touching her white porcelain skin with usual delicacy. "Then I'll ask you to remember that you're God's child and that He loves you very much. And that I too love you more than my own existence... When times are hard, please keep that in mind, because I don't like seeing that sad look on your face."

Her sad smile reappeared. "That you don't have to ask me... because I never forget it..."

Andrew cupped her face with both hands and dared to cross the distance between them. He first placed a gentle kiss against her forehead and then brushed his lips against hers. It was more than a romantic kiss exchanged between two sweethearts; it was the promise of an everlasting love and devotion, a way to assure her one more time that his heart belonged to her as long as they existed and that he would protect her from any harm or evil for as long as he existed.

When they parted, the blond angel still kissed each of her hands, never breaking his loving gaze at her brown pools, now filled with emotion and sparkling with hope.

"I love you so much, Andrew..."

"There's nothing that makes me more blessed than to know that, my angel..." he brushed a tiny peck on her lips, and then searched for a pen and a pad of paper inside his briefcase. "Please, tell me everything."


The two angels spent nearly ten minutes talking and for many times Andrew could see how his sweet and sensitive friend flinched at those terrible memories of the previous night. But as much as it hurt him too, the angel of death had to insist on asking questions so as to find any piece of information that could be useful to them.

But after lots of questions and despite Monica's effort to remember every little detail, Andrew concluded that they had very little to start with. He tried not to show his worry but Monica knew his heart far too much now, and he should know better than to hide things from her.

"I have nothing to prove I'm telling the truth, do I?" she finally asked, tilting her head and looking at him as if she was practically reading his mind - which wasn't far from the truth.

The blond angel sighed deeply and looked at the pad of paper in his hands. He knew that lying to her wasn't an option. "There's very little in your testimony that can reveal you're innocent, Monica. There's no witness and the fact that the murderer shoved the gun in your hands only makes things more difficult for you, as they'll certainly find your fingertips on the gun."

"Can't they do a test to see if I have gunpowder in my hands?"

Andrew shook his head. "You touched the gun too, right after the shooting. And even if we caught the real murderer it wouldn't be possible. This test has to be done within six hours after the shooting at most, otherwise its remains disappear."

He saw her face fall and as she lowered her head, feeling defeated. "Hey..." cupping her chin up, Andrew made her look at him. "I won't let anyone accuse you of committing a crime, baby. Right now, I'll take a petition to the judge and ask him to release you. I'll also talk with the people who knew this man, I trust that their words will help you some way."

"Who was he? Does he have a family? Dear Father, he might have children..." she was immediately worried.

"He was a rich businessman and yes, he does have a family. Two brothers, a son and a wife."

He could see how she was sorry to hear that - her gentle and selfless heart once again hurting at the suffering of others.

"I've said a prayer for his soul, you know... I've asked the Father to keep him at peace... But now... now that I know he has a family, I'll pray for them too."

"I knew you'd say that. And the fact that you don't know them and that they never saw you might be an advantage."

"What do you mean exactly?"

"Proving that you had absolutely no relation with Edward Nowels is the first step to prove that you're innocent. I'll be in the reconstruction of the crime too, and I'm confident that it'll show you didn't shoot that man."

The policeman that had brought Monica opened the door and interrupted their conversation. "You have one minute."

When he closed the door, they looked at each other again and it was as if they wouldn't meet again for a very long time.

"I miss you so much already..." her crying voice and the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes nearly undid him. Andrew pulled her to his strong arms and kissed her forehead repeatedly. "The same goes for me.. But know that you will be in my thoughts all the time, angel."

Their lips collided a second later, and along with that kiss was the salty taste of Monica's tears. Andrew still kissed her cheeks, eyelids and forehead before kissing her lips once again. When the policeman opened the door to take Monica away, the angels' hands remained conjoined and they only let go when Andrew couldn't walk with her anymore. As the door that led to the cells was closed, Andrew's soul ached with the vision of Monica's face: she looked like a scared child that needed him more than ever.



The morning passed by with agonizing slowness until two officers appeared outside of the jail cell just after lunchtime. The little angel had only been able to pick at the lunch tray she had been given, mostly moving the food around the plate, her stomach too in knots to feel like she could keep anything in it. She knew that if Andrew were here, he would have insisted she try to eat, but without his calming presence, she felt as if her emotions were dangling on the precipice of shattering into a million pieces. It was all she could to hold herself together.

Now, gone was the elderly police officer of this morning to be replaced with two other officers, one male and one female and neither of them looking particularly friendly. As she was being taken downtown to the courthouse, Monica managed to stand as bravely as she could while they handcuffed both her hands and feet, leaving only enough chain between her ankles to allow her to walk. She bit her lip so hard it hurt in order to hold back the tears.

The ride downtown was in absolute silence which was fine with Monica as she spent the time in silent prayer, pleading for a miracle that would get her out of this situation sooner rather than later. She longed to know why she was here in the first place but those pleas were only met with silence. The knowledge of God’s love for her was very much present but the answers were simply not forthcoming.

Andrew looked up sharply as the doors to the small courtroom opened and he saw two officers leading Monica inside. The angel’s heart nearly shattered when he realized she was handcuffed and his desperation only mounted when their eyes met only briefly before she lowered hers in shame. Despite their both knowing she was innocent, he could so clearly feel her humiliation and he longed for nothing more than to hold her tightly in his arms, if only he could.

As she was led over to him and she took the seat beside of him, Andrew reached over and gave her knee a reassuring squeeze, silently begging her to look at him, though when she did, the pain and grief that was in her eyes did little to calm him.

"It’s going to be all right." He whispered softly to her as they waited for the judge to arrive, but he could feel her doubt almost as clearly as he could feel his own.

"All rise."

Andrew helped guide Monica to her feet with a hand at her elbow as the judge entered the courtroom. As they sat back down, they listened as the charges against the little angel were read and Andrew managed to steel himself against the single tear he watched slide down her cheek.

Monica tried to pay attention when the judge asked how she was pleading and Andrew stood and answered for her that she was not guilty. Andrew then went on to explain how his client had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as he continued talking, Monica could barely wrap her mind around the fact that she was who they were discussing. It all felt strange and foreign and she kept wondering if perhaps she would simply wake up and find out that this had all been a terrible dream.

As Andrew sat back down, the prosecuting attorney rose to his feet and started talking about her fingerprints being on the gun, and how blood had been on her clothing. The judge than asked if there had been any witnesses to the crime and the prosecutor, who Monica thought they had said was named Keith something, denied witnesses.

At that moment, the door to the courtroom opened and a young woman hurried inside and handed Keith a note before she departed. The two angels watched as the man smiled and turned back to the judge, "Correction, your honor. A witness has just come forward and said she was there last night when the defendant shot Mr. Nowels. Witness apparently gave an accurate description of the defendant, but of course, I will need to speak to the witness directly."

The room suddenly felt as if it were closing in on the little angel as she shook her head, unable to believe what she had just heard, "No!" She cried out, unable to help herself, "That’s lie! No one was there! I shouldn’t have even been there!"

"Order!" The judge looked at her sternly before turning his attention back to his notes, "Due to the nature of this crime and the fact that a probable witness may have just come forward, the defendant will be held without bail. She will be held at the women’s detention center in Brownsville to await trial."

As the gavel descended and the judge left the courtroom, Andrew, who was trying to come to his own senses with that last bit of information, instantly became aware of just how badly Monica was now trembling. Shooting a pleading glance to the officers and watching as they nodded their heads and faded back a bit to give them some privacy, he grabbed her hands. They were ice cold.

"Angel, listen to me. We will work this out. The Father has a plan. You KNOW that-."

"Why is this happening? Why are they doing this, Andrew? I didn’t do anything wrong!" The hot tears flooded her eyes and rained down her pale cheeks, "No one else was there! No one! Why are they lying?"

Her questions were so anguished and Andrew felt powerless to soothe her, but he knew he had to try, "Baby, I don’t know, but I’m going to do all I can to find out. You have to trust me."

"But they’re sending me away…"

The reminder of that frightened child he had seen this morning was present once more and his heart broke. Wiping at the tears on her cheeks even as new ones replaced them, he managed to speak past the tightness in his throat, "And you know I will be there." Seeing one of the officers indicating his watch, Andrew knew he didn’t have much time, "Angel. My beautiful, sweet angel, I love you so much and the Father loves you so much and I need for you to trust in those two things right now." Holding her face in his hands, his eyes, filled with such great love for her, met her teary eyed gaze steadily, "Baby, I need you to stop crying," He felt horrible for even asking such a thing, especially as he knew his asking was more for his benefit than hers; there was no way he could pry himself away from her while she was this upset. But he continued to hold her gaze as she swallowed back tears, "You can do this, sweetheart, and I will be there as soon as I can, either as your lawyer or as the angel who loves you more than anyone other than God."

Monica managed a slight nod, not trusting herself to speak; it was taking everything she had to not burst into fresh tears and she could tell how upset he was as well. She didn’t want to make this any harder on Andrew than it had to be.

"That’s my girl," With absolute agony, he gave a nod to the officers who began to approach them. Not wanting anyone but himself to help her, Andrew tenderly guided her to her feet, his green eyes never leaving hers, "I will be there as soon as I can."


The ride to the detention center was long though Monica’s exhausted brown eyes remained fixated out the window of the detention center van. Though her tears were gone, inside, she felt absolutely hollow and horribly alone. She knew that Andrew would be with her as soon as he could be as he had promised, but right now, all she could feel was abandoned. Deep in her heart, Monica knew that wasn’t really the case, but it was still how she felt. Yesterday, she’d had an assignment that was nearly completed and now all of that had changed. Now, not only had she been unable to finish her work with Mrs. Lancaster, but she had no idea of what was going to happen next.

Her troubled mind kept going back to that horrible time that she had been in the wrong place and had wound up in a mental institution. Was that what this was? Just another bad timing situation that had to play out and she wouldn’t even be able to know the reason until the end?

Prison. The thought was foreign to her and if her night spent in that horrible cell was any indication of where she was going, she wondered how she would ever survive. The isolation, the coldness, the pain of untrue accusations, it was all more than she felt she could bear. What made it all even more difficult is that she couldn’t tell them she was an angel and therefore not even capable of committing such a heinous crime.

The van came to stop in front of a tall electric fence and the driver conversed with the guards at the gate. As the gate opened and the cold, impersonal building loomed ahead, the little angel became aware that the horrible trembling was back. Monica shrank further back in her seat as the stone cold reality hit her full force and she was sure that had there been anything in her stomach, she would have been sick by now. Closing her eyes as the van came to another complete stop, she forced herself to take deep breaths to try to calm her racing heart, so that somehow, as the van door was opened, she was able to stand up and carefully make her way out of the vehicle.

The chain between her ankles was awkward and as she stepped down, she nearly stumbled, but a female officer caught her before she fell.

"Thank you," Monica murmured, but her gratitude went unanswered as they led her through another security gate and then two heavy steel doors that were only accessed with a code. Her papers were handed off to another woman, Officer Hanna, who signed off on Monica’s arrival.

"Okay, Monica, let’s go." The woman’s face was hard, and the angel had the presence of mind to wonder if it was because she worked in such a cold, hopeless place, "You’ll be checked in by the head warden, and she’s a tough ole broad, so if you know what’s good for you, you’ll just shut up and cooperate."

The angel’s throat went dry and she was only able to give a nod of her head once more. It seemed that with every new situation in this horrible nightmare, she trusted herself to speak less and less. It wasn’t like anyone other than Andrew listened to her anyway.

Officer Hanna slid her card through a reader and another heavy steel door slid open, revealing a small holding area with a few steel chairs, "Sit. She’ll be with you shortly."

Monica watched helplessly as the officer turned and left, sliding closed the door with an echoing slam that shook the angel to the core of her being. There were again, no windows, and Monica felt her heart begin to pound erratically and her breaths again coming in short gasps, even as the trembling infected every part of her small body. It was all she could do to keep from breaking down into tears.

Staring down at her cuffed hands, Monica struggled to calm herself once more, not even sure what was happening with her human form. She felt almost lightheaded, and she just couldn’t seem to stop shaking. Her current emotional state kept her from feeling the sympathetic gaze that had fallen on her.

"I think you need to calm down a little bit, baby."

As Monica’s head shot up and her eyes came to rest on her dear friend and supervisor, the tears would no longer be contained, "Tess!"

The older angel immediately came closer and pulled Monica to her feet to lead her into her office, so they could talk privately. She noticed how heavily the young angel leaned against her, as if the weight of the universe was on her tiny shoulders, "C’mon, Angel Girl, settle down or you’re going to make yourself sick, baby."

"I’m just so glad to see you," She managed to utter.

"You know the Father would never leave you all alone, baby," Tess replied matter of factly, though her heart ached at the pain her charge was in at the moment. Her dark eyes travelled to the cuffs on Monica’s hands and feet and with an annoyed "Hmph" Tess fished the key out of Monica’s file and unlocked them. But the angel was further concerned when the simple act of kindness caused another sob to escape the younger angel.

"I know you have questions, Angel Girl, and I wish I had the answers but I don’t. None of this was supposed to have happened and though you did nothing wrong, this thing has been started and it has to play out."

If Monica was disappointed with this bit of news, she didn’t show it as nothing in her expression changed as she tried to wipe ineffectively at the tears in her eyes. She was drained and physically exhausted and yet she wondered how she could possibly sleep in a cell one more night.

"You know I’ll be around and so will Andrew and no, this is not the nicest place to be, but even in a dark place like this, there is room for the love of one of God’s angels." Again, Tess noticed her words seemed to have little impact for the Irish angel and she struggled not to worry about the toll this was taking on Monica. The little angel had always been a sensitive one and right now, Monica just looked positively terrified.

Letting out a soft sigh, Tess reached for Monica’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "I’ll need to show you to your cell, baby," Feeling something against her fingers, the angel glanced down at the ring Andrew had given Monica a few months ago and the next words she stated were difficult ones, even for her, "Angel Girl, not everyone here is as frightened as you are, and some are just so filled with anger and hatred because of the hand life has dealt them. This ring, baby, is going to be a source of trouble for you, I’m afraid. Now, you know it will be safe with me, but you want to keep it, well, I just don’t know what might happen to it."

Monica felt as if her heart were being ripped from her chest as her throat became unbearably tight. Yes, it was a material possession, but Andrew had given it to her and right now, it was all she had to hold onto physically as a reminder of his love for her. Yet at the same time, the thought of someone stealing it or taking it from her was also more than she could bear.

Closing her eyes to ward off more tears, Monica reached with her right hand to pull the ring off her left ring finger and then she held it tightly in her hand, close to her heart. The smallest sob sounded as two tears escaped from underneath her dark lashes. Then kissing the ring tenderly, as if she were kissing the one who had given it to her, she then handed it to Tess without a word.

"You know I’ll take good care of it for you, baby."

But again, all the little angel could do was nod.


Monica kept her head low all the time as Tess conducted her to her cell. The idea of confinement caused a lump to form in her throat and she anticipated all the anguish that would take over her soul once she was left there. When the older angel made a stop before her temporary shelter, though, something did surprise Monica.

"I'm alone in the cell?"

"There were other two inmates here but they were transferred yesterday." the supervisor informed, and watching the doubt that insisted on remaining in the angel's eyes, she added, "And baby, you know you'll never be alone here..."

Monica sighed deeply, seeking in the depths of her soul the courage to face that challenge. "Yes, I know..." she reached for Tess' hand and squeezed it, "Thank you..."

It was almost at the end of the afternoon when the little angel was delivered to the state prison and placed on a cold cell. Monica didn't see it at first, but there was a reason why she was the only one in that small space. Much to her surprise, time passed fast that evening and soon there was dinner time and the siren echoed through the entire prison building, announcing it was time to go back to their cells.

Monica lay down in her bed, with her knees drawn up to her chest and staring at an invisible point ahead of her. And once there was darkness in the corridor, she felt her heart beat a little faster. Darkness always surrounded her in the worst moments of her existence...

But then again, all of a sudden, she felt a pair of strong arms around her, holding her tightly. Her soul was immediately involved by the warmth coming from another angel's love, as powerful and devoted as hers.

"It's okay, angel... I'm here with you..." Andrew's voice whispered against her ear came as a flood of relief to her troubled heart. He was glowing in his angelic form and she immediately turned around to wrap her arms around his torso, head up against his strong chest and eyes finally closed as now she didn't have to be afraid of what darkness could bring - God had sent her a guardian angel to shield her from any harm.

"... I spent the day hoping for this moment to come, so that I could hold you in my arms like this once again..." he said, daring to tighten the hold around her small form a bit more, taking in the great sadness that had invaded her gentle heart.

"Why do I feel so scared, Andrew?" her voice came out as a whisper and she felt the light touch of his lips against her forehead. "I feel such a failure for being so afraid to do my duties as a messenger of God..."

"You should never say that!" he gently, yet firmly, admonished. "You're scared now because this gentle heart of yours has been hurt so many times lately."

"I should let it go by now... Otherwise what do I serve for?"

With infinite patience, Andrew cupped her chin and lifted her head up so that she could look at him. The only source of light was coming from the lamp at the beginning of the corridor and it was enough to allow her to see his green pools gazing at her. They were filled with nothing but trust and deep love.

"I could spend the whole eternity counting the reasons for your existence, but it wouldn't be enough..." he said, wanting nothing but to take that fear away from her heart. "And if you are here, baby, if God sent you here it's because He knows you are the only one who can accomplish his assignment. You and I know that His plan is perfect."

"Then why don't I feel ready?"

"Monica... angel, listen to me... Remember that little girl you saved in a ski station? Remember how you were ready to give up on you in order to save that innocent child?"

The little angel bit her lower lip at that memory and she knew he was telling the truth - she would do anything to save wee Sarah from dying with cold and hunger in that cave, lost up in the cold mountains after an avalanche had trapped them.

"I... I would never let anything bad happen to that little girl..."

"I know that, and so does God. And that's why you're here now, baby. Someone might need you as much as that child, who would have certainly died if it wasn't by the presence of an angel by her side all the time."

"What if I fail?"

He shook his head. "You won't. For I know that here in my arms I hold a very precious treasure in the form of an angel, and I know that this little angel can face the most difficult challenges because she has a wonderful heart, filled with much love. It has touched so many lives before... it has touched my existence too, and in a way that I'll never ever forget."

The power of his gaze was such that Monica felt like he could see deep inside her very soul. The beauty of his loving feelings managed to flood her spirit and renew it, and for the first time since that assignment had started, she felt at peace. Gently cupping her cheek, Andrew brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead and then, watching as she never broke their gaze, he bent his head and slowly crossed the small distance between them. He brushed his lips against hers so gently, so lightly that it really felt like an angel's caress, a reminder of how much she was loved. Now and always.

Invisible to the human eye, Tess watched as her angel babies held each other, when Monica was already fast asleep in the arms of her dearest friend. Andrew, on the other hand, remained with his green eyes permanently focused on his precious treasure, either stroking her auburn hair, partially fallen over his arm, or whispering loving words into her ear, chasing any possible nightmare away. He even chuckled as she unconsciously snuggled closer to his neck, as if begging him to stay a bit more. And Andrew smiled and kissed her forehead, certain that to him she was the most beautiful, the most special, the most loved amongst all God's creations.

When the morning sun crossed the blue sky, the Irish angel who would marvel at the intensity of its rays and offer her prayers of thanks opened up her eyes. Even though she couldn't see the morning colors and the beautiful art work signed by God, she did feel better. Andrew's arms were no longer holding her small form, but the memory of his loving presence and especially of his loving and reassuring words whispered against her ears managed to touch her soul.

She sat down in her bed and conjoined her hands, closing her eyes afterwards. "Father, please forgive me for doubting that I was capable of fulfilling this assignment, because in a way I was doubting You. If You put me here, it's because You trust me, and because I can be useful somehow..." she prayed, "Thank You for making me realize it... for sending an angel to speak to my heart the words that I needed to hear... I feel so grateful..."

"He knows that, baby."

That sudden but familiar voice caused Monica to raise her head up again. Tess was standing at her cell door and had brought her breakfast. Time passed slowly that morning, but the certainty of an assignment yet to be accomplished made it bearable now. It was finally lunchtime and the inmates headed to a large patio where food was served and where they would eat.

Monica picked up her plate with food and headed to the huge table that lay on the patio. Still with some apprehension, she gazed at all those women walking around and eating their lunch, trying to imagine what terrible thing they had done to be sentenced to live in a place like that, far from home, far from their loved ones. She had been there for a day and even with her dearest friends' loving presence she had found imprisonment hard to bear; but what about someone who had been an inmate for years, trapped like an animal inside a cell with only a few square feet and granted with just an hour of sun per day?

The Irish angel soon spotted an empty place to sit and walked towards it when suddenly a tall and strong woman, with an aggressive, rather threatening expression on her face bumped into her and Monica saw her dish fall on the floor.

"Hey, when I walk, you get outta my way..." she said, and her voice was equally intimidating. Her hair color was fading and she looked older than she probably was, and judging by the way she was staring at the scared little angel it was far too clear that she would have to spend years locked in that prison. "...if you know what's good for ya..." she added and then left.

Monica looked at her food now spread on the floor and then back at the unfriendly inmate. Frowning a little, she thought for a few seconds and then decided to follow the woman and talk to her. But before she did, the little angel heard another voice coming from behind her.

"Don't do it if you know what's best for you..."

Monica turned around and saw a short thin woman. She had long dark hair and the color of her skin revealed that she hadn't been exposed to the sun lately. But what called Monica's attention the most was the great sadness that she could see in the woman's eyes. That look of anguish and despair was the same she had held in her eyes since she had been arrested in that dark alley and accused of a crime she hadn't committed.

"I didn't mean to-" the little angel spoke, but the woman cut her off.

"I know. And she knows that too." Saying that, the woman turned around and started to walk, but something made Monica insist on speaking to her.

"I'm sorry, I..."

The inmate, however, didn't seem the kind of person who enjoyed talking. Much on the contrary. Anyone who looked at her could notice how introspective and shy she seemed to be, and the hint of fear and defeat in her eyes. She walked away from Monica without saying anything else, and the angel elected not to insist, at least now. But with her doe-like eyes, she followed the woman's steps and saw it when she sat down away from everyone.

Something about that inmate had touched her heart.


Andrew had spent the morning getting information on the so called "witness" who had come forward in Monica’s case and what he had found out left him feeling more than slightly unsettled. This was more than a case of the little angel being in the wrong place at the wrong time. No, this was a case of someone counting on her to be there.

Maggie Matthews, the witness, not only was insisting that she saw Monica shoot Edward, but that the angel had been romantically involved with him, despite the fact that he was married. Maggie attested that when Edward had finally decided to call things off with Monica in order to work on his own marriage, that Monica had gotten more than slightly angry and that had led her to take her revenge into her own hands. Of course, Maggie stated that it had been Edward who had told her all of this and now Edward was dead and unable to confirm anything. Maggie had spoken of harassing phone calls that Edward had told her about and that Monica had threatened to tell his wife about their affair. The whole thing was so absurd to Andrew, but then again, he knew the Irish angel’s true nature where a jury did not.

As the blonde angel made the long drive back to the women’s prison, he tried to imagine why on earth anyone would want to frame Monica for anything, but then he realized that it had nothing to do with his little angel. No, it had to do with the fact that she had a routine. Monica had always been directionally challenged, which is why Andrew had made it a point to walk her home the first week of her new assignment. He had shown up the first night, unbeknownst to her, and had watched her perplexed expression and the way she bit her lower lip as she tried to remember the way back to her apartment. He had chuckled softly to himself, finding her indecision adorable, before he had cleared his throat to get her attention. The slow smile that had spread over her face had been beautiful and the memory, even now, warmed his heart.

He had walked her home each night until he felt reassured that she knew the way beyond the shadow of a doubt, and Andrew also knew that she would have never strayed from the route he had shown her. The problem was that the real murderer had picked up on the fact that Monica walked that way every evening at approximately the same time and with that little bit of information, a plan had apparently been formed. Someone had wanted Edward Nowels dead and had found a way to frame Monica and the thought caused anger to surge through him.

Problem was, he had no idea how to prove her innocent.


The time before dinner was spent outside; one precious hour to feel the sunshine, to walk or socialize with the other inmates. Monica was focused on finding only one; the woman who had spoken to her at lunchtime.

As the little angel wandered the large courtyard searching for the young woman, she found herself looking up at the guards that were positioned up above them and she shuddered. This is what true captivity felt like and again, she forced her mind back to that place it had been this morning after Andrew had left. She was here to fulfil a purpose and she couldn’t allow herself to dwell in a place as dark as her cell.

Her dark eyes, finally fell upon the woman who had spoken to her that afternoon, warning her about the inmate who had bumped into her that morning. The woman was standing alone in the sunlight, leaning up against the wall with her eyes closed and Monica approached her cautiously, not wanting to frighten her.

"Hullo." The angel smiled when the woman opened her eyes, "I’m Monica and I just wanted to introduce myself. I didn’t catch your name earlier."

The woman looked undecided for a moment but finally replied, "Abby."

"Nice to meet you, Abby. You’re the first person I’ve met here." Monica tried to meet Abby’s blue eyes but failed.

"It’s not really a place to make friends, Monica." Abby replied with a sigh, "You’re much better off keeping to yourself."

"Seems to me like that would make a lonely place even lonelier. It’s nice to have someone else to talk to, don’t you think?"

Abby was quiet for a moment and when she finally looked at Monica, there were tears in her eyes, "No. Because no one cares what you have to say in this place, so talking is nothing more than a waste of time because no one listens. If you’ll excuse me..."

"Abby!" Monica called after her, but her new friend refused to turn around as she walked away. The little angel started after her, but was suddenly stopped as if she had hit a brick wall.

"You again."

Monica looked up to find herself face to face with the same woman from earlier and she immediately took a step backwards.

"Thought I told you to stay out of my way." The woman’s eyes were filled with anger as she took a step closer to the angel.

"I...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to..."

A laugh came from behind the other woman, "Aw Sheila, she didn’t mean to."

Monica swallowed hard as she looked from Sheila to her friend, "I didn’t. It was an accident."

"Two accidents in one day," Sheila raised an eyebrow, "Looks like you’re pretty accident prone, Irish. That’s a shame really."

With those words, Sheila gave the angel a rough shove that landed Monica on the hard concrete, knocking the air out of her. As Sheila walked away, the angel struggled to find her breath again, gasping for the air she was desperate to have fill her lungs. A few inmates glanced over at her, but none of them made a move to help her.

Finally, her breathing returned to normal though a few tears escaped her eyes from the lack of oxygen. Wiping at her eyes, Monica looked down at her skinned palms and wiped them on the pants of her orange prison uniform before rising shakily to her feet. The whistle had just sounded and it was time to return to their cells before dinner and for the first time, the angel would actually be glad to be there.

She walked quickly, head down and it wasn’t until she heard one of the guards call her name, did she look up at all.

"Monica, come with me. Your lawyer is here and needs to meet with you."

She gave a shaky nod of her head as she moved to follow the guard down the hall. She was feeling so defeated at the moment and she knew she would be unable to hide it from Andrew and she so didn’t want him to be disappointed in her.

Drawing in a deep breath, Monica summoned all her courage to push aside the things that had just happened outside. She didn’t want to hide anything from Andrew, but with a guard just outside the door as they spoke, what else could she do? Other than at night, in her cell, Andrew was simply her lawyer as far as the assignment went and he was doing all he could to help her.

As the door opened and his green eyes met with hers, Monica forced a smile that almost immediately faded. Something in those eyes told her that the news was not good, at least as far as her situation was concerned.

"Something’s wrong," She murmured as she sat down across from him at the table.

Andrew let out a heavy sigh as he reached for her hands, "Well, I did find out some things," He began, before a puzzled look crossed his face. Turning over her hands, he frowned at the brush burns on her palms as he met his eyes with hers once more, "Angel? What happened?"

Without even thinking, she surreptitiously pulled her hands away, "It’s nothing. Please. Tell me what you found out."

His anxiety shot up a notch as he watched her pull away physically and emotionally. Andrew knew she was protecting herself; that somehow today she had been hurt in some way and the mere thought of it caused his heart to ache. His eyes glanced up at the small window in the door and he saw the guard glance in at them. Why did Monica have to be so close and yet so far away right now when all he wanted to do was to pull her into his arms and make her confess what it was that she was harbouring in her heart?

Knowing he wouldn’t get any further information out of her right now, Andrew instead told her about the things he had learned today as he watched the distress in her dark eyes deepen.

"But Andrew, that can't be possible. Why would anyone say those things about me? They’re not true and I don’t even know Maggie Matthews."

"Angel, I know that," He replied gently, "These people, they knew you were going to be there in that alley that night and they used that knowledge to frame you for this crime. Baby, I don’t think it has anything at all to do with you personally; they just needed someone to take the fall for them and that someone was you," As she lowered her head, he hurriedly continued, "But even in this, God has a plan and you know that."

"But I was only doing what I was supposed to be doing," She insisted weakly, hoping that something she said could make everyone see how insane this all was.

"That’s right, but those people were exerting their free will, Angel," Andrew desperately wished she would place her hands back on the table so he could offer her some small comfort, but she kept them stubbornly in her lap, "This isn’t over and I’m not finished. Someone out there has to know something about what really happened that evening."

Monica drew in a deep breath and released it slowly, trying to keep her emotions intact. Finding someone who knew the truth could take a long time and while Andrew searched, she was stuck here with one woman who needed help but wouldn’t talk to her and another woman who seemed to hate her for some reason.

The door opened and the guard barked a two minute warning. Instantly, Monica pushed her chair back and winced at the scraping noise it made over the concrete floor, "I have to go. It’s time for dinner and I didn’t have lunch," She murmured, her mind still reeling from the things he had told her.

Andrew’s eyes narrowed, "Why not?" He could so easily tell she was holding things back from him.

"I wound up on the floor," She explained, knowing that Andrew didn’t miss her attempt at back-pedalling.

As she stood up and started for the door, Andrew reached out and grabbed her arm. Turning to look at him, Monica nearly gasped at the intent look in his eyes; it was deliberate and full of love and compassion, "I’ll see you tonight."

Giving a tiny nod, Monica rapped on the door and a heartbeat later, she had been led away.


The difference that twenty-four hours could make was nearly astounding. Last night, she had been so sure of God’s plan in this entire nightmare, but now that all felt different and Monica felt angry with herself because of that fact. She felt as if she doubted, but it wasn’t God’s plan she was unsure of. No, she did doubt herself and her ability to follow through on this assignment that seemed to get more difficult with each passing moment.

She had managed to get through dinner without another run in with Sheila, but the mean spirited inmate had glared at her all through the meal. Abby on the other hand, had completely kept her distance and avoided Monica completely, so the little angel had simply kept to herself until they had all been escorted back to their cells for the night.

Now, she lay on her small cot, curled up tightly beneath the thin blanket and blinked back the tears that wanted to persist. People had lied to get her into this place; God hadn’t placed her here, free will had. Between that knowledge and the deliberate cruelty of Sheila, Monica felt absolutely hopeless, no matter how much she didn’t want to feel that way.

Blinking back the tears once again, her dark eyes gazed into the darkness, "Father, what am I supposed to do? Why did you place me here? I’m not helping anyone. What is it you want from me? What am I supposed to do, Father? What am I supposed to do?"

The tears she had been holding at bay now fell freely and she buried her face in her pillow to muffle the sobs. She felt as if she was coming apart at the seams and nothing she tried to tell herself seemed to matter. She just couldn’t seem to find anything to be thankful for at the moment and that made her feel even more wretched.

Until the one individual that she would always be thankful for surrounded her with a soft glow and his tender hands pulled her into his arms and cradled her up against his chest. She may not have any answers at the moment, but the evidence of God’s amazing love for her was holding her in his arms.

"I’m here, sweet angel," Andrew murmured against her hair and then he was simply content to let her cry out her grief. He knew that his news today had been a terrible blow to her, but Andrew also had the sinking suspicion that his news had not been the only thing to go wrong today.

He rocked her tenderly as if she was a small child and whispered words of his love and devotion to her until her tears began to subside. Even then, he simply held her and waited until she was ready to talk. He knew her well enough to know it would not take long.

"I’m sorry," Monica murmured tearfully, as she shook her head in obvious disgust at her own weakness, "I didn’t mean to do that. I just-."

"Angel," He whispered, cupping her chin in his hand, "Don’t ever apologize for showing me what you’re feeling. I always want to know, baby"

Diving into the dark green of his gentle eyes, Monica found herself surrounded by peace, reassurance and much love; the unconditional and pure love that would always soothe her spirit through the most difficult times. Deeply moved, and still feeling slightly guilty for not opening her heart to him earlier that day, the little angel raised her hand and touched his face. It was a feather light touch, as if she was both treasuring and thanking his loving presence there, as that cell had recently become the loneliest place on Earth. Only the angel of death had the power to turn it into something different.

"I'm so afraid and so confused, Andrew... I know I've felt like this before but now it is different..."

Andrew took her hand and kissed her palm. Then, he moved to lean against the wall and brought her to him, still cradling her protectively in his arms.

"Tell me what happened, baby. What caused you to lose the confidence that I saw in those pretty eyes of yours only a night ago?" he asked, so softly, so gently that the Irish angel knew once again that she could open her soul to him and trust that he would take care of it.

Sighing deeply, she lowered her head. "I... I met an inmate... I believe she's been here for a while. We spoke briefly and somehow it became so easy for me to see the pain she's feeling inside..."

"Why do you say so, angel? What did she tell you?"

"Not much, but looking in her eyes I can sense much suffering, Andrew. Something tells me she needs help desperately, more than any other person in here."

Andrew was holding her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze; he already knew at least part of what was worrying her. "But she's not willing to make a friend, is she?"

"I'm afraid not..." she finally admitted, but the blond angel was determined to lift her spirits.

"She is not the first assignment who’s acted like this with you, baby. You've had so many difficult ones in the past."

"You're right... Except that in the past I wasn't being accused of taking a human being's life away..."

"Accused of a crime you did not commit, Monica! God knows your kind and generous heart. He made you this perfect loving creature, and all the ones who love you know that you wouldn't be capable of hurting any living creature..."

A tiny smile appeared on the corner of her lips and she gently placed his hand against her heart. "I felt so ashamed, you know... Ashamed for you..."

"Ashamed? Why, angel?" he wanted to know, a bit surprised.

"I didn't want you to see me wearing... prison clothes and a pair of handcuffs... But now... Now, when you appear to me in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter so much..."

Andrew pulled her even closer, tightening the hold around her, and kissed the top of her head. "It really shouldn't. And soon these clothes, handcuffs and this cell will disappear, and we'll be both sitting together in a beautiful place, filled with sun and surrounded by God's wonderful creations. Everything that I know you enjoy so much."

He was rewarded with a broader smile and she was visibly enjoying that thought. But it faded soon, and was replaced by a worried, rather fearful expression.

"Another inmate doesn't seem pleased with my presence here..." she finally spoke, after a brief minute of silence.

"Another inmate?"

"She... she's already threatened me and told me to stay away from her..."

Now Andrew sat up straight, alarmed by that sudden piece of news. He cupped her chin and searched for her eyes, his usual protective instincts already on high alert. Monica tilted her head with disappointment, not missing the tension she could see in his eyes. "You're already too worried, and I knew this would happen once I told you about this person..."

"Who is she, Monica? What did she tell you? Has she done anything to you?" came the avalanche of questions.

Sighing deeply, Monica told him about the latest events involving Sheila and herself, and once she was finished the expression on his face was ten times more worried - there was no way he could hide it from her.

"Monica... angel, you have to let someone know about it, she cannot be threatening you like that!"

"If I wasn't an angel I'd tell you now that no one hears me in a place like this..." she looked at their conjoined hands, "... but I know this is not true and that God and two of His angels are always by my side, listening to me, reassuring me at this difficult moment... But apart from you and Tess, there's no one else... no one else, Andrew..."

Monica's words held so much sadness that it affected him terribly. And the fear that had settled inside the blond angel's heart was such that for a moment he didn't know what to say. All he could do was hold her tightly and kiss the top of her head repeatedly. Now he could understand those sad feelings coming from her soul, as he felt them too.

They talked for a while, and then Andrew made her lie next to him, resting her head underneath his chin. He covered her with the only blanket available there and started a monotonous movement with his fingers entangled through her hair. The blond angel was determined to make her put aside her worries at least for a while, and kept whispering loving words in her ear, even though deep down, he was the one terribly worried about what the future held for his precious angel.

"You are a wonderful angel, Monica, and I have so much faith in you... Please, don't give up... Trust that the Father, Tess and I will always be there for you, no matter what..."

"I always feel your presence even though you're miles away..." she replied, eyes closed and praying for those caresses to last.

"All those 'miles away' won't exist any longer when we get married!" he was trying to make her focus her mind on something else - Andrew knew that all that tension would end up causing her nightmares, besides reinforcing the permanent anguish that was already in her heart.

And he was rewarded with a sleepy smile. "Only you can bring me back some of my joy..."

"Don't tell me that you forgot about our marriage..." he was serious but there was an evident joking tone in his voice.

Her smile grew broader as she knew he was teasing her. Monica searched for his hand and moved her head up to look at him. Her dark eyes were sparkling and despite the sadness in them there was also a multitude of loving feelings. "How could I forget it if the promise of having your love for the rest of my existence is what keeps me standing now?"

"I love you..." after his whispered words were spoken, Andrew crossed the small distance between them and pressed his lips onto hers, so lightly, so gently that Monica felt as if she was transported to another place and time, a lot different from that one; somewhere that only belonged to them - a place where their souls connected and formed a perfect unit. He dared to deepen their loving kiss a bit more and she welcomed his tender touch, that sweet caress that was a permanent reminder of their infinite love.

It took a while before the angel in human form fell asleep but soothed by Andrew's love, Monica finally drifted off to a light sleep, lulled by the gentle movement of his fingers through her hair. In his angelic form, the angel of death spent the long hours imagining a way to take her out of that place before the worst happened. Monica, his precious Monica, had been threatened by an inmate and only God knew what that person had done to be in there. He was anguished, and that night he offered a special prayer for the Irish angel's safety, as she had already been through too much.


Whenever she was on Earth, Monica was used to waking up with the gentle sunrays crossing the window and shining through her room and the singing of the birds announcing the beginning of a new day. But there, at that state prison, the only thing that would announce it was already morning was the loud and anguishing sound of a siren.

Being a constant observer of the human's nature, Monica noticed that the women in that place did things almost mechanically. Going from one place to another, they looked like robots with no soul, no feelings at all. She tried to spot Abby amongst them on the patio some time after breakfast, but the inmate was nowhere to be seen. The Irish angel headed to a more deserted area, where not many inmates were as it was not bathed by the sunlight, so important to them.

Monica scanned the area looking for the shy and sad woman she had met a while before, but instead a threatening voice reached her ears.

"Look who is here... Crossing my way again..."

Monica turned around to face Sheila, and now the inmate was alone.

Despite the fear that was taking over her soul, the Irish angel stared back at the woman. "I don't know why you talk to me like that... I haven't done anything to you..."

Sheila gave a few steps towards Monica and the cold look in her eyes caused a chill to run down her spine: only God knew what that woman had been through during her life, but whatever it was, it had taken her soul too far from God's love. One could easily see a lot of anger shining in there.

"Oh, poor you! 'You haven't done anything to me'!" she said, with a mock smile, and then her face became serious. "You might be my passport to freedom again, honey!"

There was no time for Monica to understand the meaning of those words: the woman pulled out a penknife from her pocket and knocked her down on the ground. "No! Please, I-"

She tried to cry for help, but Sheila covered her mouth and placed the sharp blade against her neck. "Shh... Didn't you understand what I said? I have to get outta here and once you're gone, I'm gone too!"

Monica fought to get rid of her but Sheila was twice her size, and was determined to use the weapon - a sudden cut in the palm of her hand caused Monica to panic at the vision of blood. Her ordeal in the woods had left deep wounds in her soul and the little angel couldn't control the fear every time she was exposed to violence, just like that moment. There was a fight, and more cuts, but before Sheila could use her knife again, another voice interrupted them.

"Hey! You two, stop that!"

Two guards rushed towards them and immediately separated the two fighting inmates. One of them was Tess.

"This one is hurt..." The supervisor said, doing everything she could not to show that she and Monica knew each other, even though deep inside she was hurting terribly to see her dearest friend suffering a physical abuse. She helped Monica stand on her feet. "Let's get her to the ward and call a nurse, she's hurt!"

"Okay, you take her, I'll take this one to detention!" the other guard spoke, shoving Sheila along the path. And it was then that she and Monica realized who had warned the security about Sheila's attack: Abby.

And before disappearing from her view, the dangerous inmate gave them another threatening warning. "You'll still hear from me soon! Both of you!"

The prison building had a ten bedded fully equipped hospital with necessary Medical and Paramedical support, and feeling Monica's shaking body, Tess took her to be examined by a nurse. Like a mother, the older angel placed a gentle hand over her shoulder. "I'm here, baby, I'm here..."

The little angel’s mind was whirling with thoughts and pain, but one thing came to mind above all others and she turned panicked eyes to her supervisor, "Tess! can’t-."

But the older angel was already shaking her head, knowing exactly where her Angel Girl intended this conversation to go, "Baby, you can’t hide this from him; he’s going to know as soon as he sees you. You have more than one knife wound."

Monica’s eyes turned to her hand and arm and seeing the blood she paled considerably and closed her eyes. A second later, she was swooning slightly.

"Pat! I need you over here!" Tess bellowed for the prison doctor as she helped her young charge to lie back on the bed before she passed out.

The Irish angel struggled to cling to consciousness and once she had lain down, her stomach began to calm and her head began to clear. The doctor and nurse were examining her wounds and someone laid a cool compress on her forehead.

"Well, two of them aren’t too bad, but the one in her hand and the one below her ribs are going to need a couple of stitches," The doctor remarked as she shook her head. She saw so many inmates come and go through her doors, so many of these women hardened by their lives and the evil deeds they had done to get them here. Most of the time, Pat didn’t feel a thing when treating them; they were mostly all the same.

But at that moment, the auburn haired female opened her dark eyes and met them with Pat’s and the look in those eyes nearly took her breath away. Her eyes seemed to be a mirror to her soul and instead of the hate and anger Pat was accustomed to seeing in inmate’s eyes, there was sadness and hurt, but also acceptance and peace. None of it made sense to her, but she found herself suddenly caring about this young woman just the same.

"I’ll numb you up, Monica and you won’t feel a thing, I promise. In a week, the stitches will be out and you’ll be as good as new."

"Thank you," the angel murmured as she closed her eyes once more. She knew she should be happy that Abby had cared enough to get her help. She had seen the young woman standing off to the side, watching worriedly and had instantly known that Abby had been the one to go for help. Surely that was a breakthrough and she should be happy.

But all she could think about was how she had only been in here for three days, yet it felt more like months. How was she supposed to help Abby when she felt as if she herself were losing hope? Exhaustion suddenly felt as if it were invading every part of her human body and with a tiny sigh and the feeling of Tess’ fingers stroking her hair, she drifted off to sleep, unable to keep her eyes open any longer no matter how hard she tried. It was such an odd feeling, yet she had no control over it.

A heartbeat later, with her eyes still closed she was suddenly aware of a delightful intense warmth on her face and the feeling of sand under her bare toes. Opening her eyes to the sound of the surf, Monica gasped to find herself on a beach, a mere inches from the water’s edge.

"I thought you needed a little break."

The tenderness of that voice caused her to turn around and almost hurl herself directly into Andrew’s waiting arms. As he held her tightly against himself, she only allowed herself to remain in that moment; what was going on in the medical ward of the prison no longer mattered.

"Thank you," She whispered fiercely up against his chest, breathing in the scent of him.

"Baby, I am so sorry-."

"No, please," She begged, tilting her face up to look at him, "I don’t want to talk about what is going on down there. There’ll be time for that later and I know we only have a few minutes."

Though what he wanted was to talk about it and be assured her heart was all right, he knew she was right. Back down there, her wounds would soon be stitched closed and the God-induced sleep would have to be lifted and force her back into reality again, "You’re right. Come on."

Pulling away, he took her hand firmly in his own and they walked down closer to the water’s edge, allowing the waves to break gently over their feet and ankles. Monica’s dark eyes were fixed on the ocean and the sky, taking in every moment of which she had been deprived the last few days and every movement and expression caused the blonde angel’s breath to catch in his throat. She was so beautiful and so innocent and didn’t deserve the things she was going through. Yet here she was, smiling up at the seagulls that were flying then diving into the sea in search of a meal as the ocean breeze blew gently against her hair.

Andrew felt as if he needed to say something. He knew that despite her smile and despite the fact that she didn’t want to talk about the things that were hurting her, he knew she needed encouragement.

They walked in silence for a few more moments before Andrew stopped walking and turned to face her. Taking her other hand into his as well, he squeezed them lovingly and watched as she turned her trusting eyes to his.

"I know you don’t want to talk right now about what is going on down there, so just let me remind of how much I love you; of how hopelessly in love with you I am, Angel. I want to remind you of how you are my strength most of the time because you are the strongest little angel I know. I want to remind you that no matter what you are dealing with or going through, that I am always going to be right there beside you, in body, in heart or in spirit. You are never alone, my precious angel, never, even when your existence seems to be the darkest," Dropping one of her hands, he cupped her cheek in his hand as he saw the tears shimmering in her dark eyes, "I will always be your light at the end of the long nights, baby. Always. This is my promise to you. I may not be able to end them, but I promise I will always be there."

It took Monica a moment to be able to speak through the tears that were lodged in her throat, "I love you so much, Andrew. Just so much it makes my heart ache."

They stood in silence for a moment, lost in each other’s eyes, but then Andrew caressed her cheek, "It’s time for you to go back, Angel."

"I know," She whispered, before standing up on tiptoe and bringing her lips to his, thankful when he lowered his head to accommodate her. A tiny sigh escaped Monica at the sweetness of their kiss, before it was deepened as their tongues sought access. For the moment it was all forgotten; Abby, Sheila, the crime she didn’t commit; all that mattered was Andrew and the incredible way he made her feel.

Reluctantly, their kiss ended as they rested their foreheads against each others, catching their breath, "I love you." The little angel whispered once more.

"And I, you...with all my heart," He replied just as softly, "I’ll see you tonight, beautiful angel."

"Yes. You’ll be my light in the darkness; I’m counting on that."

When Monica opened her eyes, she blinked several times before she realized that Tess, the doctor and the nurse were all looking at her worriedly. Her hand was already bandaged and she could feel a bandage below her ribs as well.

The doctor had been right. She hadn’t felt a thing.


In all reality, the attack from Sheila had been a little bit of a blessing in disguise for Monica. Due to her injuries and the fact that she had "lost consciousness" for awhile while the doctor had closed her wounds, they elected to keep her in the infirmary overnight and though she wanted to talk to Abby, the angel was also secretly and ashamedly pleased that she didn’t have to face Sheila again until tomorrow. She didn’t know what "detention" meant actually or how long the other inmate would remain there and she was in no hurry to find out.

Her meals were brought into her and for the first time since arriving, Monica actually ate everything on her plate. She spent most of the day napping off and on, so by the time night rolled around, she was wide awake, but she had a feeling that had more to do with anxiety over Andrew’s late night visit.

Their brief rendezvous at the beach earlier had been wonderful, but she also knew that tonight he was going to want to talk about what had happened with Sheila. The fact was that she had no idea what to tell him as she didn’t know what had been spurring Sheila’s attacks or why the human hated her so much.

It was dark in the infirmary and also quiet, something Monica was no longer accustomed to at night. The other inmates in nearby cells usually made all sorts of noise at night, sometimes even yelling obscenities to each other but now, though the door to the infirmary was locked, she was actually alone.

She blinked, wishing when she opened her eyes, the darkness would be gone and with one more blink it was. Andrew was sitting on the edge of her bed and the soft glow around him engulfed them both. Wanting to put off the discussion that was to come, and also because there was nothing she wanted more, she flung herself into his arms.

"Thank you for today," She murmured, "It helped more than you know."

"You don’t have to thank me, Angel," Andrew stroked her hair and then pulled away and tenderly took her bandaged hand, "I know you don’t want to talk about this, but baby, I need to know what happened."

Monica lowered her eyes and sighed, "But Andrew, what does it matter? You can’t do anything about it."

"Yes, I can. I can be here for you and that does matter to me," He replied matter-of-factly.

Looking into his eyes, she saw his determination and the love he had for her, "Yes, I suppose it does matter. Andrew, I don’t know why Sheila hates me, but she just does. This morning, I was looking for Abby and I wandered off by myself and suddenly Sheila was there and she had a knife. She’s seeking me out for some reason and I don’t know why."

He could see the frustrated tears that had started to fill her eyes and he pulled her close once more, "Shhh. It’s okay. Did you find Abby?" He quickly changed tactics until she had calmed down a little bit.

"Actually, she found me. She was the one who went for help when Sheila was attacking me. She got Tess."

"Well, that is a good thing then. Something you said to Abby must have made a difference, Angel."

"I hope so. I’m anxious to talk to her," She looked up at him and then looked away for a moment, "Andrew?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Do you know how long detention lasts?"

The fear in her voice and the way she bit her lower lip nearly shattered him, but he struggled to keep his own voice steady and calm, "I would think for what she did to you, it would be more than twenty-four hours." Seeing her nod her head, he continued, ", did she say anything at all about why she seems to have it out for you? It just doesn’t make any sense, Monica."

"I know," She whispered tearfully, hating herself for being so close to crying. Trying to center herself, she thought back on her attack that morning, "She said....she seems to think that I am how she is going to get out of here. She said that once I was gone, she was gone too, but I don’t know what that means, Andrew! I haven’t done anything wrong; I haven’t done anything to this woman!"

Andrew's head reared back in shock and realization. It seemed that the angel of death was sorting the pieces of a giant puzzle together as now things started to make perfect sense to him. A murderer who shoved a gun into Monica's hands so that she could leave fingerprints on it, the crime happening at the same time she passed by that alley, the mysterious witness who had appeared out of nothing stating that she had seen Monica shooting Edward Nowels and now this... The little Irish angel was the sweetest creature he'd ever met in all his existence and another human being suddenly hating her out of nothing seemed too unrealistic.

Unless that inmate already had a target - unless someone had told her to put Monica out of their way.


Monica's soothing voice and the confused expression on her face drove him away from his thoughts. And the way she was looking at him, so innocent, so unaware of the terrible and dirty plot that had been set against her, broke his heart. Trying his best not to panic, he kissed the little angel's hand and held it in both of his, pressing it against his heart. His dear Monica. Panic crept over him to think that someone was determined to hurt her - to kill the "woman named Monica" in order to hide another heinous crime.

The little angel kept on staring at him with questioning eyes, not missing the conflict in his own green ones. "What is it, Andrew?"

After the ordeal Monica had been through in her latest assignment, he wished nothing but to spare her from hearing that someone wanted to hurt her. But on the other hand, she had to be alert so that she could protect herself from the woman who had obviously been hired to eliminate her.

Searching for the right words, he held her both hands and kissed each of them. "Monica... angel, I've just realized something very important... and very serious..."

"What is it?"

"This woman... this inmate who attacked you today hasn't turned against you out of nothing, baby. She's being paid to... to take you out of someone's way."

Monica's eyes grew wide at that piece of news. "What? But... but who, Andrew?"

"Edward Nowels' murderer." He caressed her cheek so tenderly, so lightly that an inch of her heart immediately calmed down. "They wanted to kill the man and were looking for a way to get away with it. You appeared to be the perfect second victim, angel. Like I told you, the fact that you witnessed the murderer wasn't just evil crossing your way: everything had previously been set up. And they are still following your steps. This inmate's words to you are the proof that there's someone promising her money and her freedom in exchange for... for erasing any possible evidence against them."

Monica's face fell as she slowly took in what he was telling her. A single tear crossed down her cheek as she spoke again, sadness in her voice.

"I shouldn't be so shocked at human beings' hateful attitudes after what I've been through with Phil... But... I still am..." she finally spoke, with defeat and disappointment in her voice.

Andrew couldn't wait any longer: moved with emotion and at the same time terribly worried about her, he pulled the sad little angel into his arms. He held her carefully not to cause her any pain, but that the same time closely enough so that she could feel protected and much loved.

"You still do because it's part of your true nature, baby. Your soul is innocent and pure and that's because God made you like this. Just perfect... That's why you manage to do so many wonderful things to all the ones who cross your way..." He bent his head down and cupped her face with one hand, keeping his right arm permanently around her body. "That's why I love you so much... so very much..."

Without breaking their eye contact, she raised one hand and gently placed it against his heart. "I have no right to ask you this... But... could you stay around... at least... this night... and whenever you have some time?"

Andrew shook his head and gently admonished her. "You have the right to ask me anything, baby. There's nothing in this world that I'd deny you..." he kissed her forehead again, "And concerning your request, you didn't even have to ask me that, because watching over you, even in your sleep, is my permanent assignment. And I promise you that I'll be a constant..."

"I love you..."she said, after some minutes contemplating his dark green eyes, marvelled at the immense love she could see in them. Their faces inched closer and soon the small distance between them disappeared. A loving kiss broke the sad atmosphere in that small infirmary room; his lips brushing against hers softly, like a promise of never-ending love. Andrew also kissed her cheeks, eyelashes and the tip of her nose, and then reached for her wounded hands, repeating the same ritual of delivering soft kisses along her injured skin. Monica's lips curved into a tiny smile and he could notice a slight blush rising on her cheeks. "Andrew..."

She looked incredibly adorable to him and the blond angel felt as if he had fallen in love all over again. "I hope it doesn't hurt that much by now..."

Monica lowered her head for a moment, blushing even more. Then she turned to look at him again; sweet brown eyes sparkling with love despite the evident sadness he could see reflected in them. "It doesn't..."

The blond angel lay both hands on each side of her pretty face and captured her lips with his own once again. When he pulled away, Andrew straightened the blanket on the bed and gently motioned her to lie back in bed. He too lay next to her and once they were both settled there, Andrew wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her close to him. Monica quickly abandoned the pillow and rested her head over his chest.

"You sleep now, my beautiful angel... I'll be here to watch over you, okay?"

"Suddenly I feel so tired... so..." she whispered back, feeling her eyelids grow heavy and lulled by the gentle movement of his fingers through her hair. His presence there had certainly put her heart at ease and only now she could trust that nothing would harm her while she was unconscious.

Andrew kissed the top of her head repeatedly. "Shh... You need to rest, baby... Rest and have sweet dreams..." he said, removing a few strands of hair from her face, "... and never forget how much I love you..."

Some long and silent minutes followed and he thought that she had already fallen asleep when her soothing voice spoke again.

"... never..."