Prova de inglês do Vestibulinho CEPHAS

2o. semestre  2003


Read the text and answer the questions 41 and 42


Traditionally, Spanish men have spent Saturday nights dining out and Sunday nights at home in front of TV cheering on their favorite football team. But six years ago, games began airing on Saturday as well on Sunday, to the dismay of Spain’s restaurants and bar owners. This season, in a development that spells doom for many establishments, soccer has taken over airwaves on Monday as well. And as the European and World Cup qualifying rounds begin, games will also be broadcast Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The National Association of Restaurants, Cafés and Bars called on its members to boycott products advertised during televised matches and urged women to leave their husbands at home and go out the town with their female friends. But few women are paying heed. Instead, some have bought a second TV set so they can view other shows, and some have capitulated to football mania, joining their husbands on the sofa.


41 - Nowadays, men in Spain are used to watching soccer games on TV every day but on

a)      Sunday and Saturday

b)      Thursday

c)      Saturday

d)      Friday

e)      Monday



42 – According to the text,


a)      Restaurants owners in Spain certainly don’t like TV’s “competition”.

b)      Many Spanish women are leaving their husbands alone at home.

c)      Both Spanish men and women won’t buy any product advertised on TV during the soccer games.

d)      Spanish men ask their wives to go out on their own.

e)      Restaurants decided not to advertise on TV any longer.


43 – Mark the correct alternative;

            I don’t have _______________ money.

a)      few

b)      very

c)      a great number of

d)      a lot of

e)      many 



44 – Complete with the correct form of the verb:

            I ________ at my house yesterday.

a)      were

b)      am

c)      was

d)      will

e)      would



45 – Mark the correct alternative:

            These are the pictures _________ were stolen from the art gallery.

a)      wich

b)      that

c)      whom

d)      why

e)      who


46 - Complete with the correct form:

-         Hello, who are you?

-         I _____ the teacher.


a)      are

b)     was

c)      am

d)     is

e)      were


47 – What’s the plural of:

            My foot is hurting.

a)      my foot are hurting.

b)     my feet are hurting.

c)      my feet is hurting.

d)     my foots is hurting.

e)      my foots are hurting.


48 – What’s the negative form of:

            John loves Mary.

a)      John don’t love Mary.

b)     John aren’t love Mary.

c)      John doesn’t love Mary.

d)     John isn’t love Mary.

e)      John not loves Mary.


Read the text and answer the question 49:




Scientists have long sought ways to define and measure human intelligence. And while theories of intelligence have grown more sophisticated since the 1800s when some believed mental abilities were determined by the size of a person’s head, researchers still do not agree about certain fundamental principles of human thought. They therefore continue to debate such basic questions as weather heredity or the environment is more important in forming intelligence.


49 – According to the text:

a)      scientists have found sophisticated ways to measure human intelligence.

b)      Since 1800s people have become more and more intelligent.

c)      Scientists have believed since 1800s that intelligence is related to the size of a person’s head.

d)      Researchers are not sure about what is more important in forming intelligence: heredity or environment.

e)      Researchers have finally agreed on the basic principles that form intelligence.


50 – Mark the correct alternative:

            ________ you go travel next week?

a)      do

b)      does

c)      would

d)      will

e)      are


Comentários: Os comentários abaixo foram feitos por mim, Prof. NILO. Caso apresentem algum erro peço a gentileza de mandar um e-mail.



Questão 50 - D Questão relativamente fácil o aluno deverá identificar o tempo verbal futuro através do advérbio next = próxima


Questão 49 - D  "They therefore continue to debate such basic questions as weather heredity or the environment is more important in forming intelligence." Através desta senteça - eles continuam a debater tais questões básicas como se a hereditariedade ou o meio ambiente é mais importante na formação da inteligência - verificamos a alternativa D. Os pesquisadores não estão certos sobre o que é mais importante para a formação da inteligência: hereditariedade ou meio ambiente.


Questão 48 - C Nesta questão o candidato deverá perceber a presença do tempo verbal Simple Present através do verbo Loves o S no final do verbo é característica de 3a. pessoa do singular no Simple Present.

Por isso devemos utilizar o auxiliar Does mais o advérbio not.


Questão 47 - B Nesta questão o candidato deverá lembrar o uso dos plurais irregulares tais como:

foot = pé  > feet = pés

tooth = dente > teeth = dentes

child = criança > children = crianças

deverá também lembrar-se que o verbo To Be apresenta a forma IS somente na 3a. pessoa do singular e a forma ARE deve ser utilizada quando referir-se à 3a. pessoa do plural. My foot is hurting = meu pé está doendo.

           My feet are hurting = meus pés estão doendo.


Questão 46 - C Simples uso do verbo To Be:

                     -  Olá, quem é você?

                     -  Eu sou o professor.


Questão 45 - Questão passível de ser anulada considerando que a alternativa correta A está escrita de forma errada wich - (o correto é Which). 

Além disso a alternativa B também está correta. - 19/05/2003


como vocês puderam observar esta questão foi anulada pelo Cephas - 31/05/2003


Questão 44 - C

Uso do verb To Be no passado - indicado pela palavra yesterday (ontem). 

usa-se o verbo conforme o sujeito da frase:

I was - you were - he was - she was - it was - we were - you were - they were

Note que as palavras will e would não poderiam ser utilizadas, pois são auxiliares de tempo verbal mas não há outro verbo na frase. 

Ex: I will always love you - eu sempre amarei você


Questão 43 - D

few é o oposto de many e só podem ser usados antes de substantivos contáveis.

Money é incontável. 

a great number of também só deve ser usado antes de substantivos contáveis.

Very é um advérvio e não pode intensificar substantivo (money).

Ex: Very happy, very well, very good

Questão 42 - A

Os proprietários de restaurantes não gostam das competições na TV pelo fato de que os frequentadores estão ficando em casa para ver os jogos. 

Todas as alternativas estão relacionadas com o texto mas de forma inadequada. 

Questão 41 -

      Questão relativamente difícil considerando que o candidato precisaria saber que but on significa exceto. No texto descobrimos que estão transmitindo jogos na TV todos os dias da semana, apenas não se menciona o dia de sexta-feira - Friday. 

      Observação: a palavra nowadays significa - atualmente, hoje em dia


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