Is Dimitri dead ??? part 1

By Bradley Higgins
Based on Anastasia by 20th century fox
And their charatcers

In this story Dimitri dies , well aaaaa   just see

As Anastasia and Dimitri fought Rasputin , Dimitri fell into the river 
Anastasia "nooooooooooooo!!!!" she hits Rasputin knocked him down and 
Finally she crushes the reliquary 
Rasputin "aggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh"
She looks down at the water "Dimitri Dimitri " she calls but there is no answer
Later at the party Marie is talking with some guests when Anastasia rushes in 
Marie "whats wrong " Anastasia "Dimitri fell into the river " Marie "how " Anastasia "we were fighting 
rasputin and he pushed him" Marie "rasputin here " she questioned " "he's finished now " she holds up the 
smashed reliquary "come on  lets go find him " they leave the party
The next day people line the banks of the river as men in boats feel the bottom with long poles Anastasia 
and Marie watch from the bridge. A man approaches Marie "your highness "he bows to her "we haven't 
found anything on the bottom ,I think the body may have been washed downstream " Marie answered " 
start Dredging the bottom then , find him " "alright he answered " days later the dredging turned up nothing
A soldier approached Marie " its useless , there is nothing to be found , no tracks on the banks anywhere"
"then what happened to him " she asked " your highness I don't know " he answered " could he have gotten 
out and not left any tracks " Anastasia " maybe your highness but that would be a lot of trouble and why 
anyone would want to cover their tracks after a fall is anyone's guess"  he bowed and left
months passed and still no sign of Dimitri or his body , Anastasia was still sad over his loss 
Maire looked at her granddaughter " The Russian Ballet is in town again maybe that would cheer you up"
Anastasia "al right lets go then" they started getting ready for the ballet. Meanwhile Sophine was getting 
ready as well as Vlad . "Anastasia has never been the same since Dimitri died " Vlad said "she's always 
down and rarely happy." Sophine commented . Just then there was a knock at the door . Sophine went to 
see who it was. Later Anastasia and Marie arrived at the opera house and took the their seats. They watched 
the ballet as it began. 

To be continued 
