Dear Mr. Deepak,

I am sending the below report as requested by you to be put up on internet for the benefit of many others too.

"I was diagnosed to be suffering from Non Hodokin's Lymphoma (Cancer) in the colon in Sep.1997. For this, I took a course of Chemotherapy. It was after a cycle consisting of 6 Chemotherapy doses that checkup i.e colonoscopy and endoscopy were done and it was found that cancerous nodes / polyps had disappeared completely. Thus this disease disappeared totally in 3 months. But as predicted by Dr. K.M. Mohandas of Tata Memorial Hospital, it reappeared after two years in Dec.1999. 

It is the nature of this particular disease - Non Hodokin's Lymphoma (Cancer) -  it is expected that it will resurface after 2 years and the relapsed variety is chemotherapy resistant. According to Dr. Mohandas, the only treatment available now is the second course of higher dose of chemotherapy which he would prescribe as a last resort only if the disease spreads to other parts. This was so decided as this particular relapsed cancer is chemotherapy resistant and the second chemotherapy cycle is very powerful in nature, it is only a delaying procedure because the second cycle of Chemotherapy makes a person "vegetable". World wide still there is no cure ( allopathy) for this trauma. After relapse the cancer is now located at only one point/ area ( I think it is at two places the other place was near rectum but minor in nature) , but during the first detection it was located throughout  the intestinal track extending up to lower throat. Doctor wanted to delay as far as possible as life after/ during chemotherapy becomes miserable.

Therefore I thought it is time for trying alternative systems of medicines so that the spread of the disease may be arrested if not cured. From the beginning I have decided not to allow this disease to dominate me and as such have been using wheat grass for the last three years. I am also taking two Ayurvedic treatments for the last 6 months and homeopathic treatment for the last two months. 

On a friend's advise, I learnt traditional reiki first degree in Dec.1999 from Mrs. Parinda Macwana at Nagpur. Then I came to know of Brahma Satya Reiki being taught by Mr. Deepak Hardikar at Durg, M.P., India. I learnt that this is more advanced and more effective than conventional reiki. Therefore I
decided to learn and practice that also. Accordingly, myself and my wife, Mrs. Saroj Bisen learnt Brahma Satya Reiki from Mr. Deepak Hardikar on 1/2-2-2000. We were also taught some balancing healing techniques and since then we are practicing regularly as per the schedules worked out and given to us. Our daily practice routine consists of longform, shortform and special balancing  methods. I do it for myself and similar schedule for me is also followed by Mrs. Saroj Bisen for / on me. In total I receive atleast 6 REIKI HEALINGS daily. For the month of April'2K and May'2K even my son, who learnt BSR in April'2K was giving Reiki to me daily. My son, Deepak Bisen, who stays at Damanjodi and who used to give reiki on distance described his experiences to me. He said that the Reiki flow used to be very intense, i.e his hands ( palms) used vibrate at a very high frequency and low amplitude initially, later the frequency reduced but the amplitude increased and lastly the Reiki flow used to resemble/ feel like a water flow through a tap and when Reiki energy requirement at a particular point / Chakra used to be fulfilled he used to get a clear feeling as if tap is being closed and then energy flow used to abruptly stop at the point / chakra and then restart all over again at the other point/ chakra. All of us have never taken the REIKI schedules as some "Task" to be finished but as a "Prayer" to be performed and the schedule has been spread out i.e first Reiki is performed in morning hours and the last Reiki late in the evening. In between the Reiki's  all the domestic chores are done and any  external person cannot make out / guess about the presence of this disease in the house. The Disease is  normally not discussed in the house unless it is required and both of us keep ourselves totally busy and are in a cheerful state.

It can be said without doubt that the main ( only?) healer is Reiki. If other alternative medicines i.e immunity enhancing medicines, are working alright then Reiki is also acting as a catalyst i.e as a booster apart from doing its own healing  and restructuring. What is really remarkable here is the confidence and the composure shown by both of us in the adverse situation. 

After the practice with BSR was started, in May'2K on checking at Nagpur ( colonoscopy), the Doctor first said that the sample ( for biopsy) was not sufficient but he said that may be two new polyps( in
addition to the two existing polyps) have emerged side by side to the existing polyps ( At the same but small area.). At TATA MEMORIAL the Doctors advised not to panic on the issue and they did not conduct any fresh test (Colonoscopy) However they did endoscopy- To Check if any cancerous polyps have emerged in other region ( near throat track) but the result was negative. The Doctors were rather surprised as they were expecting something worse (Already 4 months had passed since detection/ relapse) and they were quite happy with the results and internally among themselves even doubted that may be this is some other slow growing Cancer. They advised to continue the Checks at Nagpur and to seek advise from them  in case of any adverse report . As recently as in the month of August 2000, on seeing the Blood Report of Tests done at Nagpur, Treating Doctor at TATA MEMORIAL Hospital felt that things were O.K for now and the need to come to them at present is not there They further advised to continue the treatment i.e checking at Nagpur.

After practicing reiki I feel quite energetic and even after doing gardening for more than one hour, I do not feel even little tired at the age of 61 years. I am feeling perfectly normal with my weight being constant at 68 kgs and blood report normal with improvement in Haemoglobin from 12.4 to 14.5 gm/dl. Colonscopy and endoscopy are being done every three months and the disease was found to be localised in a small portion of colon. One more colonscopy is due now and I hope for further improvements.

M.S. Bisen

11, R.K. Society, Narendra Nagar, Nagpur - 440015, Maharashtra, India.

Firm belief in destiny, full confidence in Reiki (BSR), their "GURU" Shri. DEEPAK HARDIKAR and total devotion to SHIRDI SAIBABA were / are  the main supporting pillars on which the whole family's hope and confidence rest.

Deepak Bisen Damanjodi, Orissa, India.