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Memory Lane
Forrest Nathan Stanley
On July 30 th. 1988...We lost our precious Father, Forrest Nathan Stanley, ( which seem like only yesterday ) and yet seems like he's been gone so very long , as we miss him as well as missing my precious sister, My Father was born november 29th. 1915...My precious Mother Sylvia Eileen Hill, met my Father attending the same church, Mother was 18 when she married my Father, They had three daughters of which I am the youngest, My parents loved the Lord and his beautiful creation. one could see Jesus in his life, in the 50s he was chaplain for the Boy-Scouts and he was the driver of the Boy-Scout bus, When the Boy-Scout would go on a vacation trips, every morning and night on those trips he would have Bible reading and Devotions, many times he would read to us and always he would gather us around in the eve, and have Bible reading and Prayer. There are many fond Memories, but space will not permit, But one special stood out and it was when my Father took me fishing with him and I was probably around 18 yrs. old, but stays in my mind forever, He say's: Carol let's fish off the bridge, and he helped me climb over and we sat on the cement pillar that helps to hold the bridge up, and as I looked down to the waters below which seemed a long ways down, I said "daddy, I am going to fall in and I am dizzy looking down at the river below" and my precious Father said "Carol, look up at me...Hold to my hand...I will not let you fall,..and those words have been more and more of a comfort to me as each day goes by, for it made me think if my earthly Father would Hold to my hand, just think how much our Heavenly Father wants to hold to our hand and he will never leave us nor forsake us.
These Precious Memories has been shared with us by a Dear Friend,,,,
Carol Stanley
Walking Down Memory Lane
Carol Stanley
Created By LaVerne Thompson
