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The Eternals of Titan

Welcome to Titan. I am ISAAC, Integral Synaptic Anti-Anionic Computer. I shall be your guide to our citizen manifest. Here you will find detailed records of our world's most prominent citizens, the Eternals of Titan.

Mentor Starfox Thanos (more to come).

Mentor and Sui-San
IDENTITY: Mentor's existence is unknown to the general public of Earth
OCCUPATION: (current) Ruler of the Eternals of Titan, (former) Scientist
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of Titan, moon of Saturn
PLACE OF BIRTH: City of Titanos, Northern Asia
KNOWN RELATIVES: Chronos (Kronos, father, deceased), Daina (mother, deceased), Uranos (uncle, deceased), Sui-San (wife, deceased), Thanos (son), Eros (Starfox, son), Zuras (brother, deceased), Cybele (sister-in-law), Thena (niece), Nebula (great-granddaughter)
BASE OF OPERATIONS: (current) Titan, moon of Saturn, (former) City of Titanos, Northern Asia
GROUP AFFILIATION: (current) Eternals of Titan, (former) Eternals of Earth
HEIGHT: 6' 1''
WEIGHT: 210 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White, originally Black
STRENGTH LEVEL: Mentor possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) approximately 1 ton under optimal conditions. This is slightly subnormal for an Eternal of his age, height, and build who engages in minimal regular exercise beyond his procreative responsibilities.
KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS: Mentor possesses the conventional attributes of an Earth-born Eternal. Like all Eternals, his life fore is augmented by cosmic energy, making him virtually immortal, immune to disease and the debilitating effects of ageing and able to regenerate injured or missing organic tissue. Only and injury that disperses a significant portion of his bodily molecules could cause him to die. Cosmic energy bolsters his metabolism so that Mentor does not tire from any physical exertion. Like all Eternals, Mentor can levitate by mentally manipulating gravitons (subatomic particles that carry the force of gravitational attraction) around him. He can fly at approximately 500 miles per hour, a rate of speed slightly below average for his kind. Like many Eternals, Mentor can project his natural cosmic energies from his body as waves of concussive force. These waves, which he usually directs from his hands, have a maximum concussive force equivalent to 50 tons of TNT, sufficient to level a 12-story steel-frame building. Mentor has displayed the psionic ability to manipulate matter on the molecular level as well as telepathic abilities, the limits of which are as yet unknown.
ABILITIES: Mentor possesses knowledge of science and technology far in advance of present-day Earth.


IDENTITY: The general public of Earth does not believe Starfox to be an Eternal or from Titan
OCCUPATION: Adventurer, playboy
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of Titan
PLACE OF BIRTH: Titan, moon of Saturn
KNOWN RELATIVES: Alars (Mentor, father), Sui-San (mother deceased), Thanos (brother), Zuras (uncle, deceased), Cybele (aunt), Thena (cousin), Chronos (grandfather, discorporated), Nebula (grand-niece)
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Outer space, formerly New York, New York
GROUP AFFILIATION: Eternals of Titan, former member of the Avengers currently reserve member
HEIGHT: 6' 1''
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
EYES: Blue
STRENGTH LEVEL: Starfox possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) approximately 15 tons under optimal conditions.
KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS: Starfox possesses several superhuman powers and capacities derived from his Eternal ancestry. Unlike Earth-born Eternals, Titan-born Eternals do not possess the same self-regenerating cosmic life force. (The accident that bestowed this cosmic life force upon the Eternals occurred after some of their number had left for Titan, thus the original Eternals of Titan never gained this practical immortality). Since all Titan-born Eternals are the descendants of an original Eternal of Titan, Sui-San, who was not a recipient of the cosmic life force, and Alars, Titan-born Eternals tend to have varying degrees of longevity but not true immortality. Starfox appears to be one of the longer-lived Eternals of Titan. Over one millennium (Earth-time) old already, Starfox is still physically young by Eternal standards. Like all Titan-born Eternals, Starfox is immune to all terrestrial diseases, and has limited powers of cellular regeneration and a metabolism far more efficient than human. Titanian Eternals have the potential to manipulate cosmic energies for various ways, but Starfox has never undertaken the discipline of learning how. Like all Eternals (Earth-born and Titan-born), Starfox can levitate himself by manipulating gravitons (sub-atomic particles that carry the force of gravitational attraction between particles) around him. He can fly at about 800 miles per hour, a rate of speed exceptional for his kind. Starfox possesses one ability that is apparently unique to him. Starfox has the psionic ability to stimulate the pleasure centres of the brains of people around him. This power, which emanates from him at all times causes other beings to feel good around him. By concentrating, he can magnify these emanations, provoking such extreme pleasurable sensations that a person becomes highly aroused, euphoric, or totally sedated, as the case may be.
ABILITIES: Starfox has a limited mastery of 500 alien languages.
LIMITATIONS: Starfox's psionic powers does not work on those beings whose brains have no pleasure centres such as his brother Thanos.


IDENTITY: Thanos' existence is unknown to the general populace of Earth, but known to the peoples of many other civilisations throughout the galaxy.
OCCUPATION: Conqueror, worshiper of Death.
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of Titan
PLACE OF BIRTH: Titan, a moon of Saturn.
KNOWN RELATIVES: Chronos (Kronos, grandfather, deceased), Daina (grandmother, deceased), Uranos (granduncle, deceased), Sui-San (mother, deceased), Mentor (Alars, father), Eros (Starfox, brother), Zuras (uncle, deceased), Cybele (aunt), Thena (cousin), Nebula (granddaughter)
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Formerly Sanctuary II; currently mobile.
GROUP AFFILIATION: Leader of an army of renegade aliens.
HEIGHT: 6' 7''
WEIGHT: 985 lbs.
HAIR: None
STRENGTH LEVEL: The exact extent of Thanos' physical strength is not known, but he was able to engage both the Thing and Thor in hand-to-hand combat simultaneously for an extended period of time and hold his own. Presumably, then, Thanos possesses at least Class 100 strength, enabling him to lift (press) over 100 tons.
KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS: Thanos possesses incalculable superhuman power. By far the most powerful of the Titanian Eternals, Thanos is a Mutant whose massive, heavy-hided body was born with the capacity to synthesize cosmic energy for certain pesonal uses. This is a trait that Thanos shares with his father Alars and all Earth-born Eternals but not with Titan-born Eternals. Through amplification by cosmic energies, Thanos has increased his physical strength and resilience to levels matching even the strongest of the Earth Eternals. Through meditation and certain mystical techniques, Thanos has augmented his power in still other ways, enabling him to tap, transform, and direct vast quantities of cosmic energy for destructive force. He has also demonstrated psionic abilities, including telepathy, the limits of which are as yet unknown. Deadliest of all Thanos' attributes, perhaps, is his mind, whose superhuman level of intellect is totally dedicated to the annihilation of life.
ABILITIES: Vast knowledge of science, metaphysics, and the occult.