Big Rapids High School Instrumental Music Department

Band Guide


1.  Big Rapids High School offers three class hours of academic instruction of instrumental music.  They are: A) Concert Band - grades 9-12 enroll in this class; B) Symphonic Wind Ensemble - only those students who have met the requirements through audition in grades 9-12 will enroll in this class; and C) Chamber Winds - this class may include the following offerings: flute choir, clarinet choir, saxophone quartet, woodwind quintet, chamber woodwind ensemble, trumpet choir, horn quartet, trombone choir, brass quintet, chamber brass ensemble, percussion ensemble, or jazz ensemble.  All Chamber Ensembles earning academic credit must have director approval and meet at a mutually agreeable time of a minimum of one day per week.  Percussion ensemble will meet a minimum of twice a week for the second marking period and will meet daily for the second semester during 4th period.  These ensembles are open to all grades 9-12.  Students must be a member of one of the two main performing ensembles (CB or SWE).  D) Other voluntary peripheral activities available in which students are encouraged to participate are marching band, solo/ensemble festivals, basketball band, honors bands.
2.  Those students not selecting marching band for the first quarter will receive instruction in music theory, instrument technique, as well as learning and performing the marching show music at the Fall Awards Concert.  (For all information regarding marching band, refer to the marching band portion of the BAND GUIDE.)
3.  All performances are required to meet the academic expectations of each class.  Any unexcused absence can result in a minimum of two full grade reductions per absence and possible dismissal from the band program.  Excused absences are defined as A) documented personal illness and B) death in the immediate family.   Excuses will be granted only by personal parent contact with the director.
4.  Any additions to the calendar below will be given with at least two weeks notice.


1.  Keep band room and storage facilities neat, clean, and uncluttered.
2.  Storage of classroom items such as textbooks, notebooks, etc., in the instrument storage room must be kept neat and organized.  Failure to do so will result in loss of storage privileges.  Storage of such items is not recommended and is done at student's own risk.  (Ed. Note: Band room may be locked at times that may not be convenient to you.)
3.  Do not leave personal belongings in the band room.
4.  No one is allowed in the band office or music library without permission of the director.
5.  Those who are planning to attend the solo and ensemble festival should have music selected and an accompanist secured by the completion of the first marking period.  All events entered in the S & E festival must be heard and receive approval by the director before attending the festival.
6.  Senior solos must be discussed and meet with the approval of the director by the completion of the first marking period.  Those wishing to perform a senior solo may be required to audition at a date designated by the director.  Soloists must meet the approval of the director and/or panel of judges of which no more than two soloists will be selected.


1.  Class will begin each day when the director stands on the conductor's podium.  At this time, it is expected that it will immediately become quiet and an atmosphere of learning will be established.  Anyone who is not seated and/or does not have proper equipment will be marked tardy.
2.  Play in rehearsal only when asked.
3.  You are expected to have a pencil on your stand each day.  Mark your music in pencil ONLY!
4.  No gum chewing or eating during rehearsal.
5.  Proper posture shall be utilized during rehearsal.
6.  No talking during rehearsal.
7.  No passing notes during rehearsal.
8.  Do not bring books, study materials, etc. for other classes to your seat; have only those items that are necessary for rehearsal. (i.e. music, instrument and any needed accessories)
9.  There is no room for complainers; if you have a concern that directly affects you, approach the director in a positive manner and you will always be heard.

PLEASE NOTE: Any violation of these classroom rules can and will result in a reduction of the student's weekly grade and/or final grade.


1.  Each student may earn up to 10 points per week for each marking period.  These points are earned by meeting the expectations as listed in the classroom rules listed above.
2.  Performances are usually 50 points per performance.  These points are earned by being on time, prepared with all necessary equipment, uniform, proper conduct on and off stage during performance, etc. in addition to the actual performance itself.
3.  Playing and/or written tests.  (Point total will vary according to test given.)  These points are earned by preparing all material given to the best ability of each individual student.  Most all these tests may be retaken as often as the student deems necessary to achieve the highest possible score.  Retakes should be completed during the same marking period in which they were assigned.
4.  All points are totaled and averaged.  Grades are then determined by the BRHS standardized grading scale.


The BRHS marching band is a volunteer, peripheral activity that takes place during the first marking period of the school year.  The amount of class minutes will be determined by the director each day, the remaining time will be the designated lunchtime.  In addition to the regular marching band class period, marching band students are required to attend all evening marching band rehearsals as indicated on the marching band schedule below.  Dance Ensemble will meet from 3:15-4:15pm each week day except Wednesday and will meet from 6-9pm on Wednesday.  Section leaders will schedule sectional time as needed from 6-7pm on Wednesday evenings.   All marching band performances and extra rehearsals are required and are essential for meeting the academic objectives of the first marking period.  Failure to meet these requirements will result in a minimum of two full grade reductions per unexcused absence.

Marching band rules and information:
1.  Always be on time for rehearsals and performances.  Follow your schedule for report times; any changes necessary will be made in sufficient time.  In case of bad weather, report as usual for a decision to be made regarding scheduled rehearsal/performance.  Please do not call the director.
2.  Do not play your instrument between the band room and the practice field.
3.  Always be prepared to go outside for rehearsal each day regardless of weather conditions. 
4.  Section leaders are in charge of their sections and are expected to relay orders regarding their section’s activities.  Any abuse of this responsibility can result in loss of position.
5.  Make sure all questions are legitimate; do not try to solve all problems at once.
6.  Each band member will make sure all equipment is in proper working condition.  Any necessary repairs should be made outside rehearsal time except in emergencies.
7.  Accept constructive criticism with dignity and try to make yourself a better musician because of it.
8.  Bus transportation will be provided to and from all marching band performances.  Everyone will ride to the field; upon dismissal from the game, band members may return by either bus or other pre-arranged transportation.
10.  No one is to leave the band during a football game performance.
11.  When seated in the bleachers, the band will sit in like instrument assigned seating.
12.  The band will stay for the entire game unless otherwise instructed by the director.
13.  The band will perform a post-game stand still show if weather conditions permit.
14.  All band members are expected to be ready to play form the stands during the following times: a) after touchdowns, b) between quarters, c) when the game is over, d) and other appropriate times as designated by the director or drum major(s).


1.  Uniforms will be worn for all band performances.
2.  Proper care of uniforms is of utmost importance.  Such as: a) keeping it clean (uniforms should be dry cleaned at least twice each year), b) always keeping uniform properly hung on a clothes hanger when not being used, c) do not ever make permanent alterations, d) never leave uniform in a school locker or laying around the band room.
3.  Students must provide black dress shoes and black socks.  ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!!! (Note: Girls will wear natural colored nylons with concert dress.)  Marching band members will have a special marching shoe available to purchase.  Although not required, it is strongly recommended not only for comfort while marching but for a more uniform march step.
4.  Remember that you are representing your band, school, and community when you are in uniform; wear it with pride and conduct yourself in a manner that will reflect this.


1.  Students using school instruments are responsible for their care.  The student will pay any repairs necessary by other than normal use.
2.  Loss of school owned equipment must be replaced by the student responsible at replacement cost.
3.  Percussion students must provide the appropriate sticks and mallets for their personal use.  This shall include a minimum of the following: one pair each of snare sticks, keyboard mallets, timpani mallets, and a mallet bag.  Although not required, the purchase of additional mallets is encouraged to allow the performer more variety in playing styles.
4.  The school insurance policy does not cover private instruments; therefore, the school cannot assume responsibility for private equipment.  Instrument storage facilities are provided for use during the school day but are not intended as permanent or long-term storage.
5.  All members of the band must travel with the band on out of town trips.  No one rides in a car, however, students may return with parents with proper advanced written notification.
6.  Substance abuse such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, etc. will be dealt with according to school policy and could result in dismissal from band as well as a failing grade.
7.  Any band function places each member of the band of a position of representing school and community.  It is therefore expected that all students will attend as a group and proper conduct practiced at all times.  Any improper conduct will be evaluated by the director and administration and be handled according to school policies.

Band Guide
Facilities Media

Copyright ©2004 BRHS Instrumental Music