Striped Raspy Cricket
Spine-headed Katydid
Predatory Katydid
Gum Leaf Katydid
Small Grassland Katydid
Mountain Katydid
Spotted Katydid 
Unidentified Katydids 
Common Mole Cricket
Giant Green Slantface
Creek Grasshopper
Common Adreppus
Gumleaf Grasshopper
Slender Gumleaf MimeticGumlefGhopper
Common Pardillana
Wingless Grasshopper
Handsome Macrotona
Short-winged White-tips
Giant Grasshopper


Creek Grasshopper - Bermius sp. 

Family Acrididae

This page contains pictures and information about the Creek Grasshoppers that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.  

Adult male and female, body length 30mm and 35mm

We can easily found them along Bulimba Creek in Yugarapul Park and Wishart in Brisbane. They are usually hiding among the tall grasses or reeds just next to the creek. Both female and male are fully winged.

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Adult, body length 30mm                                       body length 25mm
The Grasshoppers we found feed on blade grass that grow near the water edge. They swim on water surface when jump onto the water.
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Creek Grasshoppers are different from other grasshoppers with their shiny and smooth surface. This feature could be an advantage when swimming in water. They are green in colour with black strips on both sides of the body from eyes to the wing tips. The top of the head and thorax is brown in colour. 
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Last instars, body length 30mm
The nymph and adult look the same except adult has fully developed wings.  
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Nymph 20mm 
In mid-summer, we can find the instars and adults sun bathing on tall grasses along the water edge. If we come closer than 2m, they will hide on the other side of the grasses. When come further closer, about 1m, they will quickly jump and adults will fly away.
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Nymph 15mm

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Last updated: December 22, 2004.