Elemental Personality Assessment JavaScript Test
Copyright © 1988-1998, by Bryan C. Weber, All rights reserverd.

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This is NOT the actual Elemental Personality Assessment (EPA) !

If you wish to take the actual EPA, then click here!

This test requires a Java Script enabled browser. This java script test of the EPA, performs just like the EPA, but it already has a sample set of answers to all the questions, and does not email the results to me.

All you have to do is fill in the top blank fields: Last Name, First Name, Sex, and Birthdate, then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the Submit button. If the test works, ok, you'll see a new window appear with the results listed in it. NOTE: The window may appear behind the current window, so you may have to minimize this window. You will also know that it completed successfully, if the popup dialog appears telling you so.

Also don't forget to close the results window before going back to take the EPA test.

Personal Information

       Last Name: 
                  Please use given birth name or current name, if had for at least five years.
      First Name: 
                  Please use given birth name
     Other Names: 
                  Please use given middle birth name(s), in order, and upto three of them.
      Occupation:  (optional)
             Sex:  Male    Female
       BirthDate: //
       BirthTime:  (optional)
      Birthplace:  (optional)
   email Address:  (optional)





Choose the one answer which applies the most to you.

1. I usually prefer,
      A. Moving around.
      B. Waiting for things to happen.

2. My behavior, while among different people, mostly,
      A. Varies.
      B. Remains constant.

3. I find that most of the chaos in my life is,
      A. Internal.
      B. External.

4. I am more interested in,
      A. People.
      B. Things and/or events.

5. I feel the most confortable in my ability to,
      A. Motivate.
      B. Conserve.
      C. Integrate.

6. When I find that someone, whom I admire, has an opinion which is different from mine, and has an equal probability of being correct, I usually, after reevaluating the issue,
      A. Change my view.
      B. Retain my view.
      C. Become indecisive about the issue.

7. It is worse to have people stand too,
      A. Close.
      B. Far away.

8. When confronted by a hostile force, I usually,
      A. Seek to eliminate it.
      B. Limit it or defend against it.
      C. Cooperate or try to to elicit a compromise with it.
      D. Yield to it.

9. I generally
      A. Cause things to happen.
      B. React to things that happen.

10. When I meet a stranger, I usually am,
      A. Trusting.
      B. Suspicious.

11. Most of the critism that I receive has to do with my,
      A. Interference.
      B. Stubbornness.
      C. Indecisiveness.

12. Most of my interest and values are,
      A. Different from the people close to me.
      B. The same as the people close to me.

13. With regards to the things I own, my motto is, "What's mine is,
      A. Yours.
      B. Mine.

14. I am usually ________ in the happenings of those around me.
      A. Uninvolved.
      B. Involved.

15. Most of the time when a wrong has been done, I,
      A. Punish myself.
      B. Am punished by others.
      C. Punish others.
      D. Do nothing / Nothing happens.

16. Most people would describe me as emotionally,
      A. Warm.
      B. Cold.

17. With regard to problems, I am more comfortable in helping,
      A. Myself.
      B. Others

18. During my bad days, I have a tendency to,
      A. Shirk responsibility.
      B. Change my values.
      C. Become indolent (avoid work; become idle).

19. I feel more comfortable being,
      A. By myself.
      B. Around people.

20. When alone, I often find myself thinking about,
      A. What my friends are doing.
      B. Who I am.

21. I am more intrested in,
      A. Causes.
      B. Effects.
      C. Correlations.

22. I usually,
      A. Enjoy responsibilities, and often seek them out.
      B. Enjoy responsibilities, but often forget or neglect them.
      C. Am very responsible, although I neither like nor dislike it.
      D. Am burdened by my responsibilities.

23. The most important characteristic for success is,
      A. Motivation.
      B. Faculty (or ability).
      C. Method.

24. My responses are primaily,
      A. Contemplative.
      B. Instinctive.
      C. Reflexive.


           A                    B                    C
25.  Complex           Simple 
26.  Mother            Father 
27.  Mobile            Oscillating        Stationary

28.  Unconscious       Conscious
39.  Nervous           Depressed
30.  Distribution      Initiation         Consolidation

31.  Calm              Moody
32.  Practical         Possible
33.  Structured        Transitory         Dynamic

34.  Intuitive         Rational
35.  Protective        Adventurous
36.  Synthesize        Construct          Create

37.  Disassembled      Dissipated
38.  Inductive         Deductive
39.  Motivate          Direct             Mediate

40.  Humid             Dry
41.  Unwinding         Recoiling
42.  Generate          Transform          Regulate

43.  Romantic          Philosophical
44.  Reserved          Outspoken
45.  Versatile         Inspirational      Resourceful

46.  Objective         Subjective
47.  Projective        Receptive
48.  Intense           Driven             Adaptable

49.  Endurance         Strength
50.  Revolution        Evolution
51.  Accommodative     Resolute           Insistent

52.  Self-contained    Self-motivated
53.  Realism           Symbolism

For each question, distribute 10 points among the four choices. For example, If you answered 1 0 6 and 3 for A B C and D, for the follwoing question, then you would like pie twice as much as fruit, and you don't like cake at all. Other possible value combinations are: 10 0 0 0 :: 4 3 2 1 :: 3 3 2 2 :: 7 1 1 1 :: 4 4 1 1 :: etc.
Like the best:
A. Ice Cream
B. Cake
C. Pie
D. Fruit

54. Value the highest:
      A. Identity / Personality
      B. Rationality / Reason
      C. Behavior / Sociability
      D. Affections / Feelings

55. Most expressive through:
      A. Performing / Action / Movement (Dancing, Acting)
      B. Abstraction / Ideas / Concepts (Formula, Theory)
      C. Materials / Foms (Sculpting, Sewing, etc.)
      D. Fluids / Subtleties of Emotion (Painting, Slight Gestures)

56. Value the Highest:
      A. Senses / Perceptions
      B. Mental Faculties
      C. Passion / Zeal
      D. Emotions

57. Most difficulty with:
      A. Digestive system
      B. Nervous system
      C. Skeletal system
      D. Muscular system

58. Most difficulty:
      A. Relating
      B. Being spontaneous
      C. Empathizing
      D. Disciplining self

59. Most difficulty:
      A. Being patient
      B. Controlling emotions
      C. Being focused
      D. Being imaginative

Select the one answer which is the most appropriate

60. Favorite climatic region:
      A. Seashores / Marshes
      B. Deserts / Tropics
      C. Mountains / Artic
      D. Plains / Tundra

61. Most interested in:
      A. Plants
      B. Animals
      C. Minerals
      D. Humans

62. Favorite Color:
      A. Red
      B. Green
      C. Yellow
      D. Black

63. Favorite Solid:

      A. Tetrahedron
      B. Cube
      C. Octahedron
      D. Icosahedron
      E. Dodecahedron

64. Favorite facial shape:
      B. Square       C. Pear / Trapezodial       D. Diamond       E. Heart       F. Oblong / Rectangular       G. Oval / Rectangular       H. Round

65. Favorite color or color-combination (You may choose upto 3):
      A. Discordant / Flaming
      B. Pastels
      C. Monotones
      D. Iridescent
      E. Spectromatic
      F. Dark and indefinite
      G. Cloudy
      H. Murky
      I. Rich
      J. Flat
      K. Electric
      L. Deep
      M. Flourescent


66. What is your favorite color?

67. What is your favorite number?

68. What single word or phrase describes you the best?