Jewish Records Indexing Database Search

The Jewish Records Indexing - Poland has created a revolutionary computer database containing indexes of the 19th century Jewish Vital Records of Poland - accessible through the Internet. JRI-Poland's database does not contain actual vital records, it contains indexes. With these online indexes, you can quickly determine the number of the particular microfilm that contains the actual document which you are researching. The Brzezany database contains the following vital records:

in the JRI site you can find information about the project and serch for records for other towns.


PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT enter any accented characters in the surname or town fields below.
If you do then you will not get back the results you are expecting!

Search for Surname or Town: using  
in the JRI-Poland data
and a maximum of ONE of the following three
geographical restrictions

Search by Distance from Brzezany Radius (miles):
Latitude (ddmm): Longitude (ddmm):
Enter in Degrees and Minutes, (eg 4927 2456 for Brzezany).

To find a town's coordinates consult the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker.
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Then submit the request.

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