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Welcome to Woah.

Heh, this is Mo and Charlies site to well...we don't know!

Mo: The purpose of this website

Charlie: Mo, we don't have one

Mo: We don't?

Charlie: Nopey

Mo: Charlie, we are not quoting fanficiton!

Charlie: Sorry Mo, I meant No

Mo: Ok then, so no purpose whatsoever!

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01.02.04 - Omg! I (Charlie) am still super cool! I got Woah a new web address that actually has something to do with the site! Sooo cool! And WE HAVE A GUESTBOOK AND FORUM NOW!

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If you can enter to view pictures of very very mad people ... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *cough*

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This site was last updated 02/03/04