When I first saw Monkeybone two films immediately came to mind: Beetlejuice and Batman Returns. Both resembled Monkeybone in their dark, richly hued comic book stage sets that brought a nightmarish vision of the other side of conscious reality. And it reminded me of the Batman films for it's Freudian undertones. But, despite its psychological underpinnings Monkeybone is first and foremost a comedy, and a pretty decent one at that.
     Brandan Fraser gives a convincing role as the goofy-cute cartoonist Stu Miley. The remaining cast is well chosen, including Bridget Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg, Dave Foley, Chris Kattan and the voice of John Turturro.
     The story is very imaginative, and the sets are great at depicting the Underworld into which Fraser's character Stu falls while in a coma. Monkeybone himself is a hoot, playing all manner of pranks on unsuspecting victims. The animation is excellent, so seamless that you forget to notice the computer effects.
     The pace never lets up (I didn't yawn once), there are plenty of twists and turns, and there's a great chase sequence at the end, which will definitely make you laugh unless you are in a coma yourself. I'd say it's definitely worth renting.

Monkeybone       by Leo
   92 mins
   dir - Henry Selick
   stars - Brendan Fraser    - Stu Miley
             Bridget Fonda      - Julie McElroy
             John Turturro      - Monkeybone
             Whoopi Goldberg - Death
             Chris Kattan         - Organ Donor Stu
             Rose McGowan    - Kitty
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