The Ambush

Surprise is the hallmark of the tactics of ambush. The enemy may be trapped by a false report that an urban guerrilla is living in a specific house or building. When he sets up a police net around the house, the trap is sprung upon the unsuspecting police.

The main objective of the ambush is to capture enemy weapons and destroy his morale by killing his forces. Ambushes of passenger trains have a propaganda value, while ambushes of troop trains are designed to kill the enemy and capture his weapons.

The urban guerrilla sniper is ideally suited to the ambush, hiding easily in good firing locations, on rooftops, or in partially-constructed buildings. He can use windows or dark hiding places to take careful aim at a selected target.

The ambush devastates the enemy. He becomes confused, disorganized, and is terrorized.

© Copyright 1999 Patrick Beherec (or original author)
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