Strikes and Sit-Ins

Strike tactics are employed by urban guerrillas at places of employment or in schools to cripple the enemy through work stoppages. Since strikes are weapons particularly feared by the exploiters and oppressors, they represent a powerful weapon. The enemy will resort to considerable violence to end strikes. Strikers are imprisoned, beaten, and. many are killed.

The urban guerrilla should plan a strike so that he and his comrades are not identified with that strike. A small group can successfully initiate a strike providing it is planned and prepared in the utmost secrecy.

Strike planners must make certain that weapons, ammunition, Molotov cocktails, and homemade weapons for killing are prepared and stored at the strike site beforehand. Equipment and building sabotage are advantageous if undertaken at the same time as the strike.

Even brief work and school interruptions severely damage the enemy. Ideally they flare at different places and districts within the same general area, so as to disrupt daily life. They should be designed to begin, one after the other, in authentic guerrilla progression.

During the strike or sit-in, the urban guerrilla may take advantage of the confusion to occupy or infiltrate, or execute an armed assault. If directly related to the strike, the purpose must be to take hostages. Captured managers, policemen, or enemy agents may be exchanged for arrested strikers.

In specific cases, strikes and sit-ins offer an excellent opportunity for ambush and physical liquidation of the cruel, blood-thirsty police. This kind of ambush causes enemy losses in lives and material, as well as resulting in lowering morale and weakened resolve.

© Copyright 1999 Patrick Beherec (or original author)
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